Packages that use IllegalAttributeException | |
org.geotools.data | Defines the DataStoreAPI via which all data is imported or exported. |
org.geotools.data.collection | |
org.geotools.data.crs | Provides support for the OGC Catalog Specification. |
org.geotools.data.jdbc | |
org.geotools.data.pickle | |
org.geotools.data.property | |
org.geotools.data.store | |
org.geotools.data.tiger | |
org.geotools.data.vpf | |
org.geotools.data.vpf.file | |
org.geotools.data.vpf.readers | |
org.geotools.feature | |
org.geotools.feature.collection | Helper classes for implementing FeatureCollections. |
org.geotools.feature.type | |
org.geotools.renderer.j2d | Couches ? afficher sur une carte ? l'aide de Java2D. |
org.geotools.renderer.lite | A simple renderer implementation. |
Uses of IllegalAttributeException in org.geotools.data |
Methods in org.geotools.data that throw IllegalAttributeException | |
Feature |
void |
void |
void |
void |
void |
void |
void |
void |
void |
void |
void |
void |
Feature |
Feature |
protected Feature |
DefaultFeatureReader.readFeature(AttributeReader atts)
Feature |
Feature |
static Feature |
DataUtilities.reType(FeatureType featureType,
Feature feature)
Creates duplicate of feature adjusted to the provided featureType. |
static Feature |
DataUtilities.template(FeatureType featureType)
Constructs an empty feature to use as a Template for new content. |
static Feature |
DataUtilities.template(FeatureType featureType,
java.lang.String featureID)
static java.lang.Object[] |
DataUtilities.defaultValues(FeatureType featureType)
static Feature |
DataUtilities.template(FeatureType featureType,
java.lang.Object[] atts)
static Feature |
DataUtilities.template(FeatureType featureType,
java.lang.String featureID,
java.lang.Object[] atts)
static java.lang.Object[] |
DataUtilities.defaultValues(FeatureType featureType,
java.lang.Object[] values)
static java.lang.Object |
DataUtilities.defaultValue(AttributeType attributeType)
Provides a defautlValue for attributeType. |
static Feature |
DataUtilities.parse(FeatureType type,
java.lang.String fid,
java.lang.String[] text)
Feature |
protected Feature |
FIDFeatureReader.readFeature(AttributeReader atts)
protected int |
DataTestCase.count(FeatureWriter writer)
Counts the number of Features in the specified writer. |
Feature |
Feature |
Reads the next Feature in the FeatureReader. |
Uses of IllegalAttributeException in org.geotools.data.collection |
Methods in org.geotools.data.collection that throw IllegalAttributeException | |
Feature |
Uses of IllegalAttributeException in org.geotools.data.crs |
Methods in org.geotools.data.crs that throw IllegalAttributeException | |
Feature |
Implement next. |
Feature |
Uses of IllegalAttributeException in org.geotools.data.jdbc |
Methods in org.geotools.data.jdbc that throw IllegalAttributeException | |
protected java.util.Set |
JDBCFeatureStore.fids(Filter filter)
Feature |
Constructors in org.geotools.data.jdbc that throw IllegalAttributeException | |
MutableFIDFeature(DefaultFeatureType ft,
java.lang.Object[] attributes,
java.lang.String fid)
Uses of IllegalAttributeException in org.geotools.data.pickle |
Methods in org.geotools.data.pickle that throw IllegalAttributeException | |
Feature |
FeaturePickler.readFeature(java.io.ObjectInputStream input)
Uses of IllegalAttributeException in org.geotools.data.property |
Methods in org.geotools.data.property that throw IllegalAttributeException | |
Feature |
Uses of IllegalAttributeException in org.geotools.data.store |
Methods in org.geotools.data.store that throw IllegalAttributeException | |
void |
DataFeatureCollection.setAttribute(int position,
java.lang.Object val)
void |
DataFeatureCollection.setAttribute(java.lang.String xPath,
java.lang.Object attribute)
void |
DataFeatureCollection.setDefaultGeometry(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry geometry)
Uses of IllegalAttributeException in org.geotools.data.tiger |
Methods in org.geotools.data.tiger that throw IllegalAttributeException | |
Feature |
next |
Uses of IllegalAttributeException in org.geotools.data.vpf |
Methods in org.geotools.data.vpf that throw IllegalAttributeException | |
Feature |
java.lang.Object |
VPFColumn.duplicate(java.lang.Object src)
Feature |
VPFFeatureClass.duplicate(Feature feature)
