Uses of Interface

Packages that use Factory
org.geotools.coverage.grid GridCoverage2D implementation. Defines the DataStoreAPI via which all data is imported or exported. DataStore implementation for the ArcSDE 8.x and 9.x spatial gateway. This package contains the support classes necessary to implement a GridCoverageExchange and the data formats, such as ArcGrid or Geotiff. Provides support for the OGC Catalog Specification. Directory DataStore Overview This package represents the functionality required to chain datastores, ie. to represents a directory of mixed file types as a single datastore.   
org.geotools.factory Utility classes which enable dynamic binding to factory implementations at runtime.  
org.geotools.gce.arcgrid A datasource to manage the ARCGrid ASCII format.  
org.geotools.gce.geotiff A grid coverage exchange to manage the GeoTIFF Revision 1.0 format.  
org.geotools.gce.gtopo30 Data source for reading the GTOPO30 file format.  
org.geotools.referencing.factory Base classes for factories and authority factories. 
org.geotools.referencing.factory.epsg Authority factories for the EPSG database.  
org.geotools.referencing.factory.wms Provides coordinate reference systems specified in the Web Map Service specification (ISO 19128).  
org.geotools.referencing.operation Coordinate operation implementation.  
org.geotools.styling Allows for symbolization of geospatial data.  
org.geotools.xml.filter The package name does not map the prefix name because we feel that this is a better representation.  
org.geotools.xml.schema Schema Interfaces Overview This package is intended to provide all the necessary interfaces to semantically represent an XML Schema.  

Uses of Factory in org.geotools.brewer.color

Classes in org.geotools.brewer.color that implement Factory
 class PaletteFunction

Uses of Factory in org.geotools.coverage.grid

Classes in org.geotools.coverage.grid that implement Factory
 class GridCoverageFactory
          A factory for grid coverage objects.

Uses of Factory in

Subinterfaces of Factory in
 interface DataStoreFactorySpi
          Constructs a live DataStore from a set of parameters.
 interface FileDataStoreFactorySpi
           This interface includes some new functionality, and acts as a method of discovery for DataStoreFactories which support singular files.

Classes in that implement Factory
 class AbstractDataStoreFactory
          A best of toolkit for DataStoreFactory implementors.
 class DefaultFeatureLockFactory
          Default implementation of the FeatureLockFactory.
 class FeatureLockFactory
          This specifies the interface to create FeatureLocks.

Uses of Factory in

Classes in that implement Factory
 class ArcSDEDataStoreFactory
          Factory to create DataStores over a live ArcSDE instance.

Uses of Factory in

Subinterfaces of Factory in
 interface GridCoverageExchange
          Support for creation of grid coverages from persistent formats as well as exporting a grid coverage to a persistent formats.
 interface GridFormatFactorySpi
          Constructs a live GridCoverageFormat.

Uses of Factory in

Subinterfaces of Factory in
 interface CRSAuthoritySpi
          Deprecated. Now replaced by CRSAuthorityFactory.

Uses of Factory in

Classes in that implement Factory
 class DB2DataStoreFactory
          Implements the DataStoreFactorySpi interface to create an instance of a DB2DataStore.

Uses of Factory in

Classes in that implement Factory
 class DirectoryDataStoreFactory
           Creates a Directory DataStore following the DataStoreFactorySpi interface.

Uses of Factory in

Classes in that implement Factory
 class GeoMediaDataStoreFactory
          Creates a GeoMediaDataStoreFactoru based on the correct params.

Uses of Factory in

Classes in that implement Factory
 class BBOXDataStoreFactory
          Creates a Geometryless JDBC based on the conection params.
 class JDBCDataStoreFactory
          Creates a Geometryless JDBC based on the conection params.
 class LocationsXYDataStoreFactory
          Creates a Geometryless JDBC based on the conection params.

Uses of Factory in

Classes in that implement Factory
 class GMLDataStoreFactory
           This creates GML DataStores based for the directory provided.

Uses of Factory in

Classes in that implement Factory
 class HsqlDataStoreFactory
          Creates a HsqlDataStoreFactory based on the correct params.

Uses of Factory in

Classes in that implement Factory
 class MIFDataStoreFactory
          Builds a MIFDataStore.

Uses of Factory in

Classes in that implement Factory
 class MySQLDataStoreFactory
          Creates a MySQLDataStoreFactory based on the correct params.

