Packages that use CoordinateSystem | |
org.geotools.cs | Coordinate Systems implementation. |
org.geotools.ct | Coordinate Transformations implementation. |
org.geotools.cv | Coverage implementation. |
org.geotools.gc | Grid coverage implementation. |
org.geotools.gp | Grid coverage processing implementation. |
org.geotools.gui.swing | Miscellaneous widgets. |
org.geotools.io.coverage | Helper classes for GridCoverageExchange .
org.geotools.pt | Positioning implementation. |
org.geotools.renderer.geom | Shape implementations used for the
rendering of geographic features. |
org.geotools.renderer.j2d | Couches ? afficher sur une carte ? l'aide de Java2D. |
org.geotools.resources | A set of helper classes for Geotools implementation; Do not use! |
Uses of CoordinateSystem in org.geotools.cs |
Subclasses of CoordinateSystem in org.geotools.cs | |
class |
Deprecated. Replaced by DefaultCompoundCRS . |
class |
Deprecated. Replaced by org.opengis.referencing.crs.DefaultDerivedCRS . |
class |
Deprecated. Replaced by DefaultGeocentricCRS . |
class |
Deprecated. Replaced by DefaultGeographicCRS . |
class |
Deprecated. No direct replacement. The nearest parent is AbstractCRS . |
class |
Deprecated. Replaced by DefaultEngineeringCRS . |
class |
Deprecated. Replaced by DefaultProjectedCRS . |
class |
Deprecated. Replaced by DefaultTemporalCRS . |
class |
Deprecated. Replaced by DefaultVerticalCRS . |
Methods in org.geotools.cs that return CoordinateSystem | |
abstract CoordinateSystem |
CoordinateSystemAuthorityFactory.createCoordinateSystem(java.lang.String code)
Returns a CoordinateSystem object from a code. |
CoordinateSystem |
Deprecated. Replaced by AbstractDerivedCRS.getBaseCRS() . |
CoordinateSystem |
Deprecated. Replaced by DefaultCompoundCRS.getCoordinateReferenceSystems() . |
CoordinateSystem |
Deprecated. Replaced by DefaultCompoundCRS.getCoordinateReferenceSystems() . |
CoordinateSystem |
CoordinateSystemFactory.createFromWKT(java.lang.String text)
Deprecated. Creates a coordinate system object from a Well-Known Text (WKT) string. |
CoordinateSystem |
Adapters.wrap(org.opengis.cs.CS_CoordinateSystem cs)
Deprecated. Returns a coordinate system for an OpenGIS interface. |
static CoordinateSystem |
CoordinateSystem.fromGeoAPI(org.opengis.referencing.crs.CoordinateReferenceSystem crs)
Deprecated. Mimic a GeoAPI interface as a legacy implementation. |
Methods in org.geotools.cs with parameters of type CoordinateSystem | |
CompoundCoordinateSystem |
CoordinateSystemFactory.createCompoundCoordinateSystem(java.lang.CharSequence name,
CoordinateSystem head,
CoordinateSystem tail)
Deprecated. Creates a compound coordinate system. |
FittedCoordinateSystem |
CoordinateSystemFactory.createFittedCoordinateSystem(java.lang.CharSequence name,
CoordinateSystem base,
MathTransform toBase,
AxisInfo[] axes)
Deprecated. Creates a fitted coordinate system. |
org.opengis.cs.CS_CoordinateSystem |
Adapters.export(CoordinateSystem cs)
Deprecated. Returns an OpenGIS interface for a coordinate system. |
Constructors in org.geotools.cs with parameters of type CoordinateSystem | |
FittedCoordinateSystem(java.lang.CharSequence name,
CoordinateSystem base,
MathTransform toBase,
AxisInfo[] axes)
Deprecated. Creates a fitted coordinate system. |
CompoundCoordinateSystem(java.lang.CharSequence name,
CoordinateSystem head,
CoordinateSystem tail)
Deprecated. Creates a compound coordinate system. |
Uses of CoordinateSystem in org.geotools.ct |
Methods in org.geotools.ct that return CoordinateSystem | |
CoordinateSystem |
Deprecated. Replaced by AbstractCoordinateOperation.getSourceCRS() . |
CoordinateSystem |
Deprecated. Replaced by AbstractCoordinateOperation.getTargetCRS() . |
Methods in org.geotools.ct with parameters of type CoordinateSystem | |
CoordinateTransformation |
CoordinateTransformationFactory.createFromCoordinateSystems(CoordinateSystem sourceCS,
CoordinateSystem targetCS)
Deprecated. Creates a transformation between two coordinate systems. |
Constructors in org.geotools.ct with parameters of type CoordinateSystem | |
CannotCreateTransformException(CoordinateSystem sourceCS,
CoordinateSystem targetCS)
Deprecated. Construct an exception with a message stating that no transformation path has been found between the specified coordinate systems. |
CannotCreateTransformException(CoordinateSystem sourceCS,
CoordinateSystem targetCS,
java.lang.Throwable cause)
