Uses of Class

Packages that use Unit
org.geotools.cs Coordinate Systems implementation.  
org.geotools.ct Coordinate Transformations implementation. Coverage implementation.  
org.geotools.gc Grid coverage implementation. Grid coverage processing implementation.  
org.geotools.gui.swing Miscellaneous widgets. Helper classes for GridCoverageExchange.  
org.geotools.renderer.j2d Couches ? afficher sur une carte ? l'aide de Java2D.  
org.geotools.resources A set of helper classes for Geotools implementation; Do not use! 
org.geotools.units Represents an unit of a physical measure.  

Uses of Unit in org.geotools.cs

Methods in org.geotools.cs that return Unit
 Unit TemporalCoordinateSystem.getUnits(int dimension)
          Deprecated. Gets units for dimension within coordinate system.
abstract  Unit CoordinateSystemAuthorityFactory.createUnit(java.lang.String code)
          Returns a Unit object from a code.
 Unit FittedCoordinateSystem.getUnits(int dimension)
          Deprecated. Gets units for dimension within coordinate system.
 Unit CompoundCoordinateSystem.getUnits(int dimension)
          Deprecated. Gets units for dimension within coordinate system.
 Unit ProjectedCoordinateSystem.getUnits(int dimension)
          Deprecated. Replaced by DefaultCoordinateSystemAxis.getUnit().
 Unit GeographicCoordinateSystem.getUnits(int dimension)
          Deprecated. Replaced by DefaultCoordinateSystemAxis.getUnit().
 Unit VerticalCoordinateSystem.getUnits(int dimension)
          Deprecated. Replaced by DefaultCoordinateSystemAxis.getUnit().
 Unit GeocentricCoordinateSystem.getUnits(int dimension)
          Deprecated. Replaced by DefaultCoordinateSystemAxis.getUnit().
 Unit LocalCoordinateSystem.getUnits(int dimension)
          Deprecated. Gets units for dimension within coordinate system.
 Unit PrimeMeridian.getAngularUnit()
          Deprecated. Replaced by DefaultPrimeMeridian.getAngularUnit().
 Unit Adapters.wrap(org.opengis.cs.CS_Unit unit)
          Deprecated. Returns a unit for an OpenGIS structure.
 Unit Ellipsoid.getAxisUnit()
          Deprecated. Replaced by DefaultEllipsoid.getAxisUnit().
abstract  Unit CoordinateSystem.getUnits(int dimension)
          Deprecated. Replaced by DefaultCoordinateSystemAxis.getUnit().

Methods in org.geotools.cs with parameters of type Unit
 double PrimeMeridian.getLongitude(Unit targetUnit)
          Deprecated. Returns the longitude value relative to the Greenwich Meridian, expressed in the specified units.
 GeocentricCoordinateSystem CoordinateSystemFactory.createGeocentricCoordinateSystem(java.lang.CharSequence name, Unit unit, HorizontalDatum datum, PrimeMeridian meridian, AxisInfo[] axis)
          Deprecated. Constructs a geocentric coordinate system.
 GeographicCoordinateSystem CoordinateSystemFactory.createGeographicCoordinateSystem(java.lang.CharSequence name, Unit unit, HorizontalDatum datum, PrimeMeridian meridian, AxisInfo axis0, AxisInfo axis1)
          Deprecated. Creates a geographic coordinate system, which could be latitude/longiude or longitude/latitude.
 ProjectedCoordinateSystem CoordinateSystemFactory.createProjectedCoordinateSystem(java.lang.CharSequence name, GeographicCoordinateSystem gcs, Projection projection, Unit unit, AxisInfo axis0, AxisInfo axis1)
          Deprecated. Creates a projected coordinate system using a projection object.
 VerticalCoordinateSystem CoordinateSystemFactory.createVerticalCoordinateSystem(java.lang.CharSequence name, VerticalDatum datum, Unit unit, AxisInfo axis)
          Deprecated. Creates a vertical coordinate system from a datum and linear units.
 LocalCoordinateSystem CoordinateSystemFactory.createLocalCoordinateSystem(java.lang.CharSequence name, LocalDatum datum, Unit unit, AxisInfo[] axes)
          Deprecated. Creates a local coordinate system.
 LocalCoordinateSystem CoordinateSystemFactory.createLocalCoordinateSystem(java.lang.CharSequence name, LocalDatum datum, Unit[] units, AxisInfo[] axes)
          Deprecated. Creates a local coordinate system.
 Ellipsoid CoordinateSystemFactory.createEllipsoid(java.lang.CharSequence name, double semiMajorAxis, double semiMinorAxis, Unit unit)
          Deprecated. Creates an ellipsoid from radius values.
 Ellipsoid CoordinateSystemFactory.createFlattenedSphere(java.lang.CharSequence name, double semiMajorAxis, double inverseFlattening, Unit unit)
          Deprecated. Creates an ellipsoid from an major radius, and inverse flattening.
 PrimeMeridian CoordinateSystemFactory.createPrimeMeridian(java.lang.CharSequence name, Unit unit, double longitude)
          Deprecated. Creates a prime meridian, relative to Greenwich.
 org.opengis.cs.CS_Unit Adapters.export(Unit unit)
          Deprecated. Returns an OpenGIS interface for a unit.
static Ellipsoid Ellipsoid.createEllipsoid(java.lang.CharSequence name, double semiMajorAxis, double semiMinorAxis, Unit unit)
          Deprecated. Replaced by DefaultEllipsoid.createEllipsoid(java.lang.String, double, double, javax.units.Unit).
static Ellipsoid Ellipsoid.createFlattenedSphere(java.lang.CharSequence name, double semiMajorAxis, double inverseFlattening, Unit unit)
          Deprecated. Replaced by DefaultEllipsoid.createFlattenedSphere(java.lang.String, double, double, javax.units.Unit).

