Uses of Interface

Packages that use Graphable   

Uses of Graphable in

Methods in that return Graphable
 Graphable GraphGenerator.add(java.lang.Object obj)
          Adds an object to the graph.
 Graphable GraphGenerator.get(java.lang.Object obj)
          Retrieves a component of the graph.
 Graphable GraphGenerator.remove(java.lang.Object obj)
          Removes an object from the graph.

Uses of Graphable in

Methods in that return Graphable
 Graphable BasicGraphGenerator.add(java.lang.Object obj)
 Graphable BasicGraphGenerator.get(java.lang.Object obj)
 Graphable BasicGraphGenerator.remove(java.lang.Object obj)

Uses of Graphable in

Methods in that return Graphable
 Graphable OptDirectedLineGraphGenerator.add(java.lang.Object obj)
          Adds a line to the graph.
 Graphable LineStringGraphGenerator.add(java.lang.Object obj)
 Graphable LineStringGraphGenerator.remove(java.lang.Object obj)
 Graphable LineStringGraphGenerator.get(java.lang.Object obj)
 Graphable OptLineGraphGenerator.add(java.lang.Object obj)
          Adds a line to the graph.
 Graphable OptLineGraphGenerator.get(java.lang.Object obj)
          Returns the edge which represents a line.
 Graphable OptLineGraphGenerator.remove(java.lang.Object obj)
          Unsupported operation.
 Graphable BasicLineGraphGenerator.add(java.lang.Object obj)
          Adds a line to the graph.
 Graphable BasicLineGraphGenerator.get(java.lang.Object obj)
          Returns the edge which represents a line.
 Graphable BasicLineGraphGenerator.remove(java.lang.Object obj)
          Removes the edge from the graph that represents a line.

Uses of Graphable in

Methods in that return Graphable
 Graphable PolygonGraphGenerator.add(java.lang.Object obj)
 Graphable PolygonGraphGenerator.get(java.lang.Object obj)
 Graphable PolygonGraphGenerator.remove(java.lang.Object obj)

Uses of Graphable in org.geotools.graph.path

Methods in org.geotools.graph.path with parameters of type Graphable
 Path DijkstraShortestPathFinder.getPath(Graphable g)
          Returns a path from g to the source.
 double DijkstraShortestPathFinder.getCost(Graphable g)
          Returns the cost associated with a node calculated during the graph traversal.
 int DijkstraShortestPathFinder.visit(Graphable element, GraphTraversal traversal)
          Does nothing except signal the traversal to continue.

Constructors in org.geotools.graph.path with parameters of type Graphable
DijkstraShortestPathFinder(Graph graph, Graphable source, DijkstraIterator.EdgeWeighter weighter)
          Constructs a new path finder.

Uses of Graphable in org.geotools.graph.structure

Subinterfaces of Graphable in org.geotools.graph.structure
 interface DirectedEdge
          Represents an edge in a directed graph.
 interface DirectedGraphable
          Reperesents a component in a directed graph.
 interface DirectedNode
          Represents a node in a directed graph.
 interface Edge
          Represents an edge in Graph.
 interface Node
          Represents a node in a graph.

Methods in org.geotools.graph.structure with parameters of type Graphable
 int GraphVisitor.visit(Graphable component)
          Presents the visitor with the component to visit.

Uses of Graphable in org.geotools.graph.structure.basic

Classes in org.geotools.graph.structure.basic that implement Graphable
 class BasicDirectedEdge
          Basic implementation of DirectedEdge.
 class BasicDirectedNode
          Basic implementation of DirectedNode.
 class BasicEdge
          Basic implementation of Edge.
 class BasicGraphable
          Basic implementation of Graphable.
 class BasicNode
          Basic implementation of Node.

Uses of Graphable in org.geotools.graph.structure.line

Subinterfaces of Graphable in org.geotools.graph.structure.line
 interface XYNode
          Represents a node in a line network.

Classes in org.geotools.graph.structure.line that implement Graphable
 class BasicDirectedXYNode
          Basic implementation of a directed XYNode extended from BasicDirectedNode.
 class BasicXYNode
          Basic implementation of XYNode extended from BasicNode.
 class OptDirectedXYNode
          Optimized implementation of XYNode extended from OptDirectedNode.
 class OptXYNode
          Optimized implementation of XYNode extended from OptNode.

Uses of Graphable in org.geotools.graph.structure.opt

Classes in org.geotools.graph.structure.opt that implement Graphable
 class OptDirectedEdge
          Optimized implementation of DirectedEdge.
 class OptDirectedNode
          Optimized implementation of DirectedNode.
 class OptEdge
          Optimized implementation of Edge.
 class OptGraphable
          Root of class hierarchy for optimized implementation of graph components.
 class OptNode
          Optimized implementation of Node.

Uses of Graphable in org.geotools.graph.traverse

Methods in org.geotools.graph.traverse that return Graphable
 Graphable traversal)
          Returns the next graph component in the iteration.