Deprecated. Construct an exception with a message stating that no transformation path has been found between the specified coordinate systems. |
CoordinateTransformation(java.lang.String name,
CoordinateSystem sourceCS,
CoordinateSystem targetCS,
TransformType type,
MathTransform transform)
Deprecated. Construct a coordinate transformation. |
Uses of CoordinateSystem in org.geotools.cv |
Fields in org.geotools.cv declared as CoordinateSystem | |
protected CoordinateSystem |
Deprecated. The coordinate system, or null if there is none. |
Methods in org.geotools.cv that return CoordinateSystem | |
CoordinateSystem |
Deprecated. Returns the coordinate system. |
Constructors in org.geotools.cv with parameters of type CoordinateSystem | |
Coverage(java.lang.String name,
CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem,
javax.media.jai.PropertySource source,
java.util.Map properties)
Deprecated. Construct a coverage using the specified coordinate system. |
Uses of CoordinateSystem in org.geotools.gc |
Constructors in org.geotools.gc with parameters of type CoordinateSystem | |
GridCoverage(java.lang.String name,
javax.media.jai.ImageFunction function,
CoordinateSystem cs,
GridGeometry gridGeometry,
SampleDimension[] bands,
java.util.Map properties)
Deprecated. Construt a grid coverage from an image function. |
GridCoverage(java.lang.String name,
java.awt.image.WritableRaster raster,
CoordinateSystem cs,
Envelope envelope,
double[] minValues,
double[] maxValues,
Unit units,
java.awt.Color[][] colors,
java.awt.RenderingHints hints)
Deprecated. Constructs a grid coverage from a raster with the specified envelope. |
GridCoverage(java.lang.String name,
java.awt.image.WritableRaster raster,
CoordinateSystem cs,
MathTransform gridToCS,
double[] minValues,
double[] maxValues,
Unit units,
java.awt.Color[][] colors,
java.awt.RenderingHints hints)
Deprecated. Constructs a grid coverage from a raster with the specified "grid to coordinate system" transform. |
GridCoverage(java.lang.String name,
java.awt.image.RenderedImage image,
CoordinateSystem cs,
Envelope envelope)
Deprecated. Construct a grid coverage with the specified envelope. |
GridCoverage(java.lang.String name,
java.awt.image.RenderedImage image,
CoordinateSystem cs,
Envelope envelope,
SampleDimension[] bands,
GridCoverage[] sources,
java.util.Map properties)
Deprecated. Construct a grid coverage with the specified envelope and sample dimensions. |
GridCoverage(java.lang.String name,
java.awt.image.RenderedImage image,
CoordinateSystem cs,
MathTransform gridToCS,
SampleDimension[] bands,
GridCoverage[] sources,
java.util.Map properties)
Deprecated. Construct a grid coverage with the specified transform and sample dimension. |
Uses of CoordinateSystem in org.geotools.gp |
Fields in org.geotools.gp declared as CoordinateSystem | |
CoordinateSystem |
The coordinate system for the first 2 dimensions of all sources and the destination GridCoverage . |
Methods in org.geotools.gp with parameters of type CoordinateSystem | |
protected void |
OperationJAI.resampleToCommonGeometry(GridCoverage[] sources,
CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem,
MathTransform gridToCS,
java.awt.RenderingHints hints)
Resample all sources grid coverages to the same geometry before to apply an operation. |
Uses of CoordinateSystem in org.geotools.gui.swing |
Methods in org.geotools.gui.swing that return CoordinateSystem | |
CoordinateSystem |
Returns the view coordinate system. |
Methods in org.geotools.gui.swing with parameters of type CoordinateSystem | |
void |
MapPane.setCoordinateSystem(CoordinateSystem cs)
Set the view coordinate system. |
Constructors in org.geotools.gui.swing with parameters of type CoordinateSystem | |
StyledMapPane(CoordinateSystem cs)
Construct a map panel using the specified coordinate system. |
MapPane(CoordinateSystem cs)
Construct a map panel using the specified coordinate system. |
Uses of CoordinateSystem in org.geotools.io.coverage |
Methods in org.geotools.io.coverage that return CoordinateSystem | |
CoordinateSystem |
Deprecated. Returns the coordinate system. |
abstract CoordinateSystem |
GridCoverageReader.getCoordinateSystem(int index)
Deprecated. Returns the coordinate system for the GridCoverage to be read. |
CoordinateSystem |
ExoreferencedGridCoverageReader.getCoordinateSystem(int index)
Deprecated. Returns the coordinate system for the GridCoverage to be read.
Uses of CoordinateSystem in org.geotools.pt |
Methods in org.geotools.pt that return CoordinateSystem | |
CoordinateSystem |
Deprecated. Returns the coordinate system for points to be formatted. |
Methods in org.geotools.pt with parameters of type CoordinateSystem | |
void |
CoordinateFormat.setCoordinateSystem(CoordinateSystem cs)
Deprecated. Set the coordinate system for points to be formatted. |
Constructors in org.geotools.pt with parameters of type CoordinateSystem | |
CoordinateFormat(java.util.Locale locale,
CoordinateSystem cs)
Deprecated. Construct a new coordinate format for the specified locale and coordinate system. |
Uses of CoordinateSystem in org.geotools.renderer.geom |
Fields in org.geotools.renderer.geom declared as CoordinateSystem | |
static CoordinateSystem |
The default coordinate system for all geometries. |
Methods in org.geotools.renderer.geom that return CoordinateSystem | |
CoordinateSystem |
Returns the polyline's coordinate system, or null if unknown. |
CoordinateSystem |
Returns the geometry's coordinate system, or null if unknow.
CoordinateSystem |
Returns the polyline's coordinate system, or null if
unknown. |
abstract CoordinateSystem |
Returns the geometry's coordinate system, or null if unknow. |
CoordinateSystem |
Returns the geometry's coordinate system, or null if unknown. |
Methods in org.geotools.renderer.geom with parameters of type CoordinateSystem | |
void |
Polyline.setCoordinateSystem(CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem)
Sets the polyline's coordinate system. |
void |
GeometryProxy.setCoordinateSystem(CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem)
Set the geometry's coordinate system. |
void |
Point.setCoordinateSystem(CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem)
Sets the polyline's coordinate system. |
void |
Polygon.setCoordinateSystem(CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem)
Set the polygon's coordinate system. |
abstract void |
Geometry.setCoordinateSystem(CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem)
Set the geometry's coordinate system. |
void |
GeometryCollection.setCoordinateSystem(CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem)
Set the geometry's coordinate system. |
Constructors in org.geotools.renderer.geom with parameters of type CoordinateSystem | |
Clipper(java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D mapClip,
CoordinateSystem mapCS)
Constructs a clipping area. |
Polyline(CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem)
Construct an empty Polyline .
Point(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate coord,
CoordinateSystem cs)
Creates a new instance of Point. |
Polygon(java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D rectangle,
CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem)
Construct a polygon from the specified rectangle. |
JTSGeometries(CoordinateSystem cs)
Construct an initialy empty collection. |
GeometryCollection(CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem)
Construct an initially empty collection. |
Uses of CoordinateSystem in org.geotools.renderer.j2d |
Fields in org.geotools.renderer.j2d declared as CoordinateSystem | |
CoordinateSystem |
Deprecated. Renamed as org.geotools.display.canvas.RenderingContext#objectiveCRS . |
CoordinateSystem |
Deprecated. Renamed as org.geotools.display.canvas.RenderingContext#displayCRS . |
CoordinateSystem |
Deprecated. Renamed as org.geotools.display.canvas.RenderingContext#deviceCRS . |
Methods in org.geotools.renderer.j2d that return CoordinateSystem | |
CoordinateSystem |
Deprecated. Replaced by org.geotools.display.canvas.GraphicPrimitive2D#getObjectiveCRS . |
CoordinateSystem |
Returns the default coordinate system for geometry to be created. |
CoordinateSystem |
Deprecated. Replaced by org.geotools.display.canvas.BufferedCanvas2D#getObjectiveCRS . |
Methods in org.geotools.renderer.j2d with parameters of type CoordinateSystem | |
protected java.lang.String |
RenderedMapScale.getTitle(CoordinateSystem cs)
Returns the title to paint with the map scale. |
protected void |
RenderedGridMarks.setCoordinateSystem(CoordinateSystem cs)
Set the rendering coordinate system for this layer. |
java.awt.geom.Point2D |
GeoMouseEvent.getCoordinate(CoordinateSystem cs,
java.awt.geom.Point2D dest)
Returns the "real world" mouse's position in the specified coordinate system. |
CoordinatePoint |
GeoMouseEvent.getCoordinate(CoordinateSystem cs,
CoordinatePoint dest)
Returns the "real world" mouse's position in the specified coordinate system. |
protected void |
RenderedLayer.setCoordinateSystem(CoordinateSystem cs)
Deprecated. Replaced by org.geotools.display.canvas.GraphicPrimitive2D#setObjectiveCRS . |
java.awt.Shape |
RenderingContext.getPaintingArea(CoordinateSystem cs)
Deprecated. Returns the painting area in the specified coordinate system. |
void |
RenderingContext.setCoordinateSystem(CoordinateSystem cs)
Deprecated. Renamed as org.geotools.display.canvas.RenderingContext#setGraphicsCRS . |
java.awt.geom.AffineTransform |
RenderingContext.getAffineTransform(CoordinateSystem sourceCS,
CoordinateSystem targetCS)
Deprecated. Returns an affine transform between two coordinate systems. |
MathTransform |
RenderingContext.getMathTransform(CoordinateSystem sourceCS,
CoordinateSystem targetCS)
Deprecated. Returns a transform between two coordinate systems. |
void |
RenderingContext.addPaintedArea(java.awt.Shape area,
CoordinateSystem cs)
Deprecated. Declares that an area has been painted. |
void |
RenderedLayerFactory.setCoordinateSystem(CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem)
Set the default coordinate system for geometry to be created. |
protected void |
RenderedGeometries.setCoordinateSystem(CoordinateSystem cs)
Set the rendering coordinate system for this layer. |
protected void |
RenderedGridCoverage.setCoordinateSystem(CoordinateSystem cs)
Set the rendering coordinate system for this layer. |
void |
Renderer.setCoordinateSystem(CoordinateSystem cs)
Deprecated. Replaced by org.geotools.display.canvas.BufferedCanvas2D#setObjectiveCRS . |
Constructors in org.geotools.renderer.j2d with parameters of type CoordinateSystem | |
RenderedMarks(CoordinateSystem cs)
Construct a new layer of marks using the specified coordinate system. |
RenderedLayer(CoordinateSystem cs)
Deprecated. Construct a new rendered layer using the specified coordinate system. |
Uses of CoordinateSystem in org.geotools.resources |
Methods in org.geotools.resources that return CoordinateSystem | |
static CoordinateSystem |
CTSUtilities.getSubCoordinateSystem(CoordinateSystem cs,
int lower,
int upper)
Deprecated. Returns a sub-coordinate system for the specified dimension range. |
static CoordinateSystem |
CTSUtilities.getCoordinateSystem2D(CoordinateSystem cs)
Deprecated. Returns a two-dimensional coordinate system representing the two first dimensions of the specified coordinate system. |
Methods in org.geotools.resources with parameters of type CoordinateSystem | |
static int |
CTSUtilities.getDimensionOf(CoordinateSystem cs,
AxisInfo axis)
Deprecated. Returns the dimension of the first axis of a particular type. |
static int |
CTSUtilities.getDimensionOf(CoordinateSystem cs,
java.lang.Class type)
Deprecated. Returns the dimension of the first coordinate system of the given type. |
static CoordinateSystem |
CTSUtilities.getSubCoordinateSystem(CoordinateSystem cs,
int lower,
int upper)
Deprecated. Returns a sub-coordinate system for the specified dimension range. |
static CoordinateSystem |
CTSUtilities.getCoordinateSystem2D(CoordinateSystem cs)
Deprecated. Returns a two-dimensional coordinate system representing the two first dimensions of the specified coordinate system. |
static HorizontalCoordinateSystem |
CTSUtilities.getHorizontalCS(CoordinateSystem cs)
Deprecated. Returns the first horizontal coordinate system found in a coordinate system, or null if there is none. |
static VerticalCoordinateSystem |
CTSUtilities.getVerticalCS(CoordinateSystem cs)
Deprecated. Returns the first vertical coordinate system found in a coordinate system, or null if there is none. |
static TemporalCoordinateSystem |
CTSUtilities.getTemporalCS(CoordinateSystem cs)
Deprecated. Returns the first temporal coordinate system found in a coordinate system, or null if there is none. |
static Projection |
CTSUtilities.getProjection(CoordinateSystem cs)
Deprecated. Returns the first projection found in a coordinate system, or null if there is none. |
static Ellipsoid |
CTSUtilities.getEllipsoid(CoordinateSystem cs)
Deprecated. Returns the first ellipsoid found in a coordinate system, or null if there is none. |
static Ellipsoid |
CTSUtilities.getHeadGeoEllipsoid(CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem)
Deprecated. Returns the ellipsoid used by the specified coordinate system, providing that the two first dimensions use an instance of GeographicCoordinateSystem . |
static java.lang.String |
CTSUtilities.toWGS84String(CoordinateSystem cs,
java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D bounds)
Deprecated. Retourne une cha?ne de caract?res repr?sentant la r?gion g?ographique sp?cifi?e. |