Uses of Class

Packages that use CoordinateSystem
org.geotools.cs Coordinate Systems implementation.  
org.geotools.ct Coordinate Transformations implementation. Coverage implementation.  
org.geotools.gc Grid coverage implementation. Grid coverage processing implementation.  
org.geotools.gui.swing Miscellaneous widgets. Helper classes for GridCoverageExchange. Positioning implementation.  
org.geotools.renderer.geom Shape implementations used for the rendering of geographic features.  
org.geotools.renderer.j2d Couches ? afficher sur une carte ? l'aide de Java2D.  
org.geotools.resources A set of helper classes for Geotools implementation; Do not use! 

Uses of CoordinateSystem in org.geotools.cs

Subclasses of CoordinateSystem in org.geotools.cs
 class CompoundCoordinateSystem
          Deprecated. Replaced by DefaultCompoundCRS.
 class FittedCoordinateSystem
          Deprecated. Replaced by
 class GeocentricCoordinateSystem
          Deprecated. Replaced by DefaultGeocentricCRS.
 class GeographicCoordinateSystem
          Deprecated. Replaced by DefaultGeographicCRS.
 class HorizontalCoordinateSystem
          Deprecated. No direct replacement. The nearest parent is AbstractCRS.
 class LocalCoordinateSystem
          Deprecated. Replaced by DefaultEngineeringCRS.
 class ProjectedCoordinateSystem
          Deprecated. Replaced by DefaultProjectedCRS.
 class TemporalCoordinateSystem
          Deprecated. Replaced by DefaultTemporalCRS.
 class VerticalCoordinateSystem
          Deprecated. Replaced by DefaultVerticalCRS.

Methods in org.geotools.cs that return CoordinateSystem
abstract  CoordinateSystem CoordinateSystemAuthorityFactory.createCoordinateSystem(java.lang.String code)
          Returns a CoordinateSystem object from a code.
 CoordinateSystem FittedCoordinateSystem.getBaseCoordinateSystem()
          Deprecated. Replaced by AbstractDerivedCRS.getBaseCRS().
 CoordinateSystem CompoundCoordinateSystem.getHeadCS()
          Deprecated. Replaced by DefaultCompoundCRS.getCoordinateReferenceSystems().
 CoordinateSystem CompoundCoordinateSystem.getTailCS()
          Deprecated. Replaced by DefaultCompoundCRS.getCoordinateReferenceSystems().
 CoordinateSystem CoordinateSystemFactory.createFromWKT(java.lang.String text)
          Deprecated. Creates a coordinate system object from a Well-Known Text (WKT) string.
 CoordinateSystem Adapters.wrap(org.opengis.cs.CS_CoordinateSystem cs)
          Deprecated. Returns a coordinate system for an OpenGIS interface.
static CoordinateSystem CoordinateSystem.fromGeoAPI( crs)
          Deprecated. Mimic a GeoAPI interface as a legacy implementation.

Methods in org.geotools.cs with parameters of type CoordinateSystem
 CompoundCoordinateSystem CoordinateSystemFactory.createCompoundCoordinateSystem(java.lang.CharSequence name, CoordinateSystem head, CoordinateSystem tail)
          Deprecated. Creates a compound coordinate system.
 FittedCoordinateSystem CoordinateSystemFactory.createFittedCoordinateSystem(java.lang.CharSequence name, CoordinateSystem base, MathTransform toBase, AxisInfo[] axes)
          Deprecated. Creates a fitted coordinate system.
 org.opengis.cs.CS_CoordinateSystem Adapters.export(CoordinateSystem cs)
          Deprecated. Returns an OpenGIS interface for a coordinate system.

Constructors in org.geotools.cs with parameters of type CoordinateSystem
FittedCoordinateSystem(java.lang.CharSequence name, CoordinateSystem base, MathTransform toBase, AxisInfo[] axes)
          Deprecated. Creates a fitted coordinate system.
CompoundCoordinateSystem(java.lang.CharSequence name, CoordinateSystem head, CoordinateSystem tail)
          Deprecated. Creates a compound coordinate system.

Uses of CoordinateSystem in org.geotools.ct

Methods in org.geotools.ct that return CoordinateSystem
 CoordinateSystem CoordinateTransformation.getSourceCS()
          Deprecated. Replaced by AbstractCoordinateOperation.getSourceCRS().
 CoordinateSystem CoordinateTransformation.getTargetCS()
          Deprecated. Replaced by AbstractCoordinateOperation.getTargetCRS().

Methods in org.geotools.ct with parameters of type CoordinateSystem
 CoordinateTransformation CoordinateTransformationFactory.createFromCoordinateSystems(CoordinateSystem sourceCS, CoordinateSystem targetCS)
          Deprecated. Creates a transformation between two coordinate systems.