Feature |
VPFFeatureClass.create(java.lang.Object[] attributes)
Feature |
VPFFeatureClass.create(java.lang.Object[] attributes,
java.lang.String featureID)
Feature |
VPFFeatureType.create(java.lang.Object[] attributes)
Feature |
VPFFeatureType.create(java.lang.Object[] attributes,
java.lang.String featureID)
Feature |
VPFFeatureType.duplicate(Feature feature)
Uses of IllegalAttributeException in org.geotools.data.vpf.file |
Methods in org.geotools.data.vpf.file that throw IllegalAttributeException | |
Feature |
Feature |
VPFFile.create(java.lang.Object[] attributes)
Create a new feature from the provided attributes It is unclear why one would want to use this method. |
Feature |
VPFFile.create(java.lang.Object[] attributes,
java.lang.String featureID)
Feature |
VPFFile.duplicate(Feature feature)
Feature |
VPFFile.getRowFromId(java.lang.String idName,
int id)
Returns a row with a matching value for the provided column |
Feature |
Retrieves a feature from the file |
Uses of IllegalAttributeException in org.geotools.data.vpf.readers |
Methods in org.geotools.data.vpf.readers that throw IllegalAttributeException | |
void |
ConnectedNodeGeometryFactory.createGeometry(VPFFeatureType featureType,
Feature values)
void |
AreaGeometryFactory.createGeometry(VPFFeatureType featureType,
Feature values)
void |
LineGeometryFactory.createGeometry(VPFFeatureType featureType,
Feature values)
void |
EntityNodeGeometryFactory.createGeometry(VPFFeatureType featureType,
Feature values)
void |
TextGeometryFactory.createGeometry(VPFFeatureType featureType,
Feature values)
abstract void |
VPFGeometryFactory.createGeometry(VPFFeatureType featureType,
Feature values)
Constructs a geometry for the appropriate feature type based on values currently on the object, retrieving values as needed from the various VPFFile objects |
Uses of IllegalAttributeException in org.geotools.feature |
Methods in org.geotools.feature that throw IllegalAttributeException | |
Feature |
FeatureFactory.create(java.lang.Object[] attributes)
Deprecated. Schema information is required |
Feature |
FeatureFactory.create(java.lang.Object[] attributes,
java.lang.String featureID)
Deprecated. Schema information is required |
void |
DefaultFeatureCollection.setAttribute(int position,
java.lang.Object val)
void |
DefaultFeatureCollection.setAttribute(java.lang.String xPath,
java.lang.Object attribute)
void |
DefaultFeatureCollection.setDefaultGeometry(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry geometry)
Feature |
DefaultFeatureType.create(java.lang.Object[] attributes)
Creates a new feature, with a generated unique featureID. |
Feature |
DefaultFeatureType.create(java.lang.Object[] attributes,
java.lang.String featureID)
Creates a new feature, with the proper featureID, using this FeatureType. |
Feature |
DefaultFeatureType.duplicate(Feature original)
void |
SimpleFeature.setAttributes(java.lang.Object[] attributes)
Sets all attributes for this feature, passed as a complex object array. |
void |
SimpleFeature.setAttribute(int position,
java.lang.Object val)
Sets an attribute by the given zero-based index. |
void |
DefaultFeature.setAttribute(int position,
java.lang.Object val)
Sets the attribute at position to val. |
void |
DefaultFeature.setAttributes(java.lang.Object[] attributes)
Sets all attributes for this feature, passed as an array. |
void |
DefaultFeature.setAttribute(java.lang.String xPath,
java.lang.Object attribute)
Sets a single attribute for this feature, passed as a complex object. |
void |
DefaultFeature.setDefaultGeometry(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry geometry)
Modifies the geometry. |
static Feature |
FeatureTypes.transform(Feature feature,
FeatureType schema,
org.opengis.referencing.operation.MathTransform transform)
Applies transform to all geometry attribute. |
java.lang.Object |
DefaultAttributeType.duplicate(java.lang.Object src)
Return a safe Object copy. |
java.lang.Object |
FeatureAttributeType.duplicate(java.lang.Object src)
Method should return getSchema().duplicate( feature ) Exampe implementation:
return getSchema().duplicate( (Feature) getValue() );
It is understood that FeatureType.duplicate
java.lang.Object |
AttributeType.duplicate(java.lang.Object src)
Create a duplicate value of the passed Object. |
