Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractFactory
org.geotools.coverage.grid GridCoverage2D implementation.   
org.geotools.factory Utility classes which enable dynamic binding to factory implementations at runtime.  
org.geotools.referencing.factory Base classes for factories and authority factories. 
org.geotools.referencing.factory.epsg Authority factories for the EPSG database.  
org.geotools.referencing.factory.wms Provides coordinate reference systems specified in the Web Map Service specification (ISO 19128).  
org.geotools.referencing.operation Coordinate operation implementation.  

Uses of AbstractFactory in org.geotools.coverage.grid

Subclasses of AbstractFactory in org.geotools.coverage.grid
 class GridCoverageFactory
          A factory for grid coverage objects.

Uses of AbstractFactory in

Subclasses of AbstractFactory in
 class BBOXDataStoreFactory
          Creates a Geometryless JDBC based on the conection params.
 class JDBCDataStoreFactory
          Creates a Geometryless JDBC based on the conection params.
 class LocationsXYDataStoreFactory
          Creates a Geometryless JDBC based on the conection params.

Uses of AbstractFactory in org.geotools.factory

Subclasses of AbstractFactory in org.geotools.factory
 class FactoryUsingVolatileDependencies
          Deprecated. This class should be a marker interface instead of an subclass. We will make this change in a future version. When this change is done, AllAuthoritiesFactory should implement this interface.

Uses of AbstractFactory in org.geotools.referencing.factory

Subclasses of AbstractFactory in org.geotools.referencing.factory
 class AbstractAuthorityFactory
          Base class for authority factories.
 class AbstractFactory
          Base class for all factories in the referencing module.
 class AllAuthoritiesFactory
          An authority factory that delegates the object creation to an other factory determined from the authority name in the code.
 class AuthorityFactoryAdapter
          An authority factory which delegates CRS, CS or datum objects creation to some other factory implementations.
 class BufferedAuthorityFactory
          An authority factory that caches all objects created by an other factory.
 class DatumAliases
          A datum factory that add aliases to a datum name before to delegates the datum creation to an other factory.
 class DeferredAuthorityFactory
          A buffered authority factory which will defer the creation of a backing store until when first needed.
 class GeotoolsFactory
          Builds Geotools implementations of CRS, CS and datum objects.
 class OrderedAxisAuthorityFactory
          An authority factory which delegates all the work to an other factory, and reorder the axis in some pre-determined order.
 class PropertyAuthorityFactory
          Default implementation for a coordinate reference system authority factory backed by a property file.

Uses of AbstractFactory in org.geotools.referencing.factory.epsg

Subclasses of AbstractFactory in org.geotools.referencing.factory.epsg
 class DefaultFactory
          The default EPSG factory to be registered in FactoryFinder.
 class FactoryUsingAnsiSQL
          An EPSG factory for the database generated by SQL scripts rather than the MS-Access one.
 class FactoryUsingOracleSQL
          An EPSG factory suitable for Oracle SQL syntax.
 class FactoryUsingSQL
          Default implementation for a coordinate reference system factory backed by the EPSG database.
 class FactoryUsingWKT
          Implementation for a coordinate reference system authority factory backed by the EPSG property file.

Uses of AbstractFactory in org.geotools.referencing.factory.wms

Subclasses of AbstractFactory in org.geotools.referencing.factory.wms
 class AutoCRSFactory
          The factory for projected CRS in the and space.
 class WebCRSFactory
          The factory for coordinate reference systems in the space.

Uses of AbstractFactory in org.geotools.referencing.operation

Subclasses of AbstractFactory in org.geotools.referencing.operation
 class AbstractCoordinateOperationFactory
          Base class for coordinate operation factories.
 class AuthorityBackedFactory
          A coordinate operation factory using the help of an authority factory.
 class DefaultCoordinateOperationFactory
          Creates coordinate operations.

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