
This package contains the support classes necessary to implement a GridCoverageExchange and the data formats, such as ArcGrid or Geotiff.


Interface Summary
Format Deprecated. You should use org.opengis.coverage.grid.Format instead
GridCoverageExchange Support for creation of grid coverages from persistent formats as well as exporting a grid coverage to a persistent formats.
GridCoverageReader Deprecated. You should use the interfaces provided by GeoApi package
GridCoverageWriter Deprecated. You should use the interfaces provided with GeoApi instead.
GridFormatFactorySpi Constructs a live GridCoverageFormat.

Class Summary
AbstractGridFormat AbstractGridFormat is a convenience class so subclasses only need to populate a Map class and set the read and write parameter fields.
GridFormatFinder Enable programs to find all available grid format implementations.
UnknownFormat DOCUMENT ME!

Package Description

This package contains the support classes necessary to implement a GridCoverageExchange and the data formats, such as ArcGrid or Geotiff. The StreamGridCoverageExchange is an example of a GridCoverageExchange.

The AbstractGridFormat class is a helper class to make implementing GridFormats simpler.

Currently the StreamGridCoverageExchange is hardcoded with only the ArcGrid format. In the future a plug-in framework will be added so the formats can be found dynamically.

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