Uses of Interface

Packages that use Filter
org.geotools.brewer.color Defines the DataStoreAPI via which all data is imported or exported. Directory DataStore Overview This package represents the functionality required to chain datastores, ie. to represents a directory of mixed file types as a single datastore.   
org.geotools.feature.collection Helper classes for implementing FeatureCollections.  
org.geotools.renderer.lite A simple renderer implementation.  
org.geotools.styling Allows for symbolization of geospatial data.  
org.geotools.validation.attributes Simple Attribute based Validation implementations.  
org.geotools.xml.filter The package name does not map the prefix name because we feel that this is a better representation.  

Uses of Filter in org.geotools.brewer.color

Methods in org.geotools.brewer.color that return Filter
static Filter[] StyleGenerator.toFilter(java.lang.String[] styleExpression, FeatureType[] featureType, java.lang.String[] attributeTypeName)
           Converts an array of styleExpressions and attributes into Filters styleExpression[0] = "1..5";
styleExpression[1] = "5..10";
styleExpression[2] = "11, -13";
filter[0] = [[1 <= attr] AND [attr < 5]]
filter[1] = [[6 <= attr] AND [attr <= 10]]
filter[2] = [[attr = 11] OR [attr = -13]]
static Filter StyleGenerator.toRangedFilter(java.lang.String styleExpression, FeatureType featureType, java.lang.String attributeTypeName, boolean upperBoundClosed)
           Creates a filter for a range of values.
static Filter StyleGenerator.toExplicitFilter(java.lang.String styleExpression, FeatureType featureType, java.lang.String attributeTypeName)
           Creates a filter with each value explicitly defined.
static Filter StyleGenerator.toExplicitFilter(java.lang.String styleExpression, Expression attribExpr)
           Creates a filter with each value explicitly defined.

Methods in org.geotools.brewer.color with parameters of type Filter
static java.lang.String StyleGenerator.toStyleExpression(Filter filter)
static java.lang.String[] StyleGenerator.toStyleExpression(Filter[] filter)

Uses of Filter in

Fields in declared as Filter
protected  Filter FilteringFeatureReader.filter
protected  Filter DataTestCase.rd1Filter
protected  Filter DataTestCase.rd2Filter
protected  Filter DataTestCase.rd12Filter
protected  Filter DataTestCase.rv1Filter

Methods in that return Filter
 Filter DefaultQuery.getFilter()
          The Filter can be used to define constraints on a query.
protected  Filter AbstractDataStore.getUnsupportedFilter(java.lang.String typeName, Filter filter)
          GR: if a subclass supports filtering, it should override this method to return the unsupported part of the passed filter, so a FilteringFeatureReader will be constructed upon it.
 Filter Query.getFilter()
          The Filter can be used to define constraints on a query.

Methods in with parameters of type Filter
 void AbstractFeatureStore.modifyFeatures(AttributeType type, java.lang.Object value, Filter filter)
          Modifies features matching filter.
 void AbstractFeatureStore.modifyFeatures(AttributeType[] type, java.lang.Object[] value, Filter filter)
          Modifies features matching filter.
 void AbstractFeatureStore.removeFeatures(Filter filter)
          Removes features indicated by provided filter.
 int AbstractFeatureLocking.lockFeatures(Filter filter)
          Lock features matching filter.
 void AbstractFeatureLocking.unLockFeatures(Filter filter)
          Unlock Features specified by filter.
 FeatureWriter AbstractFileDataStore.getFeatureWriter(Filter filter, Transaction transaction)
          Singular version, calls parent with getSchema().getTypeName()
protected  boolean DiffFeatureReader.isSubsetOfBboxFilter(Filter f)
static java.lang.String[] DataUtilities.attributeNames(Filter filter)
          DOCUMENT ME!
static void DataUtilities.traverse(Filter filter, FilterVisitor visitor)
static java.util.Set DataUtilities.traverseDepth(Filter filter)
          Performs a depth first traversal of Filter.
 void DataUtilities.AbstractFilterVisitor.visit(Filter filter)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 FeatureCollection AbstractFeatureSource.getFeatures(Filter filter)
          Retrieve all Feature matching the Filter.
 void DefaultQuery.setFilter(Filter filter)
          Sets the filter to constrain the query.
 FeatureWriter TransactionStateDiff.writer(java.lang.String typeName, Filter filter)
          Convience Method for a Transaction based FeatureWriter Constructs a DiffFeatureWriter that works against this Transaction.
protected  Filter AbstractDataStore.getUnsupportedFilter(java.lang.String typeName, Filter filter)
          GR: if a subclass supports filtering, it should override this method to return the unsupported part of the passed filter, so a FilteringFeatureReader will be constructed upon it.
 FeatureWriter AbstractDataStore.getFeatureWriter(java.lang.String typeName, Filter filter, Transaction transaction)
 void FeatureStore.removeFeatures(Filter filter)
          Removes all of the features specificed by the passed filter from the collection.
 void FeatureStore.modifyFeatures(AttributeType[] type, java.lang.Object[] value, Filter filter)
          Modifies the passed attribute types with the passed objects in all features that correspond to the passed OGS filter.
 void FeatureStore.modifyFeatures(AttributeType type, java.lang.Object value, Filter filter)
          Modifies the passed attribute types with the passed objects in all features that correspond to the passed OGS filter.
 int FeatureLocking.lockFeatures(Filter filter)
          FeatureLock features described by Filter.
 void FeatureLocking.unLockFeatures(Filter filter)
          Unlock Features denoted by provided filter.
 FeatureWriter DataStore.getFeatureWriter(java.lang.String typeName, Filter filter, Transaction transaction)
          Access FeatureWriter for modification of existing DataStore contents.
 FeatureCollection FeatureSource.getFeatures(Filter filter)
          Loads features from the datasource into the returned FeatureResults, based on the passed filter.

