Package org.geotools.renderer.lite

A simple renderer implementation.


Interface Summary
LabelCache An interface for a label cache.

Class Summary
AbstractLiteIterator Subclass that provides a convenient efficient currentSegment(float[] coords) implementation that reuses always the same double array.
Decimator Accepts geometries and collapses all the vertices that will be rendered to the same pixel.
GridCoverageRenderer A helper class for rendering GridCoverage objects.
IndexedFeatureResults IndexedFeatureReader
LabelCacheDefault Default LabelCache Implementation DJB (major changes on May 11th, 2005): 1.The old version of the labeler, if given a *set* of points, lines, or polygons justed labels the first item in the set.
LabelCacheItem The Labelling information that is put in the label cache.
ListenerList This class is used to maintain a list of listeners, and is used in the implementations of several classes within JFace which allow you to register listeners of various kinds.
LiteRenderer Deprecated. LiteRenderer has been replaced by StreamingRenderer.
LiteRenderer2 Deprecated. LiteRenderer has been replaced by StreamingRenderer.
LiteShape A thin wrapper that adapts a JTS geometry to the Shape interface so that the geometry can be used by java2d without coordinate cloning
LiteShape2 A thin wrapper that adapts a JTS geometry to the Shape interface so that the geometry can be used by java2d without coordinate cloning
PointIterator A path iterator for the LiteShape class, specialized to iterate over Point objects.
RendererUtilities Class for holding utility functions that are common tasks for people using the "StreamingRenderer/Renderer".
StreamingRenderer A streaming implementation of the GTRenderer interface.
StyledShapePainter A simple class that knows how to paint a Shape object onto a Graphic given a Style2D.
TransformedShape Apply an arbitrary AffineTransform on a Shape.

Package org.geotools.renderer.lite Description

A simple renderer implementation. It's supposed to be as simple as possible, thus easy to understand at the source level, and to use as few memory as possible. Should be used when memory is a constraint and/or when the rendering is stateless (that is, the application is not an interactive viewer that displays the same map more than once). In the latter case, a renderer that uses more memory but avoids recomputing map rendering details is to be preferred.

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