Package org.geotools.graph.traverse.standard

Interface Summary
DijkstraIterator.EdgeWeighter Supplies a weight for each edge in the graph to be used by the iteration when calculating node costs.

Class Summary
BreadthFirstIterator Iterates over the nodes of a graph in a Breadth First Search pattern starting from a specified node.
BreadthFirstTopologicalIterator Iterates over the nodes of a graph in Breadth First Topological Sort pattern.
DepthFirstIterator Iterates over the nodes of a graph in a Depth First Search pattern starting from a specified node.
DepthFirstTopologicalIterator Iterates over the nodes of a graph in Depth First Topological Sort pattern.
DijkstraIterator Iterates over the nodes of a graph in pattern using Dijkstra's Shortest Path Algorithm.
DijkstraIterator.DijkstraNode Internal data structure used to track node costs, and parent nodes.
NoBifurcationIterator Iterates over the nodes of a graph starting from a specified node, stopping at a bifurcation.

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