Uses of Class

Packages that use SampleDimension Coverage implementation.  
org.geotools.gc Grid coverage implementation. Grid coverage processing implementation.  
org.geotools.gui.swing Miscellaneous widgets. Helper classes for GridCoverageExchange.  
org.geotools.resources A set of helper classes for Geotools implementation; Do not use! 

Uses of SampleDimension in

Methods in that return SampleDimension
 SampleDimension Adapters.wrap( sd)
          Deprecated. Returns a sample dimension from an OpenGIS's interface.
 SampleDimension SampleDimension.geophysics(boolean geo)
          Deprecated. If true, returns the geophysics companion of this sample dimension.
 SampleDimension SampleDimension.rescale(double scale, double offset)
          Deprecated. Returns a sample dimension using new scale and offset coefficients.
static SampleDimension SampleDimension.fromGeoAPI(org.opengis.coverage.SampleDimension sd)
          Deprecated. Mimic a GeoAPI interface as a legacy implementation.
abstract  SampleDimension[] Coverage.getSampleDimensions()
          Deprecated. Retrieve sample dimension information for the coverage.

Methods in with parameters of type SampleDimension Adapters.export(SampleDimension dimension)
          Deprecated. Returns an OpenGIS interface for a sample dimension.

Constructors in with parameters of type SampleDimension
SampleDimension(SampleDimension other)
          Deprecated. Constructs a new sample dimension with the same categories and units than the specified sample dimension.

Uses of SampleDimension in org.geotools.gc

Methods in org.geotools.gc that return SampleDimension
 SampleDimension[] GridCoverage.getSampleDimensions()
          Deprecated. Retrieve sample dimension information for the coverage.

Constructors in org.geotools.gc with parameters of type SampleDimension
GridCoverage(java.lang.String name, function, CoordinateSystem cs, GridGeometry gridGeometry, SampleDimension[] bands, java.util.Map properties)
          Deprecated. Construt a grid coverage from an image function.
GridCoverage(java.lang.String name, java.awt.image.RenderedImage image, CoordinateSystem cs, Envelope envelope, SampleDimension[] bands, GridCoverage[] sources, java.util.Map properties)
          Deprecated. Construct a grid coverage with the specified envelope and sample dimensions.
GridCoverage(java.lang.String name, java.awt.image.RenderedImage image, CoordinateSystem cs, MathTransform gridToCS, SampleDimension[] bands, GridCoverage[] sources, java.util.Map properties)
          Deprecated. Construct a grid coverage with the specified transform and sample dimension.

Uses of SampleDimension in

Methods in that return SampleDimension
protected  SampleDimension[] OperationJAI.deriveSampleDimension(SampleDimension[][] bandLists, OperationJAI.Parameters parameters)
          Derive the SampleDimensions for the destination image.

Methods in with parameters of type SampleDimension
protected  SampleDimension[] OperationJAI.deriveSampleDimension(SampleDimension[][] bandLists, OperationJAI.Parameters parameters)
          Derive the SampleDimensions for the destination image.

Uses of SampleDimension in org.geotools.gui.swing

Methods in org.geotools.gui.swing with parameters of type SampleDimension
 boolean ColorBar.setColors(SampleDimension band)
          Deprecated. Sets the graduation and the colors to paint from a SampleDimension.

Uses of SampleDimension in

Methods in that return SampleDimension
 SampleDimension[] PropertyParser.getSampleDimensions()
          Deprecated. Returns the sample dimensions for each band of the GridCoverage to be read.
 SampleDimension[] GridCoverageReader.getSampleDimensions(int index)
          Deprecated. Returns the sample dimensions for each band of the GridCoverage to be read.
 SampleDimension[] ExoreferencedGridCoverageReader.getSampleDimensions(int index)
          Deprecated. Returns the sample dimensions for each band of the GridCoverage to be read.

Uses of SampleDimension in org.geotools.resources

Methods in org.geotools.resources with parameters of type SampleDimension
static boolean LegacyGCSUtilities.hasTransform(SampleDimension[] sampleDimensions)
          Deprecated. Returns true if at least one of the specified sample dimensions has a sample to geophysics transform which is not the identity transform.

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