Constructors in with parameters of type Filter
FilteringFeatureWriter(FeatureWriter writer, Filter filter)
FilteringFeatureReader(FeatureReader featureReader, Filter filter)
          Creates a new instance of AbstractFeatureReader Please don't call this method with Filter.NONE or Filter.ALL (consider not filtering and EmptyFeatureReader instead)
DiffFeatureWriter(FeatureReader reader, Diff diff, Filter filter)
          DiffFeatureWriter construction.
DiffFeatureReader(FeatureReader reader, Diff diff2, Filter filter)
          This constructor grabs a "copy" of the current diff.
DefaultQuery(java.lang.String typeName, Filter filter)
          Constructor with typeName and filter.
DefaultQuery(java.lang.String typeName, Filter filter, java.lang.String[] properties)
          Constructor that sets the filter and properties
DefaultQuery(java.lang.String typeName, Filter filter, int maxFeatures, java.lang.String[] propNames, java.lang.String handle)
          Constructor that sets all fields.
DefaultQuery(java.lang.String typeName, namespace, Filter filter, int maxFeatures, java.lang.String[] propNames, java.lang.String handle)
          Constructor that sets all fields.

Uses of Filter in

Methods in with parameters of type Filter
 java.lang.String DB2SQLBuilder.buildSQLBoundsQuery(java.lang.String typeName, AttributeType geomAttr, Filter filter)
          Builds the SQL query to get the bounds (min-max coordinate values) of a geometry column for a given filter.

Uses of Filter in

Constructors in with parameters of type Filter
SQLEncoderDB2( out, Filter filter)
          Construct an SQLEncoderDB2 that does the encoding (through superclass) directly based on the filter parameter.

Uses of Filter in

Methods in with parameters of type Filter
 FeatureWriter DirectoryDataStore.getFeatureWriter(java.lang.String typeName, Filter filter, Transaction transaction)

Uses of Filter in

Methods in with parameters of type Filter
 FeatureWriter HsqlDataStore.getFeatureWriter(java.lang.String typeName, Filter filter, Transaction transaction)
          Aquire FetureWriter for modification of contents specifed by filter.
 FeatureWriter HsqlTransactionStateDiff.writer(java.lang.String typeName, Filter filter)
          Convience Method for a Transaction based FeatureWriter Constructs a DiffFeatureWriter that works against this Transaction.

Uses of Filter in

Methods in that return Filter
 Filter DefaultSQLBuilder.getPostQueryFilter(Filter filter)
          Return the postQueryFilter that must be applied to the database query result set.
 Filter DefaultSQLBuilder.getPreQueryFilter(Filter filter)
          Return the preQueryFilter that can be used to generate the WHERE clause.
 Filter SQLBuilder.getPostQueryFilter(Filter filter)
          Returns the Filter required for post processing.
 Filter SQLBuilder.getPreQueryFilter(Filter filter)

