Uses of Interface

Packages that use Style List of layers to be rendered. 
org.geotools.renderer Basic interface for rendering of features.  
org.geotools.renderer.j2d Couches ? afficher sur une carte ? l'aide de Java2D.  
org.geotools.renderer.lite A simple renderer implementation.  
org.geotools.styling Allows for symbolization of geospatial data.  

Uses of Style in

Fields in declared as Style
protected  Style
          The style to symbolize the features of this layer

Methods in that return Style
 Style DefaultMapLayer.getStyle()
          Getter for property style.
 Style MapLayer.getStyle()
          Get the style for this layer.

Methods in with parameters of type Style
 void Map.addFeatureTable(FeatureCollection fc, Style style)
          Deprecated. Adds a collection of features to this map together with a style specification.
 void DefaultMapLayer.setStyle(Style style)
          Setter for property style.
 void DefaultMapContext.addLayer(FeatureSource featureSource, Style style)
          Add a new layer and trigger a LayerListEvent.
 void DefaultMapContext.addLayer(org.opengis.coverage.grid.GridCoverage gc, Style style)
          Add a new layer and trigger a LayerListEvent.
 void DefaultMapContext.addLayer(FeatureCollection collection, Style style)
          Add a new layer and trigger a LayerListEvent.
 void MapContext.addLayer(FeatureSource featureSource, Style style)
          Add a new layer and trigger a LayerListEvent.
 void MapContext.addLayer(FeatureCollection collection, Style style)
          Add a new layer and trigger a LayerListEvent.
 void MapContext.addLayer(org.opengis.coverage.grid.GridCoverage gridCoverage, Style style)
          Add a new layer and trigger a LayerListEvent
 void MapLayer.setStyle(Style style)
          Sets the style for this layer.

Constructors in with parameters of type Style
DefaultMapLayer(FeatureSource featureSource, Style style, java.lang.String title)
          Creates a new instance of DefaultMapLayer
DefaultMapLayer(FeatureSource featureSource, Style style)
          Creates a new instance of DefaultMapLayer
DefaultMapLayer(FeatureCollection collection, Style style, java.lang.String title)
          Creates a new instance of DefaultMapLayer using a non-emtpy feature collection as a parameter
DefaultMapLayer(FeatureCollection collection, Style style)
          Creates a new instance of DefaultMapLayer using a non-emtpy feature collection as a parameter

Uses of Style in org.geotools.renderer

Methods in org.geotools.renderer with parameters of type Style
 void Renderer.render(FeatureCollection fc, com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Envelope viewport, Style style)
          Renders the provided features using the specified style.

Uses of Style in org.geotools.renderer.j2d

Methods in org.geotools.renderer.j2d with parameters of type Style
 RenderedLayer[] RenderedLayerFactory.createOld(FeatureSource featureSource, Style style)
          Create an array of rendered layers from the specified feature and style.
 RenderedLayer[] RenderedLayerFactory.create(FeatureSource featureSource, Style sldStyle)
          Create an array of rendered layers from the specified feature and style.
 RenderedLayer[] RenderedLayerFactory.create(Feature[] features, Style sldStyle)
          Create an array of rendered layers from the specified feature and style.

Uses of Style in org.geotools.renderer.lite

Methods in org.geotools.renderer.lite with parameters of type Style
 void LiteRenderer.render(FeatureCollection features, com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Envelope map, Style s)
          Deprecated. Performs the actual rendering process to the graphics context set in setOutput.
 void LiteRenderer2.render(FeatureCollection features, com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Envelope map, Style s)
          Deprecated. Performs the actual rendering process to the graphics context set in setOutput.

Uses of Style in org.geotools.renderer.shape

Methods in org.geotools.renderer.shape with parameters of type Style
 void OpacityFinder.visit(Style style)

Uses of Style in org.geotools.styling

Subinterfaces of Style in org.geotools.styling
 interface NamedStyle
          A NamedStyle is used to refer to a style that has a name in a WMS.

Classes in org.geotools.styling that implement Style
 class BasicLineStyle
          A style object is quite hard to set up, involving fills, strokes, symbolizers and rules.
 class BasicPolygonStyle
          A style object is quite hard to set up, involving fills, strokes, symbolizers and rules.
 class NamedStyleImpl
          A NamedStyle is used to refer to a style that has a name in a WMS.
 class StyleImpl
          DOCUMENT ME!

