Uses of Interface

Packages that use FilterVisitor Defines the DataStoreAPI via which all data is imported or exported.   
org.geotools.renderer.lite A simple renderer implementation.  
org.geotools.styling Allows for symbolization of geospatial data.  

Uses of FilterVisitor in

Classes in that implement FilterVisitor
static class DataUtilities.AbstractFilterVisitor
          A quick and dirty FilterVisitor.
static class DataUtilities.Traversal
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Methods in with parameters of type FilterVisitor
static void DataUtilities.traverse(Filter filter, FilterVisitor visitor)
static void DataUtilities.traverse(Expression expression, FilterVisitor visitor)
static void DataUtilities.traverse(java.util.Set set, FilterVisitor visitor)
          Performs a depth first traversal on Filter.

Uses of FilterVisitor in

Classes in that implement FilterVisitor
 class SQLEncoderDB2
          Generate a WHERE clause for DB2 Spatial Extender based on a spatial filter.

Uses of FilterVisitor in

Classes in that implement FilterVisitor
 class WFSFilterVisitor
static class WFSFilterVisitor.WFSBBoxFilterVisitor

Uses of FilterVisitor in org.geotools.filter

Classes in org.geotools.filter that implement FilterVisitor
 class FilterAttributeExtractor
          A simple visitor that extracts every attribute used by a filter or an expression
static class FilterTransformer.FilterTranslator
 class GeometryEncoderSDE
          Encodes the geometry related parts of a filter into a set of SeFilter objects and provides a method to get the resulting filters suitable to set up an SeQuery's spatial constraints.
 class SQLEncoder
          Encodes a filter into a SQL WHERE statement.
 class SQLEncoderBBOX
          Encodes a filter into a SQL WHERE statement for MySQL.
 class SQLEncoderHsql
          Encodes a filter into a SQL WHERE statement for HSQL.
 class SQLEncoderLocationsXY
          Encodes a filter into a SQL WHERE statement for MySQL.
 class SQLEncoderMySQL
          Encodes a filter into a SQL WHERE statement for MySQL.
 class SQLEncoderOracle
          Encodes Geometry filters into valid oracle SDO statements.
 class SQLEncoderPostgis
          Encodes a filter into a SQL WHERE statement for postgis.
 class SQLEncoderPostgisGeos
          Encodes a filter into a SQL WHERE statement for postgis.
 class SQLEncoderSDE
          Encodes an attribute filter into a SQL WHERE statement for arcsde.
 class XMLEncoder
          Deprecated. Use org.geotools.filter.FilterTransformer

Methods in org.geotools.filter with parameters of type FilterVisitor
 void AbstractFilter.accept(FilterVisitor visitor)
          Deprecated. use Filter.accept(FilterVisitor, Object)
 void DefaultExpression.accept(FilterVisitor visitor)
          Deprecated. use Expression.accept(ExpressionVisitor, Object)
 void Filter.accept(FilterVisitor visitor)
          Deprecated. use Filter.accept(FilterVisitor, Object).

Constructors in org.geotools.filter with parameters of type FilterVisitor
FilterVisitorFilterWrapper(FilterVisitor delegate)

Uses of FilterVisitor in org.geotools.filter.expression

Methods in org.geotools.filter.expression with parameters of type FilterVisitor
 void ConstantExpression.accept(FilterVisitor visitor)
          Deprecated. use ConstantExpression.accept(ExpressionVisitor, Object).
 void Expression.accept(FilterVisitor visitor)
          Deprecated. use use Expression.accept(ExpressionVisitor, Object)

Constructors in org.geotools.filter.expression with parameters of type FilterVisitor
FilterVisitorExpressionWrapper(FilterVisitor delegate)

Uses of FilterVisitor in org.geotools.filter.visitor

Classes in org.geotools.filter.visitor that implement FilterVisitor
 class AbstractFilterVisitor
          A basic implementation of the FilterVisitor interface.
 class DuplicatorFilterVisitor
          Used to duplicate a Filter & or Expression

Uses of FilterVisitor in org.geotools.index.rtree

Classes in org.geotools.index.rtree that implement FilterVisitor
 class FilterConsumer
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Uses of FilterVisitor in org.geotools.renderer.lite

Classes in org.geotools.renderer.lite that implement FilterVisitor
 class BoundsExtractor

Uses of FilterVisitor in org.geotools.renderer.shape

Classes in org.geotools.renderer.shape that implement FilterVisitor
 class ReplaceGeometryFilter
          Replaces all geometry filters in Filter with an implementation that can process SimpleGeometries.

Uses of FilterVisitor in org.geotools.styling

Classes in org.geotools.styling that implement FilterVisitor
 class StyleAttributeExtractor
          =========================================================================== if you're modifying this, you probably should also take a look at StyleAttributeExtractorTruncated ===========================================================================
 class StyleAttributeExtractorTruncated
          A simple visitor whose purpose is to extract the set of attributes used by a Style, that is, those that the Style expects to find in order to work properly This is very similiar to StyleAttributeExtractor, but with these differences: a) it doesnt the count the tag in the b) it doesnt count anything in the 's tag c) it doesnt count anything in the 's

Uses of FilterVisitor in org.geotools.styling.visitor

Classes in org.geotools.styling.visitor that implement FilterVisitor
 class DuplicatorStyleVisitor
          Used to duplicate a Style object (anything in the SLD hierarchy).

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