Methods in with parameters of type Filter
protected  java.util.Set JDBCFeatureStore.fids(Filter filter)
protected  void JDBCFeatureStore.assertFilter(Filter filter)
 void JDBCFeatureStore.modifyFeatures(AttributeType type, java.lang.Object value, Filter filter)
          Modifies features matching filter.
 void JDBCFeatureStore.modifyFeatures(AttributeType[] type, java.lang.Object[] value, Filter filter)
          Modifies features matching filter.
 void JDBCFeatureStore.removeFeatures(Filter filter)
          Removes features indicated by provided filter.
 int JDBCFeatureLocking.lockFeatures(Filter filter)
          Lock features matching filter.
 void JDBCFeatureLocking.unLockFeatures(Filter filter)
          Unlock Features specified by filter.
 Filter DefaultSQLBuilder.getPostQueryFilter(Filter filter)
          Return the postQueryFilter that must be applied to the database query result set.
 Filter DefaultSQLBuilder.getPreQueryFilter(Filter filter)
          Return the preQueryFilter that can be used to generate the WHERE clause.
 void DefaultSQLBuilder.sqlWhere(java.lang.StringBuffer sql, Filter preFilter)
          Constructs WHERE clause, if needed, for FILTER.
 java.lang.String DefaultSQLBuilder.buildSQLQuery(java.lang.String typeName, FIDMapper mapper, AttributeType[] attrTypes, Filter filter)
          Constructs the full SQL SELECT statement for the supplied Filter.
 FeatureCollection JDBCFeatureSource.getFeatures(Filter filter)
          Retrieve all Feature matching the Filter
 java.lang.String SQLBuilder.buildSQLQuery(java.lang.String typeName, FIDMapper mapper, AttributeType[] attrTypes, Filter filter)
          Makes an SQL Select statement.
 Filter SQLBuilder.getPostQueryFilter(Filter filter)
          Returns the Filter required for post processing.
 Filter SQLBuilder.getPreQueryFilter(Filter filter)
 void SQLBuilder.sqlWhere(java.lang.StringBuffer sql, Filter preFilter)
          Constructs WHERE clause, if needed, for FILTER.
 FeatureReader JDBC1DataStore.getFeatureReader(FeatureType requestType, Filter filter, Transaction transaction)
          This is a public entry point to the DataStore.
protected  java.lang.String[] JDBC1DataStore.attributeNames(FeatureType featureType, Filter filter)
          Gets the list of attribute names required for both featureType and filter
protected  FeatureReader JDBC1DataStore.createFeatureReader(FeatureType schema, Filter postFilter, QueryData queryData)
          Create a new FeatureReader based on attributeReaders.
 FeatureWriter JDBC1DataStore.getFeatureWriter(java.lang.String typeName, Filter filter, Transaction transaction)
          Aquire FetureWriter for modification of contents specifed by filter.

Uses of Filter in

Methods in with parameters of type Filter
 void PostgisFeatureStore.removeFeatures(Filter filter)
          Removes the features specified by the passed filter from the PostGIS database.
 void PostgisFeatureStore.modifyFeatures(AttributeType[] type, java.lang.Object[] value, Filter filter)
          Modifies the passed attribute types with the passed objects in all features that correspond to the passed OGS filter.
 void PostgisFeatureStore.modifyFeatures(AttributeType type, java.lang.Object value, Filter filter)
          Modifies the passed attribute types with the passed objects in all features that correspond to the passed OGS filter.
protected  com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Envelope PostgisFeatureStore.getEnvelope(java.sql.Connection conn, java.lang.String geomName, SQLBuilder sqlBuilder, Filter filter)
 int PostgisFeatureLocking.lockFeatures(Filter filter)
          Lock features matching filter.
 void PostgisFeatureLocking.unLockFeatures(Filter filter)
          Unlock Features specified by filter.
 FeatureReader PostgisDataStore.getFeatureReader(FeatureType requestType, Filter filter, Transaction transaction)
          This is a public entry point to the DataStore.
protected  java.lang.String[] PostgisDataStore.attributeNames(FeatureType featureType, Filter filter)
          Gets the list of attribute names required for both featureType and filter
 void PostgisSQLBuilder.sqlWhere(java.lang.StringBuffer sql, Filter preFilter)
          Constructs WHERE clause, if needed, for FILTER.

Uses of Filter in

Methods in that return Filter
protected  Filter IndexedShapefileDataStore.getUnsupportedFilter(java.lang.String typeName, Filter filter)

Methods in with parameters of type Filter
protected  Filter IndexedShapefileDataStore.getUnsupportedFilter(java.lang.String typeName, Filter filter)
protected  IndexedShapefileDataStore.Reader IndexedShapefileDataStore.getAttributesReader(boolean readDbf, boolean readGeometry, Filter filter)
          Returns the attribute reader, allowing for a pure shape reader, or a combined dbf/shp reader.

