Uses of Class

Packages that use Category Coverage implementation. Grid coverage processing implementation.  
org.geotools.gui.swing Miscellaneous widgets. 

Uses of Category in

Fields in declared as Category
static Category Category.NODATA
          Deprecated. A default category for "no data" values.
static Category Category.FALSE
          Deprecated. A default category for the boolean "false" value.
static Category Category.TRUE
          Deprecated. A default category for the boolean "true" value.

Methods in that return Category
 Category Category.recolor(java.awt.Color[] colors)
          Deprecated. Returns a category for the same range of sample values but a different color palette.
 Category Category.rescale(MathTransform1D sampleToGeophysics)
          Deprecated. Changes the mapping from sample to geophysics values.
 Category Category.geophysics(boolean geo)
          Deprecated. If true, returns the geophysics companion of this category.
 Category SampleDimension.getCategory(double sample)
          Deprecated. Returns the category for the specified sample value.
 Category SampleDimension.getBackground()
          Deprecated. Returns a default category to use for background.

Constructors in with parameters of type Category
SampleDimension(Category[] categories, Unit units)
          Deprecated. Constructs a sample dimension with an arbitrary set of categories, which may be both quantitative and qualitative.

Uses of Category in

Methods in that return Category
protected  Category OperationJAI.deriveCategory(Category[] categories, OperationJAI.Parameters parameters)
          Derive the quantitative category for a sample dimension in the destination coverage.

Methods in with parameters of type Category
protected  Category OperationJAI.deriveCategory(Category[] categories, OperationJAI.Parameters parameters)
          Derive the quantitative category for a sample dimension in the destination coverage.

Uses of Category in org.geotools.gui.swing

Methods in org.geotools.gui.swing with parameters of type Category
protected  AbstractGraduation ColorBar.createGraduation(AbstractGraduation reuse, Category category, Unit units)
          Deprecated. Returns a graduation for the specified category.

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