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Globema – 4RES
Globema, a Polish-based ICT company, develops and implements OSS/BSS, SmartGrid, DMS/OMS, Network Inventory and Workforce Management solutions for network operators and companies running field works. Using uDig as a framework, Globema has developed 4RES for forecasting, planning and management support for Renewable Energy Sources.
4RES is an innovative system, based on scientific and industrial research, supporting the share of renewable energy sources (RES) in the electricity market. The system consists of two major elements: the forecasting tool and tool for supporting share in the electricity market. Their combined functionality comprehensively addresses the needs of energy producers and companies trading in renewable energy. 4RES guarantees high precision forecasts based on large area weather forecast and local meteorological measurements.
The system main functions include:
- Energy sales support
- one-hour RES energy production forecast (a few day in advance)
- energy sales schedule based on production forecast
- creation of optimum energy production schedule with division for individual energy sources.
- RES outage management
- technical data of energy sources acquisition
- twenty-four hours forecasting of energy production (a few weeks in advance)
- outage schedule optimisation (repairs and maintenance)
- Energy production planning
- forecasting of RES energy production, one hour in advance
- optimum ultra-short-term energy production planning for conventional, dispersed energy sources
- Forecasted and actual energy production visualization in three different time horizons
- ultra-short-term – a few minutes or a few hours in advance
- short-term – for the next day
- expanded short-term – a few weeks in advance
- client – offers data entering and edition, production schedule creation, production forecasting and visualization, energy sales schedule support
- server – provides data source configuration, automatic data reading
- mobile – allows to up-to-date check of current forecasts and energy sources production
4RES system consists of three applications cooperating with main data base:

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About uDig
uDig is an open source desktop GIS application framework, distributed under dual EPL and BSD license.
uDig provides:
- An out-of-the-box application, with the ability to view, edit and print files, database (Oracle, SDE, PostGIS) and Web Feature Servers (WFS).
- An industry-standard extension framework (RCP) for adding new functionality to the application.
- A rich toolkit of Java functionality, ready for developers to build on.
- Native support for Windows, Mac OS/X and Linux.
uDig is developed by a world-wide community of contributors, with an open process and transparent decision making.
About Refractions
Refractions Research is a consulting and systems integration company, with industry-leading exertise in enterprise geospatial applications. Refractions initiated and now hosts the uDig and, PostGIS projects, and continues to provide core development, training and consulting on the projects.