Uses of Factory in

Classes in that implement Factory
 class OracleDataStoreFactory
          Creates a PostgisDataStore baed on the correct params.
 class OracleOCIDataStoreFactory
          Creates an Oracle datastore based on a thick OCI client connection, instead of the traditional (thin) jdbc connection.

Uses of Factory in

Classes in that implement Factory
 class PostgisDataStoreFactory
          Creates a PostgisDataStore baed on the correct params.

Uses of Factory in

Classes in that implement Factory
 class PropertyDataStoreFactory
          DataStore factory that creates PropertyDataStores

Uses of Factory in

Classes in that implement Factory
 class ShapefileDataStoreFactory
          Implementation of the DataStore service provider interface for Shapefiles.

Uses of Factory in

Classes in that implement Factory
 class IndexedShapefileDataStoreFactory
          Implementation of the DataStore service provider interface for Shapefiles.

Uses of Factory in

Classes in that implement Factory
 class TigerDataStoreFactory
           Title: GeoTools2 Development Description: Copyright: Copyright (c) 2003 Company:

Uses of Factory in

Classes in that implement Factory
 class VPFDataStoreFactory
          Class is responsible for constructing appropriate VPFDataStore (actually VPFLibrary) objects.

Uses of Factory in

Classes in that implement Factory
 class VPFFileFactory
          A factory for VPFFileStore.

Uses of Factory in

Classes in that implement Factory
 class WFSDataStoreFactory
           DOCUMENT ME!

Uses of Factory in

Classes in that implement Factory
 class WMSFormatFactory
          Factory for the creation of a Format for use with WebMapServer.

Uses of Factory in

Classes in that implement Factory
 class OGCSchema
 class WMSSchema

Uses of Factory in org.geotools.factory

Subinterfaces of Factory in org.geotools.factory
 interface OptionalFactory
          An optional factory that may not be available in all configurations.

Classes in org.geotools.factory that implement Factory
 class AbstractFactory
          Skeletal implementation of factories.
 class FactoryUsingVolatileDependencies
          Deprecated. This class should be a marker interface instead of an subclass. We will make this change in a future version. When this change is done, AllAuthoritiesFactory should implement this interface.

Methods in org.geotools.factory that return Factory
static Factory FactoryFinder.findFactory(java.lang.String factoryKey, java.lang.String defaultImpl, java.lang.ClassLoader classLoader)
          Deprecated. Find a Factory using the given key, the given default backup implementation, and the specified ClassLoader.
static Factory FactoryFinder.findFactory(java.lang.String factoryKey, java.lang.String defaultImpl)
          Deprecated. A convienience method for calling findFactory(factoryKey,defaultImpl,null).

Uses of Factory in org.geotools.feature

Classes in org.geotools.feature that implement Factory
 class AttributeTypeFactory
          Abstract class for AttributeType factories.
 class DefaultAttributeTypeFactory
          Factory for creating DefaultAttributeTypes.
 class DefaultFeatureCollections
          Concrete extension to FeatureCollections to create DefaultFeatureCollections.
 class DefaultFeatureTypeFactory
          A simple DefaultFeatureTypeFactory which stores its Attributes in a list.
 class FeatureCollections
          A utility class for working with FeatureCollections.
 class FeatureTypeBuilder
          A schema builder, because FeatureTypes are meant to be immutable, this object is mutable.
 class FeatureTypeFactory
          Deprecated. Please use FeatureTypeBuilder

Uses of Factory in org.geotools.filter

Subinterfaces of Factory in org.geotools.filter
 interface FilterFactory
          This specifies the interface to create filters.

Classes in org.geotools.filter that implement Factory
 class AreaFunction
 class Expr
          This is FilterFactory for a very interesting implementation of Filter / Expression.
 class FilterFactoryImpl
          Implementation of the FilterFactory, generates the filter implementations in defaultcore.
 class FunctionExpressionImpl
          Abstract class for a function expression implementation
 class HsqlFilterFactoryImpl
          Extention to the FilterFactoryImpl, supplies the HSQL specific filters needed for query generation.
 class LengthFunction
          Takes an AttributeExpression, and computes the length of the data for the attribute.
 class MaxFunction
          A function that returns the maximum of two arguments.
 class MinFunction
          A function that returns the minimum of two arguments.

Uses of Factory in org.geotools.filter.expression

Subinterfaces of Factory in org.geotools.filter.expression
 interface FunctionExpression
          Interface for a function expression implementation

Uses of Factory in org.geotools.filter.function

Classes in org.geotools.filter.function that implement Factory
 class ClassificationFunction
          Parent for classifiers which break a feature collection into the specified number of classes.
 class Collection_AverageFunction
          Calculates the average value of an attribute for a given FeatureCollection and Expression.
 class Collection_BoundsFunction
          Calculates the bounds of an attribute for a given FeatureCollection and Expression.
 class Collection_CountFunction
          Calculates the count value of an attribute for a given FeatureCollection and Expression.
 class Collection_MaxFunction
          Calculates the maximum value of an attribute for a given FeatureCollection and Expression.
 class Collection_MedianFunction
          Calculates the median value of an attribute for a given FeatureCollection and Expression.
 class Collection_MinFunction
          Calculates the minimum value of an attribute for a given FeatureCollection and Expression.
 class Collection_SumFunction
          Calculates the sum value of an attribute for a given FeatureCollection and Expression.
 class Collection_UniqueFunction
          Calculates the unique value of an attribute for a given FeatureCollection and Expression.
 class CustomClassifierFunction
          This is a sort of mock-classifier.
 class EqualIntervalFunction
          Classification function for breaking a feature collection into edible chunks of "equal" size.
 class ExplicitClassificationFunction
 class FilterFunction_area
 class FilterFunction_between
 class FilterFunction_boundary
 class FilterFunction_boundaryDimension
 class FilterFunction_buffer
 class FilterFunction_bufferWithSegments
 class FilterFunction_centroid
 class FilterFunction_contains
 class FilterFunction_convexHull
 class FilterFunction_crosses
 class FilterFunction_difference
 class FilterFunction_dimension
 class FilterFunction_disjoint
 class FilterFunction_distance
 class FilterFunction_double2bool
 class FilterFunction_endPoint
 class FilterFunction_envelope
 class FilterFunction_equalsExact
 class FilterFunction_equalsExactTolerance
 class FilterFunction_equalTo
 class FilterFunction_exteriorRing
 class FilterFunction_geometryType
 class FilterFunction_geomFromWKT
 class FilterFunction_geomLength
 class FilterFunction_getGeometryN
 class FilterFunction_getX
 class FilterFunction_getY
 class FilterFunction_greaterEqualThan
 class FilterFunction_greaterThan
 class FilterFunction_if_then_else
 class FilterFunction_in10
 class FilterFunction_in2
 class FilterFunction_in3
 class FilterFunction_in4
 class FilterFunction_in5
 class FilterFunction_in6
 class FilterFunction_in7
 class FilterFunction_in8
 class FilterFunction_in9
 class FilterFunction_int2bbool
 class FilterFunction_int2ddouble
 class FilterFunction_interiorPoint
 class FilterFunction_interiorRingN
 class FilterFunction_intersection
 class FilterFunction_intersects
 class FilterFunction_isClosed
 class FilterFunction_isEmpty
 class FilterFunction_isLike
 class FilterFunction_isNull
 class FilterFunction_isRing
 class FilterFunction_isSimple
 class FilterFunction_isValid
 class FilterFunction_isWithinDistance
 class FilterFunction_lessEqualThan
 class FilterFunction_lessThan
 class FilterFunction_not
 class FilterFunction_notEqualTo
 class FilterFunction_numGeometries
 class FilterFunction_numInteriorRing
 class FilterFunction_numPoints
 class FilterFunction_overlaps
 class FilterFunction_parseBoolean
 class FilterFunction_parseDouble
 class FilterFunction_parseInt
 class FilterFunction_pointN
 class FilterFunction_relate
 class FilterFunction_relatePattern
 class FilterFunction_roundDouble
 class FilterFunction_startPoint
 class FilterFunction_strConcat
 class FilterFunction_strEndsWith
 class FilterFunction_strEqualsIgnoreCase
 class FilterFunction_strIndexOf
 class FilterFunction_strLastIndexOf
 class FilterFunction_strLength
 class FilterFunction_strMatches
 class FilterFunction_strStartsWith
 class FilterFunction_strSubstring
 class FilterFunction_strSubstringStart
 class FilterFunction_strTrim
 class FilterFunction_symDifference
 class FilterFunction_touches
 class FilterFunction_toWKT
 class FilterFunction_union
 class FilterFunction_within
 class QuantileFunction
          Breaks a FeatureCollection into classes with an equal number of items in each.
 class RangedClassificationFunction
 class UniqueIntervalFunction
          Clone of EqualIntervalFunction for unique values

Uses of Factory in org.geotools.gce.arcgrid

Classes in org.geotools.gce.arcgrid that implement Factory
 class ArcGridFormatFactory
          Implementation of the GridCoverageFormat service provider interface for arc grid files.

Uses of Factory in org.geotools.gce.geotiff

Classes in org.geotools.gce.geotiff that implement Factory
 class GeoTiffFormatFactorySpi
          The GeoTiffFormatFactorySpi should never be instantiated directly by user code.

Uses of Factory in org.geotools.gce.gtopo30

Classes in org.geotools.gce.gtopo30 that implement Factory
 class GTopo30FormatFactory
          The GTopo30FormatFactory will be discovered by the GridFormatFinder.

Uses of Factory in org.geotools.gce.image

Classes in org.geotools.gce.image that implement Factory
 class WorldImageFormatFactory
          DOCUMENT ME!

Uses of Factory in org.geotools.referencing.factory

Classes in org.geotools.referencing.factory that implement Factory
 class AbstractAuthorityFactory
          Base class for authority factories.
 class AllAuthoritiesFactory
          An authority factory that delegates the object creation to an other factory determined from the authority name in the code.
 class AuthorityFactoryAdapter
          An authority factory which delegates CRS, CS or datum objects creation to some other factory implementations.
 class BufferedAuthorityFactory
          An authority factory that caches all objects created by an other factory.
 class DatumAliases
          A datum factory that add aliases to a datum name before to delegates the datum creation to an other factory.
 class DeferredAuthorityFactory
          A buffered authority factory which will defer the creation of a backing store until when first needed.
 class GeotoolsFactory
          Builds Geotools implementations of CRS, CS and datum objects.
 class OrderedAxisAuthorityFactory
          An authority factory which delegates all the work to an other factory, and reorder the axis in some pre-determined order.
 class PropertyAuthorityFactory
          Default implementation for a coordinate reference system authority factory backed by a property file.

Uses of Factory in org.geotools.referencing.factory.epsg

Classes in org.geotools.referencing.factory.epsg that implement Factory
 class DefaultFactory
          The default EPSG factory to be registered in FactoryFinder.
 class FactoryUsingAnsiSQL
          An EPSG factory for the database generated by SQL scripts rather than the MS-Access one.
 class FactoryUsingOracleSQL
          An EPSG factory suitable for Oracle SQL syntax.
 class FactoryUsingSQL
          Default implementation for a coordinate reference system factory backed by the EPSG database.
 class FactoryUsingWKT
          Implementation for a coordinate reference system authority factory backed by the EPSG property file.

Uses of Factory in org.geotools.referencing.factory.wms

Classes in org.geotools.referencing.factory.wms that implement Factory
 class AutoCRSFactory
          The factory for projected CRS in the and space.
 class WebCRSFactory
          The factory for coordinate reference systems in the space.

Uses of Factory in org.geotools.referencing.operation

Classes in org.geotools.referencing.operation that implement Factory
 class AbstractCoordinateOperationFactory
          Base class for coordinate operation factories.
 class AuthorityBackedFactory
          A coordinate operation factory using the help of an authority factory.
 class DefaultCoordinateOperationFactory
          Creates coordinate operations.

Uses of Factory in org.geotools.styling

Subinterfaces of Factory in org.geotools.styling
 interface StyleFactory
          Abstract base class for implementing style factories.
 interface StyleFactory2
          Abstract base class for implementing style factories.

Classes in org.geotools.styling that implement Factory
 class AbstractStyleFactory
          Abstract base class for implementing style factories.
 class StyleFactoryImpl
          Factory for creating Styles.

Uses of Factory in org.geotools.xml.filter

Classes in org.geotools.xml.filter that implement Factory
 class FilterSchema
           DOCUMENT ME!

Uses of Factory in org.geotools.xml.gml

Classes in org.geotools.xml.gml that implement Factory
 class GMLSchema
           This class represents a hard coded, java interpreted version of the GML 2.1.2 schema.

Uses of Factory in org.geotools.xml.schema

Subinterfaces of Factory in org.geotools.xml.schema
 interface Schema
           This Interface is intended to represent the public portion of an XML Schema.

Uses of Factory in org.geotools.xml.styling

Classes in org.geotools.xml.styling that implement Factory
 class sldSchema

Uses of Factory in org.geotools.xml.wfs

Classes in org.geotools.xml.wfs that implement Factory
 class WFSSchema
           This class represents a hard coded, java interpreted version of the WFS WFS-basic schema.

Uses of Factory in org.geotools.xml.xLink

Classes in org.geotools.xml.xLink that implement Factory
 class XLinkSchema
           This class is a hard-coded version of the XLink Schema.

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