Uses of Interface

Packages that use Node   

Uses of Node in

Methods in that return Node
 Node GraphBuilder.buildNode()
          Builds a new node for the graph.

Methods in with parameters of type Node
 Edge GraphBuilder.buildEdge(Node nodeA, Node nodeB)
          Builds a new edge for the graph.
 void GraphBuilder.addNode(Node node)
          Adds a node to the graph.
 void GraphBuilder.removeNode(Node node)
          Removes an node from the graph.

Uses of Node in

Methods in that return Node
 Node BasicDirectedGraphBuilder.buildNode()
          Builds a directed node.
 Node BasicGraphBuilder.buildNode()

Methods in with parameters of type Node
 Edge BasicDirectedGraphBuilder.buildEdge(Node nodeA, Node nodeB)
          Builds a directed edge.
 Edge BasicGraphBuilder.buildEdge(Node nodeA, Node nodeB)
 void BasicGraphBuilder.addNode(Node node)
 void BasicGraphBuilder.removeNode(Node node)

Uses of Node in

Methods in that return Node
 Node OptDirectedLineGraphGenerator.getNode(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate c)
 Node BasicDirectedLineGraphBuilder.buildNode()
          Returns a node of type BasicDirectedXYNode.
 Node OptLineGraphGenerator.getNode(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate c)
 Node OptLineGraphBuilder.buildNode()
          Returns a node of type OptXYNode.
 Node BasicLineGraphGenerator.getNode(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate c)
 Node OptDirectedLineGraphBuilder.buildNode()
          Returns a node of type OptDirectedXYNode.
 Node LineGraphGenerator.getNode(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate c)
 Node BasicLineGraphBuilder.buildNode()
          Returns a node of type BasicXYNode.

Methods in with parameters of type Node
protected  void LineStringGraphGenerator.setObject(Node n, java.lang.Object obj)
protected  void BasicLineGraphGenerator.setObject(Node n, java.lang.Object obj)

Uses of Node in

Methods in that return Node
 Node OptGraphBuilder.buildNode()
          Creates an optimized node.
 Node OptDirectedGraphBuilder.buildNode()
          Creates an optimized directed node.

Methods in with parameters of type Node
 Edge OptGraphBuilder.buildEdge(Node nodeA, Node nodeB)
          Creates an optimized edge.
 Edge OptDirectedGraphBuilder.buildEdge(Node nodeA, Node nodeB)
          Creates an optimized directed edge.

Uses of Node in

Methods in that return Node
protected  Node PolygonGraphGenerator.find(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Polygon polygon)

Methods in with parameters of type Node
protected  void PolygonGraphGenerator.relate(Node node)

Uses of Node in

Methods in with parameters of type Node
protected  void DBReaderWriter.writeNode(java.sql.Statement st, Node node)
          Template method used to write a node into the database.
protected  void TextfileReaderWriter.writeNode( out, Node n)
          Template method for writing the text representation of a node to an text file.

Uses of Node in org.geotools.graph.path

Methods in org.geotools.graph.path that return Node
 Node NodeSequence.getFirst()
          Returns the first node in the sequence.
 Node NodeSequence.getLast()
          Returns the last node in the sequence.
 Node Walk.getFirst()
 Node Walk.getLast()

Methods in org.geotools.graph.path with parameters of type Node
 Path ExhaustivePathFinder.getPath(Node from, Node to)
 java.util.List ExhaustivePathFinder.getPaths(Node from, Node to)
 java.util.List ExhaustivePathFinder.getPaths(Node from, GraphVisitor visitor)
 boolean Walk.add(Node node)
          Adds a node to the walk.
 void Walk.remove(Node node)
          Removes a node from the walk.

Uses of Node in org.geotools.graph.structure

Subinterfaces of Node in org.geotools.graph.structure
 interface DirectedNode
          Represents a node in a directed graph.

Methods in org.geotools.graph.structure that return Node
 Node Edge.getNodeA()
          Returns the A node of the edge.
 Node Edge.getNodeB()
          Returns the B node of the edge.
 Node Edge.getOtherNode(Node node)
          Returns one of the two nodes of an edge.