Constructors in org.geotools.cs with parameters of type Unit
TemporalCoordinateSystem(java.lang.CharSequence name, TemporalDatum datum, Unit unit, java.util.Date epoch, AxisInfo axis)
          Deprecated. Creates a temporal coordinate system from a datum and time units.
ProjectedCoordinateSystem(java.lang.CharSequence name, GeographicCoordinateSystem gcs, Projection projection, Unit unit, AxisInfo axis0, AxisInfo axis1)
          Deprecated. Creates a projected coordinate system using a projection object.
GeographicCoordinateSystem(java.lang.CharSequence name, Unit unit, HorizontalDatum datum, PrimeMeridian meridian, AxisInfo axis0, AxisInfo axis1)
          Deprecated. Creates a geographic coordinate system, which could be latitude/longiude or longitude/latitude.
VerticalCoordinateSystem(java.lang.CharSequence name, VerticalDatum datum, Unit unit, AxisInfo axis)
          Deprecated. Creates a vertical coordinate system from a datum and linear units.
GeocentricCoordinateSystem(java.lang.CharSequence name, Unit unit, HorizontalDatum datum, PrimeMeridian meridian)
          Deprecated. Constructs a geocentric coordinate system with default axis.
GeocentricCoordinateSystem(java.lang.CharSequence name, Unit unit, HorizontalDatum datum, PrimeMeridian meridian, AxisInfo[] axis)
          Deprecated. Constructs a geocentric coordinate system.
LocalCoordinateSystem(java.lang.CharSequence name, LocalDatum datum, Unit unit, AxisInfo[] axes)
          Deprecated. Creates a local coordinate system.
LocalCoordinateSystem(java.lang.CharSequence name, LocalDatum datum, Unit[] units, AxisInfo[] axes)
          Deprecated. Creates a local coordinate system.
PrimeMeridian(java.lang.CharSequence name, Unit unit, double longitude)
          Deprecated. Creates a prime meridian, relative to Greenwich.
Ellipsoid(java.lang.CharSequence name, double semiMajorAxis, double semiMinorAxis, double inverseFlattening, boolean ivfDefinitive, Unit unit)
          Deprecated. Constructs a new ellipsoid using the specified axis length.

Uses of Unit in org.geotools.ct

Methods in org.geotools.ct that return Unit
 Unit MathTransformFactory.getParameterUnit(java.lang.String parameter)
          Deprecated. Returns the unit for the specified parameter.

Uses of Unit in

Methods in that return Unit
 Unit SampleDimension.getUnits()
          Deprecated. Returns the unit information for this sample dimension.

Constructors in with parameters of type Unit
SampleDimension(java.lang.String description, SampleDimensionType type, ColorInterpretation color, java.awt.Color[] palette, java.lang.String[] categories, double[] nodata, double minimum, double maximum, double scale, double offset, Unit unit)
          Deprecated. Constructs a sample dimension with the specified properties.
SampleDimension(Category[] categories, Unit units)
          Deprecated. Constructs a sample dimension with an arbitrary set of categories, which may be both quantitative and qualitative.

Uses of Unit in org.geotools.gc

Constructors in org.geotools.gc with parameters of type Unit
GridCoverage(java.lang.String name, java.awt.image.WritableRaster raster, CoordinateSystem cs, Envelope envelope, double[] minValues, double[] maxValues, Unit units, java.awt.Color[][] colors, java.awt.RenderingHints hints)
          Deprecated. Constructs a grid coverage from a raster with the specified envelope.
GridCoverage(java.lang.String name, java.awt.image.WritableRaster raster, CoordinateSystem cs, MathTransform gridToCS, double[] minValues, double[] maxValues, Unit units, java.awt.Color[][] colors, java.awt.RenderingHints hints)
          Deprecated. Constructs a grid coverage from a raster with the specified "grid to coordinate system" transform.

Uses of Unit in

Methods in that return Unit
 Unit RangeSpecifier.getUnit()
          Deprecated. Returns the target range units, or null if none.
protected  Unit OperationJAI.deriveUnit(Unit[] units, OperationJAI.Parameters parameters)
          Derive the unit of data for a sample dimension in the destination coverage.

Methods in with parameters of type Unit
 void RangeSpecifier.setUnit(Unit unit)
          Deprecated. Set the target range units to the specified value.
protected  Unit OperationJAI.deriveUnit(Unit[] units, OperationJAI.Parameters parameters)
          Derive the unit of data for a sample dimension in the destination coverage.

