Package org.geotools.filter

Interface Summary
BetweenFilter Defines a 'between' filter (which is a specialized compare filter).
CompareFilter Defines a comparison filter (can be a math comparison or generic equals).
EnvironmentVariable DOCUMENT ME!
FidFilter Defines a feature ID filter, which holds a list of feature IDs.
Filter Defines an OpenGIS Filter object, with default behaviors for all methods.
FilterFactory This specifies the interface to create filters.
FilterHandler Interface to recieve filters from the filter sax parsing classes.
FilterType The FilterType interface lists all the possible type of filter.
FilterVisitor An interface for classes that want to perform operations on a Filter hiarachy.
GeometryDistanceFilter Defines geometry filters with a distance element.
GeometryFilter Implements a geometry filter.
LikeFilter Defines a like filter, which checks to see if an attribute matches a REGEXP.
LogicFilter Defines a logic filter (the only filter type that contains other filters).
MapScaleDenominator DOCUMENT ME!
NullFilter Defines a null filter, which checks to see if an attribute is null.
SortBy Deprecated. Please use org.opengis.filter.sort.SortBy
SortBy2 GeoTools allows for more pervase use of Expression then is strictly supported by the specification.

Class Summary
AbstractFilter Implements Filter interface, with constants and default behaviors for methods.
AbstractFilterImpl Abstract filter implementation provides or and and methods for child filters to use.
AttributeExpressionImpl Defines a complex filter (could also be called logical filter).
AttributeExpressionImpl2 Defines a complex filter (could also be called logical filter).
BBoxExpressionImpl Implements a Bounding Box expression.
BetweenFilterImpl Defines a 'between' filter (which is a specialized compare filter).
BinaryComparisonAbstract Abstract implemention for binary filters.
CartesianDistanceFilter Defines geometry filters with a distance element.
CompareFilterImpl Defines a comparison filter (can be a math comparison or generic equals).
DefaultExpression Implements a default expression, with helpful variables and static methods.
Expr This is FilterFactory for a very interesting implementation of Filter / Expression.
ExpressionBuilder ExpressionBuilder is the main entry point for parsing Expressions and Filters from a non-xml language.
ExpressionDOMParser parsez short sections of gml for use in expressions and filters Hopefully we can get away without a full parser here.
ExpressionSAXParser DOCUMENT ME!
FidFilterImpl Defines a feature ID filter, which holds a list of feature IDs.
FilterAbstract Abstract implementation for Filter.
FilterAttributeExtractor A simple visitor that extracts every attribute used by a filter or an expression
FilterCapabilities Represents the Filter capabilities that are supported by a SQLEncoder.
FilterCapabilitiesMask This class should be merged with FilterCapabilities at some point
FilterDOMParser A dom based parser to build filters as per OGC 01-067
FilterFactoryFinder This specifies the interface to create filters.
FilterFactoryImpl Implementation of the FilterFactory, generates the filter implementations in defaultcore.
FilterFilter Creates an OGC filter using a SAX filter.
FilteringIteration DOCUMENT ME!
Filters Utility class for working with Filters & Expression.
FilterSAXParser Creates filters from FilterFilter, which reads in a SAX stream and passes the appropriate messages here.
FilterTransformer An XMLEncoder for Filters and Expressions.
FilterVisitorFilterWrapper Wraps an instanceof of org.geotools.filter.FilterVisitor in an {@link org.opengis.filter.FilterVisitor}.
FunctionExpressionImpl Abstract class for a function expression implementation
GeometryEncoderSDE Encodes the geometry related parts of a filter into a set of SeFilter objects and provides a method to get the resulting filters suitable to set up an SeQuery's spatial constraints.
GeometryExpressionImpl Defines a complex filter (could also be called logical filter).
GeometryFilterImpl Implements a geometry filter.
HsqlFilterFactoryImpl Extention to the FilterFactoryImpl, supplies the HSQL specific filters needed for query generation.
LengthFunction Takes an AttributeExpression, and computes the length of the data for the attribute.
LikeFilterImpl Defines a like filter, which checks to see if an attribute matches a REGEXP.
LiteralExpressionImpl Defines an expression that holds a literal for return.
LogicFilterImpl Defines a logic filter (the only filter type that contains other filters).
LogicSAXParser Processes messages from clients to create Logic Filters.
MapScaleDenominatorImpl This class is actualy a place holder.
MathExpressionImpl Holds a mathematical relationship between two expressions.
MaxFunction A function that returns the maximum of two arguments.
MinFunction A function that returns the minimum of two arguments.
NullFilterImpl Defines a null filter, which checks to see if an attribute is null.
SortOrder Deprecated. Please use org.opengis.filter.sort.SortOrder
SQLEncoder Encodes a filter into a SQL WHERE statement.
SQLEncoderBBOX Encodes a filter into a SQL WHERE statement for MySQL.
SQLEncoderHsql Encodes a filter into a SQL WHERE statement for HSQL.
SQLEncoderLocationsXY Encodes a filter into a SQL WHERE statement for MySQL.
SQLEncoderMySQL Encodes a filter into a SQL WHERE statement for MySQL.
SQLEncoderOracle Encodes Geometry filters into valid oracle SDO statements.
SQLEncoderPostgis Encodes a filter into a SQL WHERE statement for postgis.
SQLEncoderPostgisGeos Encodes a filter into a SQL WHERE statement for postgis.
SQLEncoderSDE Encodes an attribute filter into a SQL WHERE statement for arcsde.
SQLUnpacker Determines which parts of a Filter can be turned into valid SQL statements.
XMLEncoder Deprecated. Use org.geotools.filter.FilterTransformer

Exception Summary
FilterFactoryCreationException An exception that can be thrown by the StyleFactory if it fails to create the implementation of the StyleFactory.
GeometryEncoderException Indicates a client class has attempted to encode a filter not supported by the GeometryEncoderSDE being used.
IllegalFilterException Defines an exception for illegal filters.
MalformedFilterException Defines an exception for a malformed filter.
SQLEncoderException Indicates a client class has attempted to encode a filter not supported by the SQLEncoder being used, or that there were io problems.

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