Uses of Graphable in org.geotools.graph.build |
Methods in org.geotools.graph.build that return Graphable | |
Graphable |
GraphGenerator.add(java.lang.Object obj)
Adds an object to the graph. |
Graphable |
GraphGenerator.get(java.lang.Object obj)
Retrieves a component of the graph. |
Graphable |
GraphGenerator.remove(java.lang.Object obj)
Removes an object from the graph. |
Uses of Graphable in org.geotools.graph.build.basic |
Methods in org.geotools.graph.build.basic that return Graphable | |
Graphable |
BasicGraphGenerator.add(java.lang.Object obj)
Graphable |
BasicGraphGenerator.get(java.lang.Object obj)
Graphable |
BasicGraphGenerator.remove(java.lang.Object obj)
Uses of Graphable in org.geotools.graph.build.line |
Methods in org.geotools.graph.build.line that return Graphable | |
Graphable |
OptDirectedLineGraphGenerator.add(java.lang.Object obj)
Adds a line to the graph. |
Graphable |
LineStringGraphGenerator.add(java.lang.Object obj)
Graphable |
LineStringGraphGenerator.remove(java.lang.Object obj)
Graphable |
LineStringGraphGenerator.get(java.lang.Object obj)
Graphable |
OptLineGraphGenerator.add(java.lang.Object obj)
Adds a line to the graph. |
Graphable |
OptLineGraphGenerator.get(java.lang.Object obj)
Returns the edge which represents a line. |
Graphable |
OptLineGraphGenerator.remove(java.lang.Object obj)
Unsupported operation. |
Graphable |
BasicLineGraphGenerator.add(java.lang.Object obj)
Adds a line to the graph. |
Graphable |
BasicLineGraphGenerator.get(java.lang.Object obj)
Returns the edge which represents a line. |
Graphable |
BasicLineGraphGenerator.remove(java.lang.Object obj)
Removes the edge from the graph that represents a line. |
Uses of Graphable in org.geotools.graph.build.polygon |
Methods in org.geotools.graph.build.polygon that return Graphable | |
Graphable |
PolygonGraphGenerator.add(java.lang.Object obj)
Graphable |
PolygonGraphGenerator.get(java.lang.Object obj)
Graphable |
PolygonGraphGenerator.remove(java.lang.Object obj)
Uses of Graphable in org.geotools.graph.path |
Methods in org.geotools.graph.path with parameