Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractMathTransform
org.geotools.referencing.operation.projection Basic implementations of map projections.  
org.geotools.referencing.operation.transform Basic implementations of math transforms.  

Uses of AbstractMathTransform in org.geotools.referencing.operation.projection

Subclasses of AbstractMathTransform in org.geotools.referencing.operation.projection
 class AlbersEqualArea
          Albers Equal Area Projection (EPSG code 9822).
 class EquidistantCylindrical
          Equidistant cylindrical projection (EPSG code 9823).
 class LambertConformal
          Lambert Conical Conformal Projection.
 class LambertConformal1SP
          Lambert Conical Conformal 1SP Projection.
 class LambertConformal2SP
          Lambert Conical Conformal 2SP Projection.
 class LambertConformalBelgium
          Lambert Conical Conformal 2SP Belgium Projection.
 class LambertConformalESRI
          Lambert Conical Conformal Projection using ESRI parameters.
 class MapProjection
          Base class for transformation services between ellipsoidal and cartographic projections.
 class Mercator
          Mercator Cylindrical Projection.
 class Mercator1SP
          Mercator Cylindrical 1SP Projection.
 class Mercator2SP
          Mercator Cylindrical 2SP Projection.
 class NewZealandMapGrid
          Implementation of the NZMG (New Zealand Map Grid) projection.
 class ObliqueMercator
          Oblique Mercator Projection.
 class Orthographic
          Orthographic Projection.
 class OrthographicEquatorial
          The equatorial case of the Orthographic projection.
 class OrthographicOblique
          The oblique case of the Orthographic projection.
 class OrthographicPolar
          The polar case of the Orthographic projection.
 class PlateCarree
          Plate Carree (or Equirectangular) projection.
 class Stereographic
          Stereographic Projection.
 class StereographicEquatorial
          The USGS equatorial case of the stereographic projection.
 class StereographicOblique
          The USGS oblique/equatorial case of the stereographic projection.
 class StereographicPolar
          The polar case of the stereographic projection.
 class TransverseMercator
          Transverse Mercator Projection (EPSG code 9807).

Uses of AbstractMathTransform in org.geotools.referencing.operation.transform

Subclasses of AbstractMathTransform in org.geotools.referencing.operation.transform
protected  class AbstractMathTransform.Inverse
          Default implementation for inverse math transform.
 class ConcatenatedTransform
          Base class for concatenated transform.
 class ExponentialTransform1D
          A one dimensional exponentional transform.
 class GeocentricTransform
          Transforms three dimensional geographic points to geocentric coordinate points.
 class GeocentricTranslation
          An affine transform applied on geocentric coordinates.
 class IdentityTransform
          The identity transform.
 class LinearTransform1D
          A one dimensional, linear transform.
 class LogarithmicTransform1D
          A one dimensional, logarithmic transform.
 class MolodenskiTransform
          Two- or three-dimensional datum shift using the (potentially abridged) Molodensky transformation.
 class NADCONTransform
          Transform backed by the North American Datum Conversion grid.
 class PassThroughTransform
          Transform which passes through a subset of ordinates to another transform.
 class ProjectiveTransform
          A usually affine, or otherwise a projective transform.
 class WarpTransform2D
          Wraps an arbitrary Warp object as a two-dimensional transform.

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