Uses of Filter in

Methods in with parameters of type Filter
 FeatureWriter AbstractDataStore2.getFeatureWriter(java.lang.String typeName, Filter filter, Transaction transaction)
 FeatureCollection DataFeatureCollection.subCollection(Filter filter)
          Will return an optimized subCollection based on access to the origional FeatureSource.

Uses of Filter in

Methods in that return Filter
protected  Filter DefaultView.makeDefinitionFilter(Filter filter)
          If a definition query has been configured for the FeatureTypeInfo, makes and return a new Filter that contains both the query's filter and the layer's definition one, by logic AND'ing them.

Methods in with parameters of type Filter
protected  Filter DefaultView.makeDefinitionFilter(Filter filter)
          If a definition query has been configured for the FeatureTypeInfo, makes and return a new Filter that contains both the query's filter and the layer's definition one, by logic AND'ing them.
 FeatureCollection DefaultView.getFeatures(Filter filter)
          Implement getFeatures.

Uses of Filter in

Methods in that return Filter
 Filter VPFColumn.getRestriction()

Uses of Filter in

Methods in that return Filter
 Filter Action.getFilter()
 Filter Action.UpdateAction.getFilter()
 Filter Action.DeleteAction.getFilter()
 Filter Action.InsertAction.getFilter()
 Filter WFSFilterVisitor.translateOr(LogicFilter filter)
 Filter[] LockRequest.getFilters()
protected  Filter WFSDataStore.getUnsupportedFilter(java.lang.String typeName, Filter filter)

Methods in with parameters of type Filter
 FeatureCollection WFSFeatureSource.getFeatures(Filter filter)
 void WFSFeatureStore.removeFeatures(Filter filter)
 void WFSFeatureStore.modifyFeatures(AttributeType[] type, java.lang.Object[] value, Filter filter)
 void WFSFeatureStore.modifyFeatures(AttributeType type, java.lang.Object value, Filter filter)
 void WFSFilterVisitor.visit(Filter filter)
 void WFSFilterVisitor.WFSBBoxFilterVisitor.visit(Filter filter)
protected  Filter WFSDataStore.getUnsupportedFilter(java.lang.String typeName, Filter filter)

Constructors in with parameters of type Filter
Action.UpdateAction(java.lang.String typeName, Filter f, java.util.Map properties)
          Makes an UpdateAction
Action.DeleteAction(java.lang.String typeName, Filter f)
          Represents a Delete Action
LockRequest(long duration, java.lang.String[] types, Filter[] filters)

Uses of Filter in org.geotools.feature

Methods in org.geotools.feature that return Filter
protected  Filter DefaultAttributeTypeFactory.length(int fieldLength)
static Filter Schema.restriction(FeatureType featureType, java.lang.String name)
          Query featureType information the complete restrictions for the indicated name.
 Filter DefaultAttributeType.getRestriction()
 Filter FeatureAttributeType.getRestriction()
          Filter must indicate value is required to be a member of getSchema().
 Filter PrimativeAttributeType.getRestriction()
          This provides access to the immutable restriction for this attribute type.
 Filter AttributeType.getRestriction()
          This represents a Facet in XML schema ... for example can be used to represent the max length of 20 for a string.
 Filter GeometryAttributeType.getRestriction()
          Restriction is assumed to be in agreement with Geometry class indicated.

Methods in org.geotools.feature with parameters of type Filter
static int AttributeTypes.getFieldLengthFromFilter(Filter filter)
           Obtains a field length from a filter possibly containing a LengthFunction expression
 FeatureCollection DefaultFeatureCollection.subCollection(Filter filter)
          Will return an optimized subCollection based on access to the origional MemoryFeatureCollection.
static AttributeType AttributeTypeFactory.newAttributeType(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Class clazz, boolean isNillable, Filter restriction, java.lang.Object defaultValue, java.lang.Object metaData)
protected abstract  AttributeType AttributeTypeFactory.createAttributeType(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Class clazz, boolean isNillable, Filter restriction, java.lang.Object defaultValue, java.lang.Object metadata)
          Create an AttributeType with the given name, Class, nillability, fieldLength, and provided defaultValue.
protected  AttributeType DefaultAttributeTypeFactory.createAttributeType(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Class clazz, boolean isNillable, Filter filter, java.lang.Object defaultValue, java.lang.Object metadata)
          Implementation of AttributeType creation.
 FeatureList FeatureList.subList(Filter filter)
          Similar to subCollection, explicitly constructs a ordered List.
 FeatureCollection FeatureCollection.subCollection(Filter filter)
          FeatureCollection "view" indicated by provided filter.

Constructors in org.geotools.feature with parameters of type Filter
DefaultAttributeType(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Class type, boolean nillable, int min, int max, java.lang.Object defaultValue, Filter f)
          Constructor with name and type.

Uses of Filter in org.geotools.feature.collection

Fields in org.geotools.feature.collection declared as Filter
protected  Filter SubFeatureCollection.filter

Methods in org.geotools.feature.collection that return Filter
protected  Filter SubFeatureList.createFilter()
          Lazy create a filter based on index
protected  Filter SubFeatureCollection.filter()
protected  Filter SubFeatureCollection.createFilter()
          Override to implement subsetting

Methods in org.geotools.feature.collection with parameters of type Filter
 FeatureList AbstractFeatureList.subList(Filter filter)
 FeatureCollection AbstractFeatureList.subCollection(Filter filter)
 FeatureList AbstractFeatureCollection.subList(Filter filter)
 FeatureCollection AbstractFeatureCollection.subCollection(Filter filter)
 FeatureList SubFeatureList.subList(Filter subfilter)
          Sublist of this sublist!
 FeatureCollection SubFeatureCollection.subCollection(Filter filter)

Constructors in org.geotools.feature.collection with parameters of type Filter
SubFeatureList(FeatureCollection list, Filter filter)
SubFeatureList(FeatureCollection list, Filter filter, SortBy subSort)
          Create a simple SubFeatureList with the provided filter.
FilteredIterator(java.util.Iterator iterator, Filter filter)
FilteredIterator(FeatureCollection collection, Filter filter)
SubFeatureCollection(FeatureCollection collection, Filter subfilter)

Uses of Filter in org.geotools.feature.type

Methods in org.geotools.feature.type that return Filter
 Filter TextualAttributeType.getRestriction()
 Filter TemporalAttributeType.getRestriction()
 Filter NumericAttributeType.getRestriction()
 Filter ListAttributeType.getRestriction()
 Filter GeometricAttributeType.getRestriction()
 Filter SetAttributeType.getRestriction()
 Filter ChoiceAttributeType.getRestriction()
 Filter FeatureAttributeType.getRestriction()

Constructors in org.geotools.feature.type with parameters of type Filter
TextualAttributeType(java.lang.String name, boolean nillable, int min, int max, java.lang.Object defaultValue, Filter filter)
TemporalAttributeType(java.lang.String name, boolean nillable, int min, int max, java.lang.Object defaultValue, Filter filter)
NumericAttributeType(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Class type, boolean nillable, int min, int max, java.lang.Object defaultValue, Filter filter)
          Constructor with name, type and nillable.
NumericAttributeType(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Class type, boolean nillable, java.lang.Object defaultValue, Filter filter)
NestedAttributeType(java.lang.String name, boolean nillable, int min, int max, AttributeType[] children, Filter restriction)
ListAttributeType(java.lang.String name, boolean nillable, int min, int max, AttributeType[] children, Filter restriction)
GeometricAttributeType(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Class type, boolean nillable, int min, int max, java.lang.Object defaultValue, cs, Filter filter)
GeometricAttributeType(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Class type, boolean nillable, java.lang.Object defaultValue, cs, Filter filter)
SetAttributeType(java.lang.String name, boolean nillable, int min, int max, AttributeType[] children, Filter restriction)
ChoiceAttributeType(java.lang.String name, int min, int max, AttributeType[] children, Filter restriction)
ChoiceAttributeType.Geometric(java.lang.String name, int min, int max, GeometryAttributeType[] children, Filter restriction)

Uses of Filter in org.geotools.filter

Subinterfaces of Filter in org.geotools.filter
 interface BetweenFilter
          Defines a 'between' filter (which is a specialized compare filter).
 interface CompareFilter
          Defines a comparison filter (can be a math comparison or generic equals).
 interface FidFilter
          Defines a feature ID filter, which holds a list of feature IDs.
 interface GeometryDistanceFilter
          Defines geometry filters with a distance element.
 interface GeometryFilter
          Implements a geometry filter.
 interface LikeFilter
          Defines a like filter, which checks to see if an attribute matches a REGEXP.
 interface LogicFilter
          Defines a logic filter (the only filter type that contains other filters).
 interface NullFilter
          Defines a null filter, which checks to see if an attribute is null.

