Uses of Class

Packages that use GridCoverage
org.geotools.gc Grid coverage implementation. Grid coverage processing implementation.  
org.geotools.gui.swing Miscellaneous widgets. Helper classes for GridCoverageExchange.  
org.geotools.renderer.j2d Couches ? afficher sur une carte ? l'aide de Java2D.  
org.geotools.resources A set of helper classes for Geotools implementation; Do not use! 

Uses of GridCoverage in org.geotools.gc

Methods in org.geotools.gc that return GridCoverage
 GridCoverage GridCoverageExchange.createFromName(java.lang.String name, javax.imageio.ImageReadParam param)
          Create a new GridCoverage from a grid coverage file.
 GridCoverage Adapters.wrap(org.opengis.gc.GC_GridCoverage coverage)
          Deprecated. Returns a grid coverage from an OpenGIS's interface.
 GridCoverage[] GridCoverage.getSources()
          Deprecated. Returns the source data for a grid coverage.
 GridCoverage GridCoverage.geophysics(boolean geo)
          Deprecated. If true, returns the geophysics companion of this grid coverage.
protected  GridCoverage GridCoverage.createGeophysics(boolean geo)
          Deprecated. Invoked by geophysics(boolean) when the packed or geophysics companion of this grid coverage need to be created.
protected  GridCoverage GridCoverage.interpolate(GridCoverage coverage)
          Deprecated. Override createGeophysics(boolean) instead. This method will be removed in a future version.
static GridCoverage GridCoverage.fromGeoAPI(org.opengis.coverage.grid.GridCoverage gc)
          Deprecated. Mimic a GeoAPI interface as a legacy implementation.

Methods in org.geotools.gc with parameters of type GridCoverage
 void GridCoverageExchange.exportTo(GridCoverage gridCoverage, java.lang.String fileFormat, fileName)
          Export a grid coverage to a persistent file format.
 org.opengis.gc.GC_GridCoverage Adapters.export(GridCoverage coverage)
          Deprecated. Returns an OpenGIS interface for a grid coverage.
protected  GridCoverage GridCoverage.interpolate(GridCoverage coverage)
          Deprecated. Override createGeophysics(boolean) instead. This method will be removed in a future version.

Constructors in org.geotools.gc with parameters of type GridCoverage
GridCoverage(GridCoverage coverage)
          Deprecated. Construct a new grid coverage with the same parameter than the specified coverage.
GridCoverage(java.lang.String name, java.awt.image.RenderedImage image, CoordinateSystem cs, Envelope envelope, SampleDimension[] bands, GridCoverage[] sources, java.util.Map properties)
          Deprecated. Construct a grid coverage with the specified envelope and sample dimensions.
GridCoverage(java.lang.String name, java.awt.image.RenderedImage image, CoordinateSystem cs, MathTransform gridToCS, SampleDimension[] bands, GridCoverage[] sources, java.util.Map properties)
          Deprecated. Construct a grid coverage with the specified transform and sample dimension.

Uses of GridCoverage in

Methods in that return GridCoverage
protected  GridCoverage OperationJAI.doOperation( parameters, java.awt.RenderingHints hints)
          Apply a process operation to a grid coverage.
protected  GridCoverage OperationJAI.deriveGridCoverage(GridCoverage[] sources, OperationJAI.Parameters parameters)
          Apply a JAI operation to a grid coverage.
 GridCoverage GridCoverageProcessor.doOperation(java.lang.String operationName, GridCoverage source)
          Deprecated. Convenience method applying a process operation with default parameters.
 GridCoverage GridCoverageProcessor.doOperation(java.lang.String operationName, GridCoverage source, java.lang.String argumentName1, java.lang.Object argumentValue1)
          Deprecated. Convenience method applying a process operation with one parameter.
 GridCoverage GridCoverageProcessor.doOperation(java.lang.String operationName, GridCoverage source, java.lang.String argumentName1, java.lang.Object argumentValue1, java.lang.String argumentName2, java.lang.Object argumentValue2)
          Deprecated. Convenience method applying a process operation with two parameters.
 GridCoverage GridCoverageProcessor.doOperation(java.lang.String operationName, GridCoverage source, java.lang.String argumentName1, java.lang.Object argumentValue1, java.lang.String argumentName2, java.lang.Object argumentValue2, java.lang.String argumentName3, java.lang.Object argumentValue3)
          Deprecated. Convenience method applying a process operation with three parameters.
 GridCoverage GridCoverageProcessor.doOperation(java.lang.String operationName, parameters)
          Deprecated. Apply a process operation to a grid coverage.
 GridCoverage GridCoverageProcessor.doOperation(Operation operation, parameters)
          Deprecated. Apply a process operation to a grid coverage.
protected abstract  GridCoverage Operation.doOperation( parameters, java.awt.RenderingHints hints)
          Deprecated. Apply a process operation to a grid coverage.

Methods in with parameters of type GridCoverage
protected  void OperationJAI.resampleToCommonGeometry(GridCoverage[] sources, CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem, MathTransform gridToCS, java.awt.RenderingHints hints)
          Resample all sources grid coverages to the same geometry before to apply an operation.
protected  GridCoverage OperationJAI.deriveGridCoverage(GridCoverage[] sources, OperationJAI.Parameters parameters)
          Apply a JAI operation to a grid coverage.
protected  java.lang.String OperationJAI.deriveName(GridCoverage source, OperationJAI.Parameters parameters)
          Returns a name for the target grid coverage based on the given source.
 GridCoverage GridCoverageProcessor.doOperation(java.lang.String operationName, GridCoverage source)
          Deprecated. Convenience method applying a process operation with default parameters.
 GridCoverage GridCoverageProcessor.doOperation(java.lang.String operationName, GridCoverage source, java.lang.String argumentName1, java.lang.Object argumentValue1)
          Deprecated. Convenience method applying a process operation with one parameter.
 GridCoverage GridCoverageProcessor.doOperation(java.lang.String operationName, GridCoverage source, java.lang.String argumentName1, java.lang.Object argumentValue1, java.lang.String argumentName2, java.lang.Object argumentValue2)
          Deprecated. Convenience method applying a process operation with two parameters.
 GridCoverage GridCoverageProcessor.doOperation(java.lang.String operationName, GridCoverage source, java.lang.String argumentName1, java.lang.Object argumentValue1, java.lang.String argumentName2, java.lang.Object argumentValue2, java.lang.String argumentName3, java.lang.Object argumentValue3)
          Deprecated. Convenience method applying a process operation with three parameters.

Uses of GridCoverage in org.geotools.gui.swing

Methods in org.geotools.gui.swing with parameters of type GridCoverage
 boolean ColorBar.setColors(GridCoverage coverage)
          Deprecated. Sets the graduation and the colors to paint from a GridCoverage.
static void coverage)
          Show the given grid coverage as an image.
static void FrameFactory.showAsVectors(GridCoverage coverage)
          Show the given grid coverage as a field of vectors.

Constructors in org.geotools.gui.swing with parameters of type GridCoverage
ColorBar(GridCoverage coverage)
          Deprecated. Construct a color bar for the specified grid coverage.

Uses of GridCoverage in

Methods in that return GridCoverage
 GridCoverage GridCoverageReader.getGridCoverage(int index)
          Deprecated. Read the grid coverage.

Methods in with parameters of type GridCoverage
 void PropertyParser.add(GridCoverage coverage)
          Deprecated. Add all properties from the specified grid coverage.
 java.lang.Object PropertyParser.Key.getValue(GridCoverage coverage)
          Returns the value for this key from the specified grid coverage.

Uses of GridCoverage in org.geotools.renderer.j2d

Methods in org.geotools.renderer.j2d that return GridCoverage
 GridCoverage RenderedGridMarks.getGridCoverage()
          Returns the current grid coverage.
 GridCoverage RenderedGridCoverage.getGridCoverage()
          Returns the grid coverage, or null if none.

Methods in org.geotools.renderer.j2d with parameters of type GridCoverage
 void RenderedGridMarks.setGridCoverage(GridCoverage coverage)
          Set the grid coverage for this layer.
 void RenderedGridCoverage.setGridCoverage(GridCoverage newCoverage)
          Set the grid coverage to renderer.

Constructors in org.geotools.renderer.j2d with parameters of type GridCoverage
RenderedGridMarks(GridCoverage coverage)
          Construct a new layer for the specified grid coverage.
RenderedGridCoverage(GridCoverage coverage)
          Construct a new layer for the specified grid coverage.

Uses of GridCoverage in org.geotools.resources

Methods in org.geotools.resources with parameters of type GridCoverage
static boolean LegacyGCSUtilities.uses(GridCoverage coverage, java.awt.image.RenderedImage image)
          Deprecated. Returns true if the specified grid coverage or any of its source uses the following image.

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