Uses of Class

Packages that use NumberRange
org.geotools.coverage Coverage implementation.  
org.geotools.coverage.processing Coverage processing implementations.  
org.geotools.coverage.processing.operation List of coverage operations. Coverage implementation. Grid coverage processing implementation.  
org.geotools.util Contains utilities and addition to the collection framework.  

Uses of NumberRange in org.geotools.coverage

Fields in org.geotools.coverage declared as NumberRange
protected  NumberRange CoverageStack.Adapter.range
          Minimum and maximum z values for this element, or if not yet determined.

Methods in org.geotools.coverage that return NumberRange
 NumberRange CoverageStack.Element.getZRange()
          Returns the minimum and maximum z value for the coverage.
 NumberRange CoverageStack.Adapter.getZRange()
          Returns the minimum and maximum z values for the coverage.
static NumberRange TypeMap.getRange(org.opengis.coverage.SampleDimensionType type)
          Returns the full range of sample values for the specified dimension type.
static NumberRange TypeMap.getPositiveRange(org.opengis.coverage.SampleDimensionType type)
          Returns the range of positive sample values (excluding 0).
 NumberRange Category.getRange()
          Returns the range of sample values occurring in this category.
 NumberRange GridSampleDimension.getRange()
          Returns the range of values in this sample dimension.

Constructors in org.geotools.coverage with parameters of type NumberRange
CoverageStack.Adapter(org.opengis.coverage.Coverage coverage, NumberRange range)
          Constructs a new adapter for the specified coverage and z values.
Category(java.lang.CharSequence name, java.awt.Color color, NumberRange sampleValueRange)
          Constructs a quantitative category for samples in the specified range.
Category(java.lang.CharSequence name, java.awt.Color[] colors, NumberRange sampleValueRange, double scale, double offset)
          Constructs a quantitative category for sample values in the specified range.
Category(java.lang.CharSequence name, java.awt.Color[] colors, NumberRange sampleValueRange, NumberRange geophysicsValueRange)
          Constructs a quantitative category mapping samples to geophysics values in the specified range.
Category(java.lang.CharSequence name, java.awt.Color[] colors, NumberRange sampleValueRange, org.opengis.referencing.operation.MathTransform1D sampleToGeophysics)
          Constructs a qualitative or quantitative category for samples in the specified range.

Uses of NumberRange in org.geotools.coverage.processing

Methods in org.geotools.coverage.processing that return NumberRange
 NumberRange RangeSpecifier.getRange()
          Returns the target range, or if none.
protected  NumberRange OperationJAI.deriveRange(NumberRange[] ranges, OperationJAI.Parameters parameters)
          Returns the range of value for a single sample dimension in the target grid coverage.

Methods in org.geotools.coverage.processing with parameters of type NumberRange
 void RangeSpecifier.setRange(NumberRange range)
          Set the target range to the specified values.
protected  NumberRange OperationJAI.deriveRange(NumberRange[] ranges, OperationJAI.Parameters parameters)
          Returns the range of value for a single sample dimension in the target grid coverage.

Constructors in org.geotools.coverage.processing with parameters of type NumberRange
RangeSpecifier(NumberRange range)
          Constructs a initialised to the sp?cified range.

Uses of NumberRange in org.geotools.coverage.processing.operation

Methods in org.geotools.coverage.processing.operation that return NumberRange
protected  NumberRange SubtractConst.deriveRange(NumberRange[] ranges, OperationJAI.Parameters parameters)
          Returns the expected range of values for the resulting image.
protected  NumberRange Exp.deriveRange(NumberRange[] ranges, OperationJAI.Parameters parameters)
          Returns the expected range of values for the resulting image.
protected  NumberRange MultiplyConst.deriveRange(NumberRange[] ranges, OperationJAI.Parameters parameters)
          Returns the expected range of values for the resulting image.
protected  NumberRange Log.deriveRange(NumberRange[] ranges, OperationJAI.Parameters parameters)
          Returns the expected range of values for the resulting image.
protected  NumberRange Rescale.deriveRange(NumberRange[] ranges, OperationJAI.Parameters parameters)
          Returns the expected range of values for the resulting image.
protected  NumberRange Absolute.deriveRange(NumberRange[] ranges, OperationJAI.Parameters parameters)
          Returns the expected range of values for the resulting image.
protected  NumberRange SubtractFromConst.deriveRange(NumberRange[] ranges, OperationJAI.Parameters parameters)
          Returns the expected range of values for the resulting image.
protected  NumberRange Invert.deriveRange(NumberRange[] ranges, OperationJAI.Parameters parameters)
          Returns the expected range of values for the resulting image.
protected  NumberRange AddConst.deriveRange(NumberRange[] ranges, OperationJAI.Parameters parameters)
          Returns the expected range of values for the resulting image.
protected  NumberRange DivideByConst.deriveRange(NumberRange[] ranges, OperationJAI.Parameters parameters)
          Returns the expected range of values for the resulting image.