Classes in org.geotools.filter that implement Filter
 class AbstractFilter
          Implements Filter interface, with constants and default behaviors for methods.
 class AbstractFilterImpl
          Abstract filter implementation provides or and and methods for child filters to use.
 class AndImpl
 class BetweenFilterImpl
          Defines a 'between' filter (which is a specialized compare filter).
 class BinaryComparisonAbstract
          Abstract implemention for binary filters.
 class BinaryLogicAbstract
 class CartesianDistanceFilter
          Defines geometry filters with a distance element.
 class CompareFilterImpl
          Defines a comparison filter (can be a math comparison or generic equals).
 class FidFilterImpl
          Defines a feature ID filter, which holds a list of feature IDs.
 class GeometryFilterImpl
          Implements a geometry filter.
 class IsEqualsToImpl
 class IsGreaterThanImpl
 class IsGreaterThanOrEqualToImpl
 class IsLessThenImpl
 class IsLessThenOrEqualToImpl
 class IsNotEqualToImpl
 class LikeFilterImpl
          Defines a like filter, which checks to see if an attribute matches a REGEXP.
 class LogicFilterImpl
          Defines a logic filter (the only filter type that contains other filters).
 class NotImpl
 class NullFilterImpl
          Defines a null filter, which checks to see if an attribute is null.
 class OrImpl

Fields in org.geotools.filter declared as Filter
static Filter Filter.NONE
          Implements the semantics of "no filtering", that is, every call to contains will return true.
static Filter Filter.ALL
          Implements the semantics of "filter all", that is, every call to contains will return false.

Methods in org.geotools.filter that return Filter
static Filter FilterDOMParser.parseFilter(org.w3c.dom.Node root)
          Parses the filter using DOM.
 Filter FilterFactoryImpl.and(Filter f1, Filter f2)
 Filter FilterFactoryImpl.or(Filter f1, Filter f2)
 Filter FilterFactoryImpl.not(Filter f)
 Filter LogicFilterImpl.or(Filter filter)
          Implements a logical OR with this filter and returns the merged filter.
 Filter LogicFilterImpl.and(Filter filter)
          Implements a logical AND with this filter and returns the merged filter.
 Filter LogicFilterImpl.not()
          Implements a logical NOT with this filter and returns the merged filter.
 Filter BinaryLogicAbstract.and(Filter filter)
 Filter BinaryLogicAbstract.or(Filter filter)
 Filter BinaryLogicAbstract.not()
 Filter SQLUnpacker.getUnSupported()
          After an unPack has been called, returns the resulting Filter of the unsupported parts of the unPacked filter.
 Filter SQLUnpacker.getSupported()
          After an unPack has been called, returns the resulting Filter of the supported parts of the unPacked filter.
 Filter FilterSAXParser.create()
          Creates the filter held in the parser.
 Filter LogicSAXParser.create()
          Creates the the logic filter if in a complete state.
 Filter Filters.duplicate(Filter filter)
          Deep copy the filter.
 Filter BinaryComparisonAbstract.and(Filter filter)
 Filter BinaryComparisonAbstract.or(Filter filter)
 Filter BinaryComparisonAbstract.not()
 Filter AbstractFilterImpl.or(Filter filter)
          Default implementation for OR - should be sufficient for most filters.
 Filter AbstractFilterImpl.and(Filter filter)
          Default implementation for AND - should be sufficient for most filters.
 Filter AbstractFilterImpl.not()
          Default implementation for NOT - should be sufficient for most filters.
 Filter FilterFactory.or(Filter f1, Filter f2)
          Deprecated. use FilterFactory.or(org.opengis.filter.Filter, org.opengis.filter.Filter)
 Filter FilterFactory.and(Filter f1, Filter f2)
          Deprecated. use FilterFactory.and(org.opengis.filter.Filter, org.opengis.filter.Filter)
 Filter FilterFactory.not(Filter f)
          Deprecated. use FilterFactory.not(org.opengis.filter.Filter)
 Filter Filter.and(Filter filter)
          Implements a logical AND with this filter and returns the merged filter.
 Filter Filter.or(Filter filter)
          Implements a logical OR with this filter and returns the merged filter.
 Filter Filter.not()
          Implements a logical NOT with this filter and returns the negated filter

