Interface Factory

All Known Subinterfaces:
CRSAuthoritySpi, DataStoreFactorySpi, FileDataStoreFactorySpi, FilterFactory, FunctionExpression, GridCoverageExchange, GridFormatFactorySpi, OptionalFactory, Schema, StyleFactory, StyleFactory2
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractDataStoreFactory, AbstractFactory, AbstractStyleFactory, ArcGridFormatFactory, ArcSDEDataStoreFactory, AreaFunction, AttributeTypeFactory, AuthorityBackedFactory, BBOXDataStoreFactory, ClassificationFunction, Collection_AverageFunction, Collection_BoundsFunction, Collection_CountFunction, Collection_MaxFunction, Collection_MedianFunction, Collection_MinFunction, Collection_SumFunction, Collection_UniqueFunction, DB2DataStoreFactory, DeferredAuthorityFactory, DirectoryDataStoreFactory, Expr, FeatureCollections, FeatureLockFactory, FeatureTypeBuilder, FilterFactoryImpl, FilterFunction_area, FilterFunction_between, FilterFunction_boundary, FilterFunction_boundaryDimension, FilterFunction_buffer, FilterFunction_bufferWithSegments, FilterFunction_centroid, FilterFunction_contains, FilterFunction_convexHull, FilterFunction_crosses, FilterFunction_difference, FilterFunction_dimension, FilterFunction_disjoint, FilterFunction_distance, FilterFunction_double2bool, FilterFunction_endPoint, FilterFunction_envelope, FilterFunction_equalsExact, FilterFunction_equalsExactTolerance, FilterFunction_equalTo, FilterFunction_exteriorRing, FilterFunction_geometryType, FilterFunction_geomFromWKT, FilterFunction_geomLength, FilterFunction_getGeometryN, FilterFunction_getX, FilterFunction_getY, FilterFunction_greaterEqualThan, FilterFunction_greaterThan, FilterFunction_if_then_else, FilterFunction_in10, FilterFunction_in2, FilterFunction_in3, FilterFunction_in4, FilterFunction_in5, FilterFunction_in6, FilterFunction_in7, FilterFunction_in8, FilterFunction_in9, FilterFunction_int2bbool, FilterFunction_int2ddouble, FilterFunction_interiorPoint, FilterFunction_interiorRingN, FilterFunction_intersection, FilterFunction_intersects, FilterFunction_isClosed, FilterFunction_isEmpty, FilterFunction_isLike, FilterFunction_isNull, FilterFunction_isRing, FilterFunction_isSimple, FilterFunction_isValid, FilterFunction_isWithinDistance, FilterFunction_lessEqualThan, FilterFunction_lessThan, FilterFunction_not, FilterFunction_notEqualTo, FilterFunction_numGeometries, FilterFunction_numInteriorRing, FilterFunction_numPoints, FilterFunction_overlaps, FilterFunction_parseBoolean, FilterFunction_parseDouble, FilterFunction_parseInt, FilterFunction_pointN, FilterFunction_relate, FilterFunction_relatePattern, FilterFunction_roundDouble, FilterFunction_startPoint, FilterFunction_strConcat, FilterFunction_strEndsWith, FilterFunction_strEqualsIgnoreCase, FilterFunction_strIndexOf, FilterFunction_strLastIndexOf, FilterFunction_strLength, FilterFunction_strMatches, FilterFunction_strStartsWith, FilterFunction_strSubstring, FilterFunction_strSubstringStart, FilterFunction_strTrim, FilterFunction_symDifference, FilterFunction_touches, FilterFunction_toWKT, FilterFunction_union, FilterFunction_within, FilterSchema, FunctionExpressionImpl, GeoMediaDataStoreFactory, GeoTiffFormatFactorySpi, GMLDataStoreFactory, GMLSchema, GTopo30FormatFactory, HsqlDataStoreFactory, IndexedShapefileDataStoreFactory, JDBCDataStoreFactory, LocationsXYDataStoreFactory, MaxFunction, MIFDataStoreFactory, MinFunction, MySQLDataStoreFactory, OGCSchema, OracleDataStoreFactory, OracleOCIDataStoreFactory, PaletteFunction, PostgisDataStoreFactory, PropertyDataStoreFactory, PropertyEditorFactory, ShapefileDataStoreFactory, sldSchema, StyleFactoryImpl, SymbolizerEditorFactory, TigerDataStoreFactory, VPFDataStoreFactory, VPFFileFactory, WFSSchema, WMSFormatFactory, WMSSchema, WorldImageFormatFactory, XLinkSchema

public interface Factory

Base interface for Geotools factories (i.e. service discovery).

This interfaces forms the core of the Geotools plug-in system, by which capabilities can be added to the library at runtime. Each sub-interface defines a service. Most services are set up with concrete implementation being registered for use in a service registry, which acts as a container for service implementations.

Service registries don't need to be a Geotools implementation. They can be (but are not limited to) any ServiceRegistry subclass. If the standard (or its Geotools extension FactoryRegistry) is selected as a container for services, then factory implementations should be declared as below (select only one way):

In addition, it is recommended that implementations provide a constructor expecting a single Hints argument. This optional argument gives to the user some control of the factory's low-level details. The amount of control is factory specific. The geotools library defines a global class called Hints that is ment as API (i.e. you can assume these hints are supported). Factories may also provide information on their own custom hints as part of their javadoc class description.


As seen in those examples this concept of a hint becomes more interesting when the opperation being controlled is discovery of other services used by the Factory. By supplying appropriate hints one can chain together several factories and retarget them to an application specific task.

$Id: 17672 2006-01-19 00:25:55Z desruisseaux $
Ian Schneider, Martin Desruisseaux, Jody Garnett
See Also:
Hints, FactoryRegistry

Method Summary
 java.util.Map getImplementationHints()
          Map of hints (maybe unmodifiable) used by this factory to customize its use.

Method Detail


public java.util.Map getImplementationHints()
Map of hints (maybe unmodifiable) used by this factory to customize its use. This map is not guaranteed to contains all the hints supplied by the user; it may be only a subset. Consequently, hints provided here are usually not suitable for creating new factories, unless the implementation make some additional garantees (e.g. FactoryUsingVolatileDependencies).

The primary purpose of this method is to determine if an existing factory instance can be reused for a set of user-supplied hints. This method is invoked by FactoryRegistry in order to compare this factory's hints against user's hints. This is dependency introspection only; never invokes this method for creating new factories.

Keys are usually static constants from the Hints class, while values are instances of some key-dependent class. The key set must contains at least all hints impacting functionality. While the key set may contains all hints supplied by the user, it is recommended to limit the set to only the hints used by this particular factory instance. A minimal set will helps FactoryRegistry to compares only hints that matter and avoid the creation of unnecessary instances of this factory.

The hint values may be different than the one supplied by the user. If a user supplied a hint as a Class object, this method shall replace it by the actual instance used, if possible.

Implementations of this method are usually quite simple. For example if a datum authority factory uses an ordinary datum factory, its method could be implemented as below (note that we should not check if the datum factory is null, since key with null value is the expected behaviour in this case). Example:

 Map hints = new HashMap();
 hints.put(Hints.DATUM_FACTORY, datumFactory);
 return hints;

The map of hints, or an empty map if none.

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