Methods in org.geotools.graph.traverse with parameters of type Graphable
 int GraphWalker.visit(Graphable element, GraphTraversal traversal)
          Visits a graph component.
 boolean GraphTraversal.isVisited(Graphable g)
 void GraphTraversal.setVisited(Graphable g, boolean visited)
 void GraphIterator.cont(Graphable current, GraphTraversal traversal)
          Signals to the iterator that iteration should continue from the current component in the traversal.
 void GraphIterator.killBranch(Graphable current, GraphTraversal traversal)
          Signals the iterator to kill the branch at the current component.

Uses of Graphable in org.geotools.graph.traverse.basic

Methods in org.geotools.graph.traverse.basic that return Graphable
 Graphable SourceGraphIterator.getSource()
          Returns the source of the iteration.

Methods in org.geotools.graph.traverse.basic with parameters of type Graphable
 boolean StagedGraphTraversal.isVisited(Graphable g)
 void StagedGraphTraversal.setVisited(Graphable g, boolean visited)
 int CountingWalker.visit(Graphable element, GraphTraversal traversal)
          Sets the count of the component and increments the counter.
 void BasicGraphTraversal.setVisited(Graphable g, boolean visited)
 boolean BasicGraphTraversal.isVisited(Graphable g)
 int DummyGraphWalker.visit(Graphable element, GraphTraversal traversal)
          Returns the continue signal.
 int SimpleGraphWalker.visit(Graphable element, GraphTraversal traversal)
          Defers to the underlying visitor.
 void SourceGraphIterator.setSource(Graphable source)
          Sets the source for the iteration.

Uses of Graphable in org.geotools.graph.traverse.standard

Methods in org.geotools.graph.traverse.standard that return Graphable
 Graphable traversal)
          The next node in the iteration is the first node found adjacent to the current node that is non visited and of degree less than 2.
 Graphable traversal)
 Graphable traversal)
          Returns the next node in the priority queue.
 Graphable DijkstraIterator.getParent(Graphable component)
          Returns the last node in the known set to update the node.
 Graphable traversal)
          Returns the next node in the active node queue.
 Graphable traversal)
          Returns the next node from the node queue that has not yet been visited.

Methods in org.geotools.graph.traverse.standard with parameters of type Graphable
 void NoBifurcationIterator.setSource(Graphable source)
          Sets the source of the traversal.
 void NoBifurcationIterator.cont(Graphable current, GraphTraversal traversal)
          Searches for the next node to be returned in the iteration.
 void NoBifurcationIterator.killBranch(Graphable current, GraphTraversal traversal)
          Kills the current branch of the iteration by explicitly setting the next node to be returned to null.
 void DirectedDepthFirstIterator.cont(Graphable current, GraphTraversal traversal)
protected  java.util.Iterator DirectedDijkstraIterator.getRelated(Graphable current)
 void DirectedBreadthFirstTopologicalIterator.cont(Graphable current, GraphTraversal traversal)
 void DirectedBreadthFirstTopologicalIterator.killBranch(Graphable current, GraphTraversal traversal)
 void DijkstraIterator.cont(Graphable current, GraphTraversal traversal)
          Looks for adjacent nodes to the current node which are in the adjacent node and updates costs.
 void DijkstraIterator.killBranch(Graphable current, GraphTraversal traversal)
          Kills the branch of the traversal by not updating the cost of any adjacent nodes.
 double DijkstraIterator.getCost(Graphable component)
          Returns the internal cost of a node which has been calculated by the iterator.
 Graphable DijkstraIterator.getParent(Graphable component)
          Returns the last node in the known set to update the node.
protected  java.util.Iterator DijkstraIterator.getRelated(Graphable current)
 void BreadthFirstTopologicalIterator.cont(Graphable current, GraphTraversal traversal)
          Continues the iteration by incrementing the counters of any unvisited nodes related to the current node.
 void BreadthFirstTopologicalIterator.killBranch(Graphable current, GraphTraversal traversal)
          Kills the current branch of the traversal by not incremening the counters of any related nodes.
 void BreadthFirstIterator.setSource(Graphable source)
          Sets the source of the traversal and places it in the node queue.
 void BreadthFirstIterator.cont(Graphable current, GraphTraversal traversal)
          Looks for nodes adjacent to the current node to place into the node queue.
 void BreadthFirstIterator.killBranch(Graphable current, GraphTraversal traversal)
          Kills the current branch by not looking for any adjacent nodes to place into the node queue.
 void DirectedBreadthFirstIterator.cont(Graphable current, GraphTraversal traversal)

Uses of Graphable in org.geotools.graph.util.delaunay

Classes in org.geotools.graph.util.delaunay that implement Graphable
 class DelaunayEdge
 class DelaunayNode

Uses of Graphable in org.geotools.graph.util.graph

Methods in org.geotools.graph.util.graph with parameters of type Graphable
 int GraphPartitioner.visit(Graphable element, GraphTraversal traversal)
          Adds the element to the current partition.
 int CycleDetector.visit(Graphable element, GraphTraversal traversal)
          Increments the count of nodes visited.

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