Methods in org.geotools.filter with parameters of type Filter
 void SQLEncoderSDE.encode( out, Filter filter)
          overriden just to avoid the "WHERE" keyword
 void GeometryEncoderSDE.encode(Filter filter)
          overriden just to avoid the "WHERE" keyword
 void GeometryEncoderSDE.visit(Filter filter)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 void XMLEncoder.encode(Filter filter)
          Deprecated. Encodes the filter to the current writer.
 void XMLEncoder.visit(Filter filter)
          Deprecated. This should never be called.
 java.lang.String FilterTransformer.transform(Filter f)
          A typed convenience method for converting a Filter into XML.
 void FilterTransformer.FilterTranslator.visit(Filter filter)
 void FilterTransformer.FilterTranslator.encode(Filter f)
 boolean FilterCapabilitiesMask.fullySupports(Filter filter)
 boolean FilterCapabilitiesMask.supports(Filter filter)
 void SQLEncoder.encode( out, Filter filter)
          Performs the encoding, sends the encoded sql to the writer passed in.
 java.lang.String SQLEncoder.encode(Filter filter)
          Performs the encoding, returns a string of the encoded SQL.
 void SQLEncoder.visit(Filter filter)
          This should never be called.
 LogicFilter FilterFactoryImpl.createLogicFilter(Filter filter, short filterType)
          Deprecated. use one of FilterFactory.and(Filter, Filter) FilterFactory.or(Filter, Filter) FilterFactory.not(Filter)
 LogicFilter FilterFactoryImpl.createLogicFilter(Filter filter1, Filter filter2, short filterType)
          Deprecated. use one of FilterFactory.and(Filter, Filter) FilterFactory.or(Filter, Filter) FilterFactory.not(Filter)
 Filter FilterFactoryImpl.and(Filter f1, Filter f2)
 Filter FilterFactoryImpl.or(Filter f1, Filter f2)
 Filter FilterFactoryImpl.not(Filter f)
 void LogicFilterImpl.addFilter(Filter filter)
          Adds a sub filter to this filter.
 Filter LogicFilterImpl.or(Filter filter)
          Implements a logical OR with this filter and returns the merged filter.
 Filter LogicFilterImpl.and(Filter filter)
          Implements a logical AND with this filter and returns the merged filter.
 Filter BinaryLogicAbstract.and(Filter filter)
 Filter BinaryLogicAbstract.or(Filter filter)
 boolean FilterCapabilities.supports(Filter filter)
          Determines if the filter passed in is supported.
 boolean FilterCapabilities.fullySupports(Filter filter)
          Determines if the filter and all its sub filters are supported.
 void SQLUnpacker.unPackAND(Filter filter)
          Performs the unpacking of a filter, for the cases when ANDs can be split and ORs can not.
 void SQLUnpacker.unPackOR(Filter filter)
          Performs the unpacking of a filter, for the cases when ORs can be split and ANDs can not.
 void LogicSAXParser.add(Filter filter)
          Adds a filter to the current logic list.
 Filter Filters.duplicate(Filter filter)
          Deep copy the filter.
 void FilterHandler.filter(Filter filter)
          Method to recieve the filters from the sax processing.
 void FilterAttributeExtractor.visit(Filter filter)
 Filter BinaryComparisonAbstract.and(Filter filter)
 Filter BinaryComparisonAbstract.or(Filter filter)
 Filter AbstractFilterImpl.or(Filter filter)
          Default implementation for OR - should be sufficient for most filters.
 Filter AbstractFilterImpl.and(Filter filter)
          Default implementation for AND - should be sufficient for most filters.
static void FilteringIteration.filter(FeatureCollection features, Filter filter)
 LogicFilter FilterFactory.createLogicFilter(Filter filter1, Filter filter2, short filterType)
          Deprecated. use one of FilterFactory.and(Filter, Filter) FilterFactory.or(Filter, Filter) FilterFactory.not(Filter)
 LogicFilter FilterFactory.createLogicFilter(Filter filter, short filterType)
          Deprecated. use one of FilterFactory.and(Filter, Filter) FilterFactory.or(Filter, Filter) FilterFactory.not(Filter)
 Filter FilterFactory.or(Filter f1, Filter f2)
          Deprecated. use FilterFactory.or(org.opengis.filter.Filter, org.opengis.filter.Filter)
 Filter FilterFactory.and(Filter f1, Filter f2)
          Deprecated. use FilterFactory.and(org.opengis.filter.Filter, org.opengis.filter.Filter)
 Filter FilterFactory.not(Filter f)
          Deprecated. use FilterFactory.not(org.opengis.filter.Filter)
 void LogicFilter.addFilter(Filter filter)
          Adds a sub filter to this filter.
 void FilterVisitor.visit(Filter filter)
          Called when accept is called on an AbstractFilter.
 Filter Filter.and(Filter filter)
          Implements a logical AND with this filter and returns the merged filter.
 Filter Filter.or(Filter filter)
          Implements a logical OR with this filter and returns the merged filter.

