Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractAuthorityFactory
org.geotools.referencing.factory Base classes for factories and authority factories. 
org.geotools.referencing.factory.epsg Authority factories for the EPSG database.  
org.geotools.referencing.factory.wms Provides coordinate reference systems specified in the Web Map Service specification (ISO 19128).  

Uses of AbstractAuthorityFactory in org.geotools.referencing.factory

Subclasses of AbstractAuthorityFactory in org.geotools.referencing.factory
 class AllAuthoritiesFactory
          An authority factory that delegates the object creation to an other factory determined from the authority name in the code.
 class AuthorityFactoryAdapter
          An authority factory which delegates CRS, CS or datum objects creation to some other factory implementations.
 class BufferedAuthorityFactory
          An authority factory that caches all objects created by an other factory.
 class DeferredAuthorityFactory
          A buffered authority factory which will defer the creation of a backing store until when first needed.
 class OrderedAxisAuthorityFactory
          An authority factory which delegates all the work to an other factory, and reorder the axis in some pre-determined order.
 class PropertyAuthorityFactory
          Default implementation for a coordinate reference system authority factory backed by a property file.

Methods in org.geotools.referencing.factory that return AbstractAuthorityFactory
protected abstract  AbstractAuthorityFactory DeferredAuthorityFactory.createBackingStore()
          Creates the backing store authority factory.

Methods in org.geotools.referencing.factory with parameters of type AbstractAuthorityFactory
protected  boolean DeferredAuthorityFactory.canDisposeBackingStore(AbstractAuthorityFactory backingStore)
          Returns if the backing store can be disposed now.

Constructors in org.geotools.referencing.factory with parameters of type AbstractAuthorityFactory
AuthorityFactoryAdapter(AbstractAuthorityFactory factory)
          Creates a wrapper around the specified factory.
OrderedAxisAuthorityFactory(AbstractAuthorityFactory factory, boolean fixUnits)
          Creates a factory which will reorder the axis of all objects created by the supplied factory.
BufferedAuthorityFactory(AbstractAuthorityFactory factory)
          Constructs an instance wrapping the specified factory with a default number of entries to keep by strong reference.
BufferedAuthorityFactory(AbstractAuthorityFactory factory, int maxStrongReferences)
          Constructs an instance wrapping the specified factory.

Uses of AbstractAuthorityFactory in org.geotools.referencing.factory.epsg

Subclasses of AbstractAuthorityFactory in org.geotools.referencing.factory.epsg
 class DefaultFactory
          The default EPSG factory to be registered in FactoryFinder.
 class FactoryUsingAnsiSQL
          An EPSG factory for the database generated by SQL scripts rather than the MS-Access one.
 class FactoryUsingOracleSQL
          An EPSG factory suitable for Oracle SQL syntax.
 class FactoryUsingSQL
          Default implementation for a coordinate reference system factory backed by the EPSG database.
 class FactoryUsingWKT
          Implementation for a coordinate reference system authority factory backed by the EPSG property file.

Methods in org.geotools.referencing.factory.epsg that return AbstractAuthorityFactory
 AbstractAuthorityFactory PostgreDataSource.createFactory(Hints hints)
          Open a connection and creates an EPSG factory for it.
 AbstractAuthorityFactory AccessDataSource.createFactory(Hints hints)
          Open a connection and creates an EPSG factory for it.
 AbstractAuthorityFactory HSQLDataSource.createFactory(Hints hints)
          Opens a connection and creates an EPSG factory for it.
 AbstractAuthorityFactory SimpleDataSource.createFactory(Hints hints)
          Opens a connection and creates an EPSG factory for it.
 AbstractAuthorityFactory DataSource.createFactory(Hints hints)
          Opens a connection and creates an EPSG factory for it.
protected  AbstractAuthorityFactory DefaultFactory.createBackingStore()
          Creates the backing store authority factory.
protected  AbstractAuthorityFactory FactoryUsingWKT.createBackingStore()
          Creates the backing store authority factory.

Methods in org.geotools.referencing.factory.epsg with parameters of type AbstractAuthorityFactory
protected  boolean DefaultFactory.canDisposeBackingStore(AbstractAuthorityFactory backingStore)
          Returns if the backing store can be disposed now.

Uses of AbstractAuthorityFactory in org.geotools.referencing.factory.wms

Subclasses of AbstractAuthorityFactory in org.geotools.referencing.factory.wms
 class AutoCRSFactory
          The factory for projected CRS in the and space.
 class WebCRSFactory
          The factory for coordinate reference systems in the space.

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