Packages that use AbstractIdentifiedObject | |
org.geotools.parameter | Parameter implementation. |
org.geotools.referencing | Reference systems implementation. |
org.geotools.referencing.crs | Coordinate reference systems implementation. |
org.geotools.referencing.cs | Coordinate systems implementation. |
org.geotools.referencing.datum | Datum implementation. |
org.geotools.referencing.operation | Coordinate operation implementation. |
org.geotools.referencing.operation.projection | Basic implementations of map projections. |
org.geotools.referencing.operation.transform | Basic implementations of math transforms. |
Uses of AbstractIdentifiedObject in org.geotools.parameter |
Subclasses of AbstractIdentifiedObject in org.geotools.parameter | |
class |
Abstract definition of a parameter or group of parameters used by an operation method. |
class |
The definition of a parameter used by an operation method. |
class |
The definition of a group of related parameters used by an operation method. |
class |
Wraps a JAI's ParameterListDescriptor . |
class |
A parameter group for matrix elements. |
Methods in org.geotools.parameter with parameters of type AbstractIdentifiedObject | |
boolean |
DefaultParameterDescriptor.equals(AbstractIdentifiedObject object,
boolean compareMetadata)
Compares the specified object with this parameter for equality. |
boolean |
MatrixParameterDescriptors.equals(AbstractIdentifiedObject object,
boolean compareMetadata)
Compares the specified object with this parameter group for equality. |
boolean |
AbstractParameterDescriptor.equals(AbstractIdentifiedObject object,
boolean compareMetadata)
Compares the specified object with this parameter for equality. |
boolean |
DefaultParameterDescriptorGroup.equals(AbstractIdentifiedObject object,
boolean compareMetadata)
Compares the specified object with this parameter group for equality. |
boolean |
ImagingParameterDescriptors.equals(AbstractIdentifiedObject object,
boolean compareMetadata)
Compares the specified object with this parameter group for equality. |
Uses of AbstractIdentifiedObject in org.geotools.referencing |
Subclasses of AbstractIdentifiedObject in org.geotools.referencing | |
class |
Description of a spatial and temporal reference system used by a dataset. |
Methods in org.geotools.referencing with parameters of type AbstractIdentifiedObject | |
boolean |
AbstractReferenceSystem.equals(AbstractIdentifiedObject object,
boolean compareMetadata)
Compare this reference system with the specified object for equality. |
boolean |
AbstractIdentifiedObject.equals(AbstractIdentifiedObject object,
boolean compareMetadata)
Compares this object with the specified object for equality. |
Uses of AbstractIdentifiedObject in org.geotools.referencing.crs |
Subclasses of AbstractIdentifiedObject in org.geotools.referencing.crs | |
class |
Abstract coordinate reference system, usually defined by a coordinate system and a datum. |
class |
A coordinate reference system that is defined by its coordinate conversion from another coordinate reference system (not by a datum). |
class |
Abstract coordinate reference system, consisting of a single Coordinate System and a single Datum (as opposed to Compound CRS). |
class |
A coordinate reference system describing the position of points through two or more independent coordinate reference systems. |
class |
A coordinate reference system that is defined by its coordinate conversion from another coordinate reference system but is not a projected coordinate reference system. |
class |
A contextually local coordinate reference system. |
class |
A 3D coordinate reference system with the origin at the approximate centre of mass of the earth. |
class |
A coordinate reference system based on an ellipsoidal approximation of the geoid; this provides an accurate representation of the geometry of geographic features for a large portion of the earth's surface. |
class |
An engineering coordinate reference system applied to locations in images. |
class |
A 2D coordinate reference system used to approximate the shape of the earth on a planar surface. |
class |
A 1D coordinate reference system used for the recording of time. |
class |
A 1D coordinate reference system used for recording heights or depths. |
Fields in org.geotools.referencing.crs declared as AbstractIdentifiedObject | |
static AbstractIdentifiedObject |
A lock for avoiding never-ending recursivity in the equals
method. |
Methods in org.geotools.referencing.crs with parameters of type AbstractIdentifiedObject | |
boolean |
DefaultCompoundCRS.equals(AbstractIdentifiedObject object,
boolean compareMetadata)
Compares this coordinate reference system with the specified object for equality. |
boolean |
AbstractCRS.equals(AbstractIdentifiedObject object,
boolean compareMetadata)
Compare this coordinate reference system with the specified object for equality. |
boolean |
AbstractSingleCRS.equals(AbstractIdentifiedObject object,
boolean compareMetadata)
Compare this coordinate reference system with the specified object for equality. |
boolean |
AbstractDerivedCRS.equals(AbstractIdentifiedObject object,
boolean compareMetadata)
Compare this coordinate reference system with the specified object for equality. |
Uses of AbstractIdentifiedObject in org.geotools.referencing.cs |
Subclasses of AbstractIdentifiedObject in org.geotools.referencing.cs | |
class |
The set of coordinate system axes that spans a given coordinate space. |
class |
A two- or three-dimensional coordinate system with straight axes that are not necessarily orthogonal. |
class |
A 1-, 2-, or 3-dimensional coordinate system. |
class |
A coordinate system made of two or more independent coordinate systems. |
class |
Definition of a coordinate system axis. |
class |
A three-dimensional coordinate system consisting of a polar coordinate system extended by a straight coordinate axis perpendicular to the plane spanned by the polar coordinate system. |
class |
A two- or three-dimensional coordinate system in which position is specified by geodetic latitude, geodetic longitude, and (in the three-dimensional case) ellipsoidal height. |
class |