Uses of Unit in org.geotools.gui.swing

Methods in org.geotools.gui.swing with parameters of type Unit
protected  AbstractGraduation ColorBar.createGraduation(AbstractGraduation reuse, Category category, Unit units)
          Deprecated. Returns a graduation for the specified category.

Uses of Unit in

Methods in that return Unit
 Unit PropertyParser.getUnits()
          Deprecated. Returns the units.

Uses of Unit in org.geotools.renderer.j2d

Methods in org.geotools.renderer.j2d that return Unit
 Unit RenderedMapScale.getUnits()
          Returns the map scale units.
 Unit RenderedGridMarks.getAmplitudeUnit()
          Returns the units for marks amplitude.
 Unit RenderedMarks.getAmplitudeUnit()
          Returns the units for marks amplitude, or null if unknow.

Methods in org.geotools.renderer.j2d with parameters of type Unit
 void RenderedMapScale.setUnits(Unit units)
          Set the map scale units.

Uses of Unit in org.geotools.resources

Methods in org.geotools.resources that return Unit
static Unit DescriptorNaming.getParameterUnit(java.lang.String name)
          Deprecated. Returns the unit for the specified parameter.

Uses of Unit in org.geotools.units

Fields in org.geotools.units declared as Unit
static Unit Unit.DIMENSIONLESS
          Deprecated. Convenience constant for dimensionless unit.
static Unit Unit.RADIAN
          Deprecated. Replaced by SI.RADIAN.
static Unit Unit.DEGREE
          Deprecated. Replaced by NonSI.DEGREE_ANGLE.
static Unit Unit.METRE
          Deprecated. Replaced by SI.METER.
static Unit Unit.KILOMETRE
          Deprecated. Replaced by SI.KILO(SI.METER).
static Unit Unit.SECOND
          Deprecated. Replaced by SI.SECOND.
static Unit Unit.MILLISECOND
          Deprecated. Replaced by SI.MILLI(SI.SECOND).
static Unit Unit.DAY
          Deprecated. Replaced by NonSI.DAY.
static Unit Unit.KILOGRAM
          Deprecated. Replaced by SI.KILOGRAM.
static Unit Unit.ARC_SECOND
          Deprecated. Replaced by NonSI.SECOND_ANGLE.
static Unit Unit.DMS
          Deprecated. Convenience constant for "Degrees Minutes Secondes" unit.
          Deprecated. Convenience constant for "Degrees dot Minutes Secondes" unit.
 Unit UnitTransform.fromUnit
          Deprecated. Unit? selon laquelle seront exprim?es les valeurs initiales.
 Unit UnitTransform.toUnit
          Deprecated. Unit? selon laquelle seront exprim?es les valeurs finales.

Methods in org.geotools.units that return Unit
static Unit Unit.get(java.lang.String symbol)
          Deprecated. Retourne les unit?s qui correspondent au symbole sp?cifi?.
abstract  Unit Unit.rename(java.lang.String symbol, org.geotools.units.PrefixSet prefix)
          Deprecated. Renvoie une unit? identique ? celle-ci, mais avec un nouveau symbole et de nouveaux pr?fix.
 Unit Unit.pow(int power)
          Deprecated. ?l?ve ces unit?s ? une puissance enti?re.
 Unit Unit.pow(double power)
          Deprecated. ?l?ve ces unit?s ? une puissance fractionnaire.
 Unit Unit.multiply(Unit that)
          Deprecated. Multiplie cette unit? par une autre unit?.
 Unit Unit.divide(Unit that)
          Deprecated. Divise cette unit? par une autre unit?.
abstract  Unit Unit.scale(double amount)
          Deprecated. Cr?e une nouvelle unit? proportionnelle ? cette unit?.
abstract  Unit Unit.shift(double offset)
          Deprecated. Cr?e une nouvelle unit? d?cal?e par rapport ? cette unit?.

Methods in org.geotools.units with parameters of type Unit
 Unit Unit.multiply(Unit that)
          Deprecated. Multiplie cette unit? par une autre unit?.
 Unit Unit.divide(Unit that)
          Deprecated. Divise cette unit? par une autre unit?.
abstract  boolean Unit.canConvert(Unit that)
          Deprecated. Indique si les unit?s this et that sont compatibles.
abstract  double Unit.convert(double value, Unit fromUnit)
          Deprecated. Effectue la conversion d'une mesure exprim?e selon d'autres unit?s.
abstract  void Unit.convert(double[] values, Unit fromUnit)
          Deprecated. Effectue sur-place la conversion de mesures exprim?es selon d'autres unit?s.
abstract  void Unit.convert(float[] values, Unit fromUnit)
          Deprecated. Effectue sur-place la conversion de mesures exprim?es selon d'autres unit?s.
abstract  UnitTransform Unit.getTransform(Unit fromUnit)
          Deprecated. Retourne un objet qui saura convertir selon ces unit?s les valeurs exprim?es selon d'autres unit?s.

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