Feature |
FeatureType.duplicate(Feature feature)
Create a duplicate of the provided feature, must delegate to an appropriate FeatureFactory create method. |
Feature |
FeatureType.create(java.lang.Object[] attributes)
Creates a new feature, with a generated unique featureID. |
Feature |
FeatureType.create(java.lang.Object[] attributes,
java.lang.String featureID)
Scheduled for removal in Geotools 2.2, please use FeatureFactory. |
void |
Feature.setAttribute(int position,
java.lang.Object val)
Sets an attribute by the given zero-based index. |
void |
Feature.setAttribute(java.lang.String xPath,
java.lang.Object attribute)
Sets a single attribute for this feature, passed as a complex object. |
void |
Feature.setDefaultGeometry(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry geometry)
Sets the default geometry for this feature. |
Constructors in org.geotools.feature that throw IllegalAttributeException | |
DefaultFeature(DefaultFeatureType schema,
java.lang.Object[] attributes,
java.lang.String featureID)
Creates a new instance of flat feature, which must take a flat feature type schema and all attributes as arguments. |
DefaultFeature(DefaultFeatureType schema,
java.lang.Object[] attributes)
Creates a new instance of flat feature, which must take a flat feature type schema and all attributes as arguments. |
Uses of IllegalAttributeException in org.geotools.feature.collection |
Methods in org.geotools.feature.collection that throw IllegalAttributeException | |
void |
AbstractFeatureList.setAttribute(int position,
java.lang.Object val)
void |
AbstractFeatureList.setAttribute(java.lang.String xPath,
java.lang.Object attribute)
void |
AbstractFeatureList.setDefaultGeometry(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry geometry)
void |
AbstractFeatureCollection.setAttribute(int position,
java.lang.Object val)
void |
AbstractFeatureCollection.setAttribute(java.lang.String xPath,
java.lang.Object attribute)
void |
AbstractFeatureCollection.setDefaultGeometry(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry geometry)
void |
FeatureState.setAttribute(int position,
java.lang.Object val)
void |
FeatureState.setAttribute(java.lang.String xPath,
java.lang.Object attribute)
void |
FeatureState.setDefaultGeometry(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry geometry)
void |
SubFeatureCollection.setDefaultGeometry(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry g)
void |
SubFeatureCollection.setAttribute(int position,
java.lang.Object val)
void |
SubFeatureCollection.setAttribute(java.lang.String xPath,
java.lang.Object attribute)
Uses of IllegalAttributeException in org.geotools.feature.type |
Methods in org.geotools.feature.type that throw IllegalAttributeException | |
java.lang.Object |
TemporalAttributeType.duplicate(java.lang.Object o)
java.lang.Object |
ListAttributeType.duplicate(java.lang.Object src)
java.lang.Object |
GeometricAttributeType.duplicate(java.lang.Object o)
java.lang.Object |
SetAttributeType.duplicate(java.lang.Object src)
This method is unstable ... and does not yet check validity well. |
java.lang.Object |
ChoiceAttributeType.duplicate(java.lang.Object src)
Goes through the children, and searches for a duplicator that works. |
java.lang.Object |
FeatureAttributeType.duplicate(java.lang.Object src)
Uses of IllegalAttributeException in org.geotools.renderer.j2d |
Methods in org.geotools.renderer.j2d that throw IllegalAttributeException | |
void |
StyledMapRenderer.setMapContext(MapContext mapContext)
Set a new context as the current one. |
protected void |
StyledMapRenderer.addLayer(MapLayer layer)
Add a layer to this renderer. |
void |
StyledMapRenderer.insertLayer(MapLayer layer,
int position)
Add a layer to this renderer. |
RenderedLayer[] |
RenderedLayerFactory.createOld(FeatureSource featureSource,
Style style)
Create an array of rendered layers from the specified feature and style. |
RenderedLayer[] |
RenderedLayerFactory.create(FeatureSource featureSource,
Style sldStyle)
Create an array of rendered layers from the specified feature and style. |
Uses of IllegalAttributeException in org.geotools.renderer.lite |
Constructors in org.geotools.renderer.lite that throw IllegalAttributeException | |
IndexedFeatureResults(FeatureResults results)