A one-dimensional coordinate system that consists of the points that lie on the single axis described. |
class |
A two-dimensional coordinate system in which position is specified by the distance from the origin and the angle between the line from the origin to a point and a reference direction. |
class |
A three-dimensional coordinate system with one distance measured from the origin and two angular coordinates. |
class |
A one-dimensional coordinate system containing a single time axis, used to describe the temporal position of a point in the specified time units from a specified time origin. |
class |
A two- or three-dimensional coordinate system that consists of any combination of coordinate axes not covered by any other Coordinate System type. |
class |
A one-dimensional coordinate system used to record the heights (or depths) of points. |
Methods in org.geotools.referencing.cs with parameters of type AbstractIdentifiedObject | |
boolean |
DefaultCoordinateSystemAxis.equals(AbstractIdentifiedObject object,
boolean compareMetadata)
Compares the specified object with this axis for equality. |
boolean |
DefaultCompoundCS.equals(AbstractIdentifiedObject object,
boolean compareMetadata)
Compares this coordinate system with the specified object for equality. |
boolean |
AbstractCS.equals(AbstractIdentifiedObject object,
boolean compareMetadata)
Compares the specified object with this coordinate system for equality. |
Uses of AbstractIdentifiedObject in org.geotools.referencing.datum |
Subclasses of AbstractIdentifiedObject in org.geotools.referencing.datum | |
class |
Specifies the relationship of a coordinate system to the earth, thus creating a coordinate reference system. |
class |
Geometric figure that can be used to describe the approximate shape of the earth. |
class |
Defines the origin of an engineering coordinate reference system. |
class |
Defines the location and precise orientation in 3-dimensional space of a defined ellipsoid (or sphere) that approximates the shape of the earth. |
class |
Defines the origin of an image coordinate reference system. |
class |
A prime meridian defines the origin from which longitude values are determined. |
class |
A temporal datum defines the origin of a temporal coordinate reference system. |
class |
A textual description and/or a set of parameters identifying a particular reference level surface used as a zero-height surface. |
Methods in org.geotools.referencing.datum with parameters of type AbstractIdentifiedObject | |
boolean |
DefaultEngineeringDatum.equals(AbstractIdentifiedObject object,
boolean compareMetadata)
Compare this datum with the specified object for equality. |
boolean |
DefaultPrimeMeridian.equals(AbstractIdentifiedObject object,
boolean compareMetadata)
Compare this prime meridian with the specified object for equality. |
boolean |
DefaultEllipsoid.equals(AbstractIdentifiedObject object,
boolean compareMetadata)
Compare this ellipsoid with the specified object for equality. |
boolean |
DefaultVerticalDatum.equals(AbstractIdentifiedObject object,
boolean compareMetadata)
Compare this vertical datum with the specified object for equality. |
boolean |
DefaultImageDatum.equals(AbstractIdentifiedObject object,
boolean compareMetadata)
Compare this datum with the specified object for equality. |
boolean |
DefaultTemporalDatum.equals(AbstractIdentifiedObject object,
boolean compareMetadata)
Compare this temporal datum with the specified object for equality. |
boolean |
AbstractDatum.equals(AbstractIdentifiedObject object,
boolean compareMetadata)
Compares the specified object with this datum for equality. |
boolean |
DefaultGeodeticDatum.equals(AbstractIdentifiedObject object,
boolean compareMetadata)
Compare this datum with the specified object for equality. |
Uses of AbstractIdentifiedObject in org.geotools.referencing.operation |
Subclasses of AbstractIdentifiedObject in org.geotools.referencing.operation | |
class |
Establishes an association between a source and a target coordinate reference system, and provides a transform for transforming coordinates in the source CRS to coordinates in the target CRS. |
class |
An ordered sequence of two or more single coordinate operations. |
class |
Base class for conical map projections. |
class |
An operation on coordinates that does not include any change of Datum. |
class |
Base class for cylindrical map projections. |
class |
A parameterized mathematical operation on coordinates that transforms or converts coordinates to another coordinate reference system. |
class |
Definition of an algorithm used to perform a coordinate operation. |
class |
A pass-through operation specifies that a subset of a coordinate tuple is subject to a specific coordinate operation. |
class |
Base class for for azimuthal (or planar) map projections. |
class |
A conversion transforming (longitude,latitude) coordinates to cartesian coordinates (x,y). |
class |
A single (not concatenated) coordinate operation. |
class |
An operation on coordinates that usually includes a change of Datum. |
class |
A conversion used for the definition of a derived CRS (including projections). |
class |
An operation method capable to creates a math transform from set of parameter values. |
Methods in org.geotools.referencing.operation with parameters of type AbstractIdentifiedObject | |
boolean |
DefaultConcatenatedOperation.equals(AbstractIdentifiedObject object,
boolean compareMetadata)
Compare this concatenated operation with the specified object for equality. |
boolean |
AbstractCoordinateOperation.equals(AbstractIdentifiedObject object,
boolean compareMetadata)
Compares this coordinate operation with the specified object for equality. |
boolean |
DefaultOperation.equals(AbstractIdentifiedObject object,
boolean compareMetadata)
Compare this operation method with the specified object for equality. |
boolean |
DefaultOperationMethod.equals(AbstractIdentifiedObject object,
boolean compareMetadata)
Compare this operation method with the specified object for equality. |
Uses of AbstractIdentifiedObject in org.geotools.referencing.operation.projection |
Uses of AbstractIdentifiedObject in org.geotools.referencing.operation.transform |