Constructors in org.geotools.filter with parameters of type Filter
XMLEncoder( out, Filter filter)
          Deprecated. Creates a new instance of XMLEncoder
SQLEncoder( out, Filter filter)
          Convenience constructor to perform the whole encoding process at once.
LogicFilterImpl(Filter filter, short filterType)
          Convenience constructor to create a NOT logic filter.
LogicFilterImpl(Filter filter1, Filter filter2, short filterType)
          Convenience constructor to create an AND/OR logic filter.
FilteringIteration(Filter filter, FeatureCollection collection)
          Creates a new instance of FilteringIteration

Uses of Filter in org.geotools.filter.spatial

Classes in org.geotools.filter.spatial that implement Filter
 class BBOXImpl
 class BeyondImpl
 class ContainsImpl
 class CrossesImpl
 class DisjointImpl
 class DWithinImpl
 class EqualsImpl
 class IntersectsImpl
 class OverlapsImpl
 class TouchesImpl
 class WithinImpl

Uses of Filter in org.geotools.filter.visitor

Methods in org.geotools.filter.visitor that return Filter
 Filter EnvironmentVariableResolver.resolve(Filter filter, double mapScale)
          Find all instances of MapScaleDenominator and replace them with the a literal expression for the provided map scale.

Methods in org.geotools.filter.visitor with parameters of type Filter
 void DuplicatorFilterVisitor.visit(Filter filter)
 void AbstractFilterVisitor.visit(Filter filter)
 Filter EnvironmentVariableResolver.resolve(Filter filter, double mapScale)
          Find all instances of MapScaleDenominator and replace them with the a literal expression for the provided map scale.
 boolean EnvironmentVariableResolver.needsResolving(Filter f)
          Test supplied filter to see if it contains any EnvironmentVariable expressions

Uses of Filter in org.geotools.index.rtree

Methods in org.geotools.index.rtree with parameters of type Filter
 void FilterConsumer.visit(Filter filter)
 com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Envelope RTree.getBounds(Filter filter)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 java.util.List filter)
          Performs a search on this RTree

Uses of Filter in org.geotools.renderer.lite

Methods in org.geotools.renderer.lite with parameters of type Filter
 void BoundsExtractor.visit(Filter filter)

Uses of Filter in org.geotools.renderer.shape

Methods in org.geotools.renderer.shape with parameters of type Filter
 void ReplaceGeometryFilter.visit(Filter filter)

Uses of Filter in org.geotools.styling

Methods in org.geotools.styling that return Filter
 Filter RuleImpl.getFilter()
static Filter[] SLD.filters(Rule[] rule)
static Filter[] SLD.filters(Style style)
 Filter FeatureTypeConstraintImpl.getFilter()
 Filter Rule.getFilter()
 Filter FeatureTypeConstraint.getFilter()

Methods in org.geotools.styling with parameters of type Filter
 FeatureTypeConstraint StyleFactoryImpl.createFeatureTypeConstraint(java.lang.String featureTypeName, Filter filter, Extent[] extents)
 void RuleImpl.setFilter(Filter filter)
 void FeatureTypeConstraintImpl.setFilter(Filter filter)
 FeatureTypeConstraint StyleFactory.createFeatureTypeConstraint(java.lang.String featureTypeName, Filter filter, Extent[] extents)
          Creates a new feature type constraint.
 void Rule.setFilter(Filter filter)
 void FeatureTypeConstraint.setFilter(Filter filter)

Uses of Filter in org.geotools.validation.attributes

Methods in org.geotools.validation.attributes that return Filter
 Filter EqualityValidation.getFilter()
          Access filter property.

Methods in org.geotools.validation.attributes with parameters of type Filter
 void EqualityValidation.setFilter(Filter filter)
          Set filter to filter.

Uses of Filter in org.geotools.validation.relate

Fields in org.geotools.validation.relate declared as Filter
protected  Filter SpatialTestCase.lineFilter

Methods in org.geotools.validation.relate that return Filter
static Filter OverlapsIntegrity.filterBBox(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Envelope bBox, FeatureType ft)
          Try and Filter by the provided bbox, will default to Filter.ALL if null

Uses of Filter in org.geotools.xml.filter

Methods in org.geotools.xml.filter with parameters of type Filter
protected static void FilterOpsComplexTypes.encodeFilter(Filter filter, PrintHandler output, java.util.Map hints)

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