Methods in org.geotools.styling that return Style
 Style[] UserLayerImpl.getUserStyles()
 Style[] NamedLayerImpl.getStyles()
abstract  Style AbstractStyleFactory.createStyle()
abstract  Style AbstractStyleFactory.getDefaultStyle()
 Style StyleFactoryImpl.createStyle()
 Style StyleFactoryImpl.getDefaultStyle()
 Style StyledLayerDescriptorImpl.getDefaultStyle()
          Convenience method for grabbing the default style from the StyledLayerDescriptor.
 Style StyleBuilder.createStyle(Symbolizer symbolizer)
          create a new style
 Style StyleBuilder.createStyle(Symbolizer symbolizer, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator)
          create a new style
 Style StyleBuilder.createStyle(java.lang.String featureTypeStyleName, Symbolizer symbolizer)
          create a new style
 Style StyleBuilder.createStyle(java.lang.String featureTypeStyleName, Symbolizer symbolizer, double minScaleDenominator, double maxScaleDenominator)
          create a new style
 Style StyleBuilder.createStyle()
          create a new default style
 Style StyleBuilder.buildClassifiedStyle(FeatureCollection fc, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String[] colors, FeatureType schema)
          given a feature collection and an array of colours build a style with the given number of classes on the named column
static Style SLD.matchingStyle(Style[] styles, FeatureType schema)
          Returns the first style object which matches a given schema.
static Style[] SLD.styles(StyledLayerDescriptor sld)
static Style SLD.defaultStyle(StyledLayerDescriptor sld)
 Style[] SLDParser.readXML()
          Read the xml inputsource provided and create a Style object for each user style found
 Style[] SLDParser.readDOM(org.w3c.dom.Document document)
          Read the DOM provided and create a Style object for each user style found
 Style SLDParser.parseStyle(org.w3c.dom.Node n)
          build a style for the Node provided
 Style StyleFactory.createStyle()
 Style StyleFactory.getDefaultStyle()
 Style[] UserLayer.getUserStyles()
 Style[] NamedLayer.getStyles()

Methods in org.geotools.styling with parameters of type Style
 void XMLEncoder.encode(Style style)
          Deprecated. Encodes the filter to the current writer.
 void XMLEncoder.visit(Style style)
 void UserLayerImpl.setUserStyles(Style[] styles)
 void UserLayerImpl.addUserStyle(Style style)
 void NamedLayerImpl.addStyle(Style sl)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 void StyleAttributeExtractor.visit(Style style)
static void SLD.setLineColour(Style style, java.awt.Color colour)
          Sets the colour for a line symbolizer
static SLD.pointGraphic(Style style)
          Grabs the location of the first external graphic.
static Mark SLD.pointMark(Style style)
static void SLD.setPointColour(Style style, java.awt.Color colour)
          Sets the Colour for the point symbolizer
static void SLD.setPolyColour(Style style, java.awt.Color colour)
          Sets the colour for a polygon symbolizer
static double SLD.rasterOpacity(Style style)
static TextSymbolizer SLD.textSymbolizer(Style style)
          Retrieve the first TextSymbolizer from the provided Style.
static RasterSymbolizer SLD.rasterSymbolizer(Style style)
          Retrieve the first RasterSymbolizer from the provided Style.
static LineSymbolizer SLD.lineSymbolizer(Style style)
          Retrieve the first LineSymbolizer from the provided Style.
static PointSymbolizer SLD.pointSymbolizer(Style style)
          Retrieve the first PointSymbolizer from the provided Style.
static PolygonSymbolizer SLD.polySymbolizer(Style style)
          Retrieve the first PolygonSymbolizer from the provided Style.
static FeatureTypeStyle SLD.featureTypeStyle(Style style, FeatureType type)
          Returns the feature type style in the style which matched a particular name.
static Style SLD.matchingStyle(Style[] styles, FeatureType schema)
          Returns the first style object which matches a given schema.
protected static Symbolizer SLD.symbolizer(Style style, java.lang.Class SYMBOLIZER)
          Retrieve the first SYMBOLIZER from the provided Style.
static Filter[] SLD.filters(Style style)
static Rule[] SLD.rules(Style style)
static Symbolizer[] SLD.symbolizers(Style style)
static java.lang.String[] SLD.colors(Style style)
 void UserLayer.setUserStyles(Style[] styles)
 void UserLayer.addUserStyle(Style style)
 void NamedLayer.addStyle(Style sl)
 void StyleVisitor.visit(Style style)
          Called when accept is called on a Style.

Constructors in org.geotools.styling with parameters of type Style
XMLEncoder( out, Style style)
          Deprecated. Creates a new instance of XMLEncoder

Uses of Style in org.geotools.styling.visitor

Methods in org.geotools.styling.visitor with parameters of type Style
 void DuplicatorStyleVisitor.visit(Style style)

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