Uses of Class

Packages that use Geometry
org.geotools.renderer.geom Shape implementations used for the rendering of geographic features.  
org.geotools.renderer.j2d Couches ? afficher sur une carte ? l'aide de Java2D.  

Uses of Geometry in org.geotools.renderer.geom

Subclasses of Geometry in org.geotools.renderer.geom
 class GeometryCollection
          A collection of geometry shapes.
 class GeometryProxy
          A geometry wrapping an existing geometry object with a different style.
 class JTSGeometries
          A geometry collection backed by one or many JTS Geometry objects.
 class Point
          A wrapper around a single JTS Coordinate object to adapt it to the the Geometry hierarchy.
 class Polygon
          A polygon bounded by one exterior ring (the "shell") and zero or more interior rings (the "holes").
 class Polyline
          A succession of lines linked by their extremities.

Methods in org.geotools.renderer.geom that return Geometry
 Geometry Polyline.clip(Clipper clipper)
          Returns a polyline approximately equal to this polyline clipped to the specified bounds.
 Geometry GeometryProxy.clip(Clipper clipper)
          Returns an geometry approximately equal to this geometry clipped to the specified bounds.
 Geometry Polygon.clip(Clipper clipper)
          Returns a polygon approximately equal to this polygon clipped to the specified bounds.
 Geometry Geometry.clip(Clipper clipper)
          Returns an geometry approximately equal to this geometry clipped to the specified bounds.
 Geometry JTSGeometries.add(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry geometry)
          Add the specified geometry to this collection.
 Geometry GeometryCollection.add(Geometry toAdd)
          Add a geometry to this collection.
 Geometry GeometryCollection.clip(Clipper clipper)
          Returns an geometry approximately equal to this geometry clipped to the specified bounds.

Methods in org.geotools.renderer.geom with parameters of type Geometry
 Geometry GeometryCollection.add(Geometry toAdd)
          Add a geometry to this collection.
 boolean GeometryCollection.remove(Geometry toRemove)
          Removes a geometry from this collection.

Constructors in org.geotools.renderer.geom with parameters of type Geometry
GeometryProxy(Geometry geometry)
          Construct a geographic shape wrapping the given geometry.
Geometry(Geometry geometry)
          Construct a geographic shape with the same data than the specified geometry.

Uses of Geometry in org.geotools.renderer.j2d

Methods in org.geotools.renderer.j2d that return Geometry
 Geometry RenderedGeometries.getGeometry()
          Returns the geometry for this layer.

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