Constructors in org.geotools.ct with parameters of type CoordinateSystem
CannotCreateTransformException(CoordinateSystem sourceCS, CoordinateSystem targetCS)
          Deprecated. Construct an exception with a message stating that no transformation path has been found between the specified coordinate systems.
CannotCreateTransformException(CoordinateSystem sourceCS, CoordinateSystem targetCS, java.lang.Throwable cause)
          Deprecated. Construct an exception with a message stating that no transformation path has been found between the specified coordinate systems.
CoordinateTransformation(java.lang.String name, CoordinateSystem sourceCS, CoordinateSystem targetCS, TransformType type, MathTransform transform)
          Deprecated. Construct a coordinate transformation.

Uses of CoordinateSystem in

Fields in declared as CoordinateSystem
protected  CoordinateSystem Coverage.coordinateSystem
          Deprecated. The coordinate system, or null if there is none.

Methods in that return CoordinateSystem
 CoordinateSystem Coverage.getCoordinateSystem()
          Deprecated. Returns the coordinate system.

Constructors in with parameters of type CoordinateSystem
Coverage(java.lang.String name, CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem, source, java.util.Map properties)
          Deprecated. Construct a coverage using the specified coordinate system.

Uses of CoordinateSystem in org.geotools.gc

Constructors in org.geotools.gc with parameters of type CoordinateSystem
GridCoverage(java.lang.String name, function, CoordinateSystem cs, GridGeometry gridGeometry, SampleDimension[] bands, java.util.Map properties)
          Deprecated. Construt a grid coverage from an image function.
GridCoverage(java.lang.String name, java.awt.image.WritableRaster raster, CoordinateSystem cs, Envelope envelope, double[] minValues, double[] maxValues, Unit units, java.awt.Color[][] colors, java.awt.RenderingHints hints)
          Deprecated. Constructs a grid coverage from a raster with the specified envelope.
GridCoverage(java.lang.String name, java.awt.image.WritableRaster raster, CoordinateSystem cs, MathTransform gridToCS, double[] minValues, double[] maxValues, Unit units, java.awt.Color[][] colors, java.awt.RenderingHints hints)
          Deprecated. Constructs a grid coverage from a raster with the specified "grid to coordinate system" transform.
GridCoverage(java.lang.String name, java.awt.image.RenderedImage image, CoordinateSystem cs, Envelope envelope)
          Deprecated. Construct a grid coverage with the specified envelope.
GridCoverage(java.lang.String name, java.awt.image.RenderedImage image, CoordinateSystem cs, Envelope envelope, SampleDimension[] bands, GridCoverage[] sources, java.util.Map properties)
          Deprecated. Construct a grid coverage with the specified envelope and sample dimensions.
GridCoverage(java.lang.String name, java.awt.image.RenderedImage image, CoordinateSystem cs, MathTransform gridToCS, SampleDimension[] bands, GridCoverage[] sources, java.util.Map properties)
          Deprecated. Construct a grid coverage with the specified transform and sample dimension.

Uses of CoordinateSystem in

Fields in declared as CoordinateSystem
 CoordinateSystem OperationJAI.Parameters.coordinateSystem
          The coordinate system for the first 2 dimensions of all sources and the destination GridCoverage.

Methods in with parameters of type CoordinateSystem
protected  void OperationJAI.resampleToCommonGeometry(GridCoverage[] sources, CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem, MathTransform gridToCS, java.awt.RenderingHints hints)
          Resample all sources grid coverages to the same geometry before to apply an operation.

Uses of CoordinateSystem in org.geotools.gui.swing

Methods in org.geotools.gui.swing that return CoordinateSystem
 CoordinateSystem MapPane.getCoordinateSystem()
          Returns the view coordinate system.

Methods in org.geotools.gui.swing with parameters of type CoordinateSystem
 void MapPane.setCoordinateSystem(CoordinateSystem cs)
          Set the view coordinate system.

Constructors in org.geotools.gui.swing with parameters of type CoordinateSystem
StyledMapPane(CoordinateSystem cs)
          Construct a map panel using the specified coordinate system.
MapPane(CoordinateSystem cs)
          Construct a map panel using the specified coordinate system.

Uses of CoordinateSystem in

Methods in that return CoordinateSystem
 CoordinateSystem PropertyParser.getCoordinateSystem()
          Deprecated. Returns the coordinate system.
abstract  CoordinateSystem GridCoverageReader.getCoordinateSystem(int index)
          Deprecated. Returns the coordinate system for the GridCoverage to be read.
 CoordinateSystem ExoreferencedGridCoverageReader.getCoordinateSystem(int index)
          Deprecated. Returns the coordinate system for the GridCoverage to be read.

Uses of CoordinateSystem in

Methods in that return CoordinateSystem
 CoordinateSystem CoordinateFormat.getCoordinateSystem()
          Deprecated. Returns the coordinate system for points to be formatted.

Methods in with parameters of type CoordinateSystem
 void CoordinateFormat.setCoordinateSystem(CoordinateSystem cs)
          Deprecated. Set the coordinate system for points to be formatted.

Constructors in with parameters of type CoordinateSystem
CoordinateFormat(java.util.Locale locale, CoordinateSystem cs)
          Deprecated. Construct a new coordinate format for the specified locale and coordinate system.

Uses of CoordinateSystem in org.geotools.renderer.geom

Fields in org.geotools.renderer.geom declared as CoordinateSystem
static CoordinateSystem Geometry.DEFAULT_COORDINATE_SYSTEM
          The default coordinate system for all geometries.

Methods in org.geotools.renderer.geom that return CoordinateSystem
 CoordinateSystem Polyline.getCoordinateSystem()
          Returns the polyline's coordinate system, or null if unknown.
 CoordinateSystem GeometryProxy.getCoordinateSystem()
          Returns the geometry's coordinate system, or null if unknow.
 CoordinateSystem Point.getCoordinateSystem()
          Returns the polyline's coordinate system, or null if unknown.
abstract  CoordinateSystem Geometry.getCoordinateSystem()
          Returns the geometry's coordinate system, or null if unknow.
 CoordinateSystem GeometryCollection.getCoordinateSystem()
          Returns the geometry's coordinate system, or null if unknown.

Methods in org.geotools.renderer.geom with parameters of type CoordinateSystem
 void Polyline.setCoordinateSystem(CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem)
          Sets the polyline's coordinate system.
 void GeometryProxy.setCoordinateSystem(CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem)
          Set the geometry's coordinate system.
 void Point.setCoordinateSystem(CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem)
          Sets the polyline's coordinate system.
 void Polygon.setCoordinateSystem(CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem)
          Set the polygon's coordinate system.
abstract  void Geometry.setCoordinateSystem(CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem)
          Set the geometry's coordinate system.
 void GeometryCollection.setCoordinateSystem(CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem)
          Set the geometry's coordinate system.

Constructors in org.geotools.renderer.geom with parameters of type CoordinateSystem
Clipper(java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D mapClip, CoordinateSystem mapCS)
          Constructs a clipping area.
Polyline(CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem)
          Construct an empty Polyline.
Point(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate coord, CoordinateSystem cs)
          Creates a new instance of Point.
Polygon(java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D rectangle, CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem)
          Construct a polygon from the specified rectangle.
JTSGeometries(CoordinateSystem cs)
          Construct an initialy empty collection.
GeometryCollection(CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem)
          Construct an initially empty collection.

Uses of CoordinateSystem in org.geotools.renderer.j2d

Fields in org.geotools.renderer.j2d declared as CoordinateSystem
 CoordinateSystem RenderingContext.mapCS
          Deprecated. Renamed as org.geotools.display.canvas.RenderingContext#objectiveCRS.
 CoordinateSystem RenderingContext.textCS
          Deprecated. Renamed as org.geotools.display.canvas.RenderingContext#displayCRS.
 CoordinateSystem RenderingContext.deviceCS
          Deprecated. Renamed as org.geotools.display.canvas.RenderingContext#deviceCRS.

Methods in org.geotools.renderer.j2d that return CoordinateSystem
 CoordinateSystem RenderedLayer.getCoordinateSystem()
          Deprecated. Replaced by org.geotools.display.canvas.GraphicPrimitive2D#getObjectiveCRS.
 CoordinateSystem RenderedLayerFactory.getCoordinateSystem()
          Returns the default coordinate system for geometry to be created.
 CoordinateSystem Renderer.getCoordinateSystem()
          Deprecated. Replaced by org.geotools.display.canvas.BufferedCanvas2D#getObjectiveCRS.

Methods in org.geotools.renderer.j2d with parameters of type CoordinateSystem
protected  java.lang.String RenderedMapScale.getTitle(CoordinateSystem cs)
          Returns the title to paint with the map scale.
protected  void RenderedGridMarks.setCoordinateSystem(CoordinateSystem cs)
          Set the rendering coordinate system for this layer.
 java.awt.geom.Point2D GeoMouseEvent.getCoordinate(CoordinateSystem cs, java.awt.geom.Point2D dest)
          Returns the "real world" mouse's position in the specified coordinate system.
 CoordinatePoint GeoMouseEvent.getCoordinate(CoordinateSystem cs, CoordinatePoint dest)
          Returns the "real world" mouse's position in the specified coordinate system.
protected  void RenderedLayer.setCoordinateSystem(CoordinateSystem cs)
          Deprecated. Replaced by org.geotools.display.canvas.GraphicPrimitive2D#setObjectiveCRS.
 java.awt.Shape RenderingContext.getPaintingArea(CoordinateSystem cs)
          Deprecated. Returns the painting area in the specified coordinate system.
 void RenderingContext.setCoordinateSystem(CoordinateSystem cs)
          Deprecated. Renamed as org.geotools.display.canvas.RenderingContext#setGraphicsCRS.
 java.awt.geom.AffineTransform RenderingContext.getAffineTransform(CoordinateSystem sourceCS, CoordinateSystem targetCS)
          Deprecated. Returns an affine transform between two coordinate systems.
 MathTransform RenderingContext.getMathTransform(CoordinateSystem sourceCS, CoordinateSystem targetCS)
          Deprecated. Returns a transform between two coordinate systems.
 void RenderingContext.addPaintedArea(java.awt.Shape area, CoordinateSystem cs)
          Deprecated. Declares that an area has been painted.
 void RenderedLayerFactory.setCoordinateSystem(CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem)
          Set the default coordinate system for geometry to be created.
protected  void RenderedGeometries.setCoordinateSystem(CoordinateSystem cs)
          Set the rendering coordinate system for this layer.
protected  void RenderedGridCoverage.setCoordinateSystem(CoordinateSystem cs)
          Set the rendering coordinate system for this layer.
 void Renderer.setCoordinateSystem(CoordinateSystem cs)
          Deprecated. Replaced by org.geotools.display.canvas.BufferedCanvas2D#setObjectiveCRS.

Constructors in org.geotools.renderer.j2d with parameters of type CoordinateSystem
RenderedMarks(CoordinateSystem cs)
          Construct a new layer of marks using the specified coordinate system.
RenderedLayer(CoordinateSystem cs)
          Deprecated. Construct a new rendered layer using the specified coordinate system.

Uses of CoordinateSystem in org.geotools.resources

Methods in org.geotools.resources that return CoordinateSystem
static CoordinateSystem CTSUtilities.getSubCoordinateSystem(CoordinateSystem cs, int lower, int upper)
          Deprecated. Returns a sub-coordinate system for the specified dimension range.
static CoordinateSystem CTSUtilities.getCoordinateSystem2D(CoordinateSystem cs)
          Deprecated. Returns a two-dimensional coordinate system representing the two first dimensions of the specified coordinate system.

Methods in org.geotools.resources with parameters of type CoordinateSystem
static int CTSUtilities.getDimensionOf(CoordinateSystem cs, AxisInfo axis)
          Deprecated. Returns the dimension of the first axis of a particular type.
static int CTSUtilities.getDimensionOf(CoordinateSystem cs, java.lang.Class type)
          Deprecated. Returns the dimension of the first coordinate system of the given type.
static CoordinateSystem CTSUtilities.getSubCoordinateSystem(CoordinateSystem cs, int lower, int upper)
          Deprecated. Returns a sub-coordinate system for the specified dimension range.
static CoordinateSystem CTSUtilities.getCoordinateSystem2D(CoordinateSystem cs)
          Deprecated. Returns a two-dimensional coordinate system representing the two first dimensions of the specified coordinate system.
static HorizontalCoordinateSystem CTSUtilities.getHorizontalCS(CoordinateSystem cs)
          Deprecated. Returns the first horizontal coordinate system found in a coordinate system, or null if there is none.
static VerticalCoordinateSystem CTSUtilities.getVerticalCS(CoordinateSystem cs)
          Deprecated. Returns the first vertical coordinate system found in a coordinate system, or null if there is none.
static TemporalCoordinateSystem CTSUtilities.getTemporalCS(CoordinateSystem cs)
          Deprecated. Returns the first temporal coordinate system found in a coordinate system, or null if there is none.
static Projection CTSUtilities.getProjection(CoordinateSystem cs)
          Deprecated. Returns the first projection found in a coordinate system, or null if there is none.
static Ellipsoid CTSUtilities.getEllipsoid(CoordinateSystem cs)
          Deprecated. Returns the first ellipsoid found in a coordinate system, or null if there is none.
static Ellipsoid CTSUtilities.getHeadGeoEllipsoid(CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem)
          Deprecated. Returns the ellipsoid used by the specified coordinate system, providing that the two first dimensions use an instance of GeographicCoordinateSystem.
static java.lang.String CTSUtilities.toWGS84String(CoordinateSystem cs, java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D bounds)
          Deprecated. Retourne une cha?ne de caract?res repr?sentant la r?gion g?ographique sp?cifi?e.

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