Uses of Class

Packages that use FactoryConfigurationError Defines the DataStoreAPI via which all data is imported or exported.  
org.geotools.factory Utility classes which enable dynamic binding to factory implementations at runtime.  
org.geotools.styling Allows for symbolization of geospatial data.  

Uses of FactoryConfigurationError in

Methods in that throw FactoryConfigurationError
static FeatureLockFactory FeatureLockFactory.getInstance()
          Gets an instance of the FeatureLockFactory.

Uses of FactoryConfigurationError in org.geotools.factory

Methods in org.geotools.factory that throw FactoryConfigurationError
static Factory FactoryFinder.findFactory(java.lang.String factoryKey, java.lang.String defaultImpl, java.lang.ClassLoader classLoader)
          Deprecated. Find a Factory using the given key, the given default backup implementation, and the specified ClassLoader.
static Factory FactoryFinder.findFactory(java.lang.String factoryKey, java.lang.String defaultImpl)
          Deprecated. A convienience method for calling findFactory(factoryKey,defaultImpl,null).

Uses of FactoryConfigurationError in org.geotools.feature

Methods in org.geotools.feature that throw FactoryConfigurationError
static FeatureType FeatureTypes.newFeatureType(AttributeType[] types, java.lang.String name, ns, boolean isAbstract, FeatureType[] superTypes)
          The most specific way to create a new FeatureType.
static FeatureType FeatureTypes.newFeatureType(AttributeType[] types, java.lang.String name, ns, boolean isAbstract, FeatureType[] superTypes, AttributeType defaultGeometry)
          The most specific way to create a new FeatureType.
static FeatureType FeatureTypes.newFeatureType(AttributeType[] types, java.lang.String name, ns, boolean isAbstract, FeatureType[] superTypes, GeometryAttributeType defaultGeometry)
          The most specific way to create a new FeatureType.
static FeatureType FeatureTypes.newFeatureType(AttributeType[] types, java.lang.String name, ns, boolean isAbstract)
          Create a new FeatureType with the given AttributeTypes.
static FeatureType FeatureTypes.newFeatureType(AttributeType[] types, java.lang.String name, ns)
          Create a new FeatureType with the given AttributeTypes.
static FeatureType FeatureTypes.newFeatureType(AttributeType[] types, java.lang.String name)
          Create a new FeatureType with the given AttributeTypes.
static FeatureTypeFactory FeatureTypeBuilder.newInstance(java.lang.String name)
          Create a new FeatureTypeFactory with the given typeName.

Uses of FactoryConfigurationError in org.geotools.filter

Methods in org.geotools.filter that throw FactoryConfigurationError
static FilterFactory FilterFactoryFinder.createFilterFactory()
          Creates an instance of a Filter factory.

Uses of FactoryConfigurationError in org.geotools.styling

Methods in org.geotools.styling that throw FactoryConfigurationError
static StyleFactory StyleFactoryFinder.createStyleFactory()
          Create an instance of the factory.

Uses of FactoryConfigurationError in org.geotools.validation.relate

Methods in org.geotools.validation.relate that throw FactoryConfigurationError
static Filter OverlapsIntegrity.filterBBox(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Envelope bBox, FeatureType ft)
          Try and Filter by the provided bbox, will default to Filter.ALL if null

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