Methods in org.geotools.coverage.processing.operation with parameters of type NumberRange
protected  NumberRange SubtractConst.deriveRange(NumberRange[] ranges, OperationJAI.Parameters parameters)
          Returns the expected range of values for the resulting image.
protected  NumberRange Exp.deriveRange(NumberRange[] ranges, OperationJAI.Parameters parameters)
          Returns the expected range of values for the resulting image.
protected  NumberRange MultiplyConst.deriveRange(NumberRange[] ranges, OperationJAI.Parameters parameters)
          Returns the expected range of values for the resulting image.
protected  NumberRange Log.deriveRange(NumberRange[] ranges, OperationJAI.Parameters parameters)
          Returns the expected range of values for the resulting image.
protected  NumberRange Rescale.deriveRange(NumberRange[] ranges, OperationJAI.Parameters parameters)
          Returns the expected range of values for the resulting image.
protected  NumberRange Absolute.deriveRange(NumberRange[] ranges, OperationJAI.Parameters parameters)
          Returns the expected range of values for the resulting image.
protected  NumberRange SubtractFromConst.deriveRange(NumberRange[] ranges, OperationJAI.Parameters parameters)
          Returns the expected range of values for the resulting image.
protected  NumberRange Invert.deriveRange(NumberRange[] ranges, OperationJAI.Parameters parameters)
          Returns the expected range of values for the resulting image.
protected  NumberRange AddConst.deriveRange(NumberRange[] ranges, OperationJAI.Parameters parameters)
          Returns the expected range of values for the resulting image.
protected  NumberRange DivideByConst.deriveRange(NumberRange[] ranges, OperationJAI.Parameters parameters)
          Returns the expected range of values for the resulting image.

Uses of NumberRange in

Methods in that return NumberRange
 NumberRange Category.getRange()
          Deprecated. Returns the range of sample values occurring in this category.
 NumberRange SampleDimension.getRange()
          Deprecated. Returns the range of values in this sample dimension.

Constructors in with parameters of type NumberRange
Category(java.lang.String name, java.awt.Color color, NumberRange sampleValueRange)
          Deprecated. Construct a quantitative category for samples in the specified range.
Category(java.lang.String name, java.awt.Color[] colors, NumberRange sampleValueRange, double scale, double offset)
          Deprecated. Construct a quantitative category for sample values in the specified range.
Category(java.lang.String name, java.awt.Color[] colors, NumberRange sampleValueRange, NumberRange geophysicsValueRange)
          Deprecated. Construct a quantitative category mapping samples to geophysics values in the specified range.
Category(java.lang.String name, java.awt.Color[] colors, NumberRange sampleValueRange, MathTransform1D sampleToGeophysics)
          Deprecated. Construct a qualitative or quantitative category for samples in the specified range.

Uses of NumberRange in

Methods in that return NumberRange
 NumberRange RangeSpecifier.getRange()
          Deprecated. Returns the target range, or null if none.

Methods in with parameters of type NumberRange
 void RangeSpecifier.setRange(NumberRange range)
          Deprecated. Set the target range to the specified values.

Constructors in with parameters of type NumberRange
RangeSpecifier(NumberRange range)
          Deprecated. Construct a RangeSpecifier initialised to the sp?cified range.

Uses of NumberRange in org.geotools.util

Methods in org.geotools.util that return NumberRange
static NumberRange NumberRange.wrap( range)
          Wrap the specified Range in a object.
 NumberRange NumberRange.castTo(java.lang.Class type)
          Cast this range to the specified type.

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