Methods in org.geotools.graph.structure with parameters of type Node
 Node Edge.getOtherNode(Node node)
          Returns one of the two nodes of an edge.
 Edge Node.getEdge(Node other)
          Returns an edge in the adjacency list of the node that is adjacent to another specified node.
 java.util.List Node.getEdges(Node other)
          Returns a collection of edges in the adjacency list of the node that are adjacent to another specified node.

Uses of Node in org.geotools.graph.structure.basic

Classes in org.geotools.graph.structure.basic that implement Node
 class BasicDirectedNode
          Basic implementation of DirectedNode.
 class BasicNode
          Basic implementation of Node.

Methods in org.geotools.graph.structure.basic that return Node
 Node BasicDirectedEdge.getNodeA()
          Returns the in node.
 Node BasicDirectedEdge.getNodeB()
          Returns the out node.
 Node BasicDirectedEdge.getOtherNode(Node node)
 Node BasicEdge.getNodeA()
 Node BasicEdge.getNodeB()
 Node BasicEdge.getOtherNode(Node node)
          Returns null if the specified node is neither the A node or the B node.

Methods in org.geotools.graph.structure.basic with parameters of type Node
 Edge BasicDirectedNode.getEdge(Node other)
          First searches for an in edge with an out node == this, and in node == other.
 java.util.List BasicDirectedNode.getEdges(Node other)
          A combination of the results of getInEdges(Node) and getOutEdges(Node).
 Node BasicDirectedEdge.getOtherNode(Node node)
 Edge BasicNode.getEdge(Node other)
 java.util.List BasicNode.getEdges(Node other)
 Node BasicEdge.getOtherNode(Node node)
          Returns null if the specified node is neither the A node or the B node.

Constructors in org.geotools.graph.structure.basic with parameters of type Node
BasicEdge(Node nodeA, Node nodeB)
          Constructs a new edge.

Uses of Node in org.geotools.graph.structure.line

Subinterfaces of Node in org.geotools.graph.structure.line
 interface XYNode
          Represents a node in a line network.

Classes in org.geotools.graph.structure.line that implement Node
 class BasicDirectedXYNode
          Basic implementation of a directed XYNode extended from BasicDirectedNode.
 class BasicXYNode
          Basic implementation of XYNode extended from BasicNode.
 class OptDirectedXYNode
          Optimized implementation of XYNode extended from OptDirectedNode.
 class OptXYNode
          Optimized implementation of XYNode extended from OptNode.

Uses of Node in org.geotools.graph.structure.opt

Classes in org.geotools.graph.structure.opt that implement Node
 class OptDirectedNode
          Optimized implementation of DirectedNode.
 class OptNode
          Optimized implementation of Node.

Methods in org.geotools.graph.structure.opt that return Node
 Node OptDirectedEdge.getNodeA()
 Node OptDirectedEdge.getNodeB()
 Node OptDirectedEdge.getOtherNode(Node node)
 Node OptEdge.getNodeA()
 Node OptEdge.getNodeB()
 Node OptEdge.getOtherNode(Node node)

Methods in org.geotools.graph.structure.opt with parameters of type Node
 Edge OptDirectedNode.getEdge(Node other)
 java.util.List OptDirectedNode.getEdges(Node other)
 Node OptDirectedEdge.getOtherNode(Node node)
 Edge OptNode.getEdge(Node other)
 java.util.List OptNode.getEdges(Node other)
 Node OptEdge.getOtherNode(Node node)

Uses of Node in org.geotools.graph.traverse.standard

Fields in org.geotools.graph.traverse.standard declared as Node
 Node DijkstraIterator.DijkstraNode.node
          underlying graph node

Constructors in org.geotools.graph.traverse.standard with parameters of type Node
DijkstraIterator.DijkstraNode(Node node, double cost)
          Constructs a new Dijsktra node.

Uses of Node in org.geotools.graph.util.delaunay

Classes in org.geotools.graph.util.delaunay that implement Node
 class DelaunayNode

Methods in org.geotools.graph.util.delaunay that return Node
 Node Triangle.getThirdNode(Edge e)
 Node[] Triangle.getNodes()

Methods in org.geotools.graph.util.delaunay with parameters of type Node
 Edge Triangle.getOppositeEdge(Node n)
static java.util.Vector AutoClustUtils.findAdjacentEdges(Node node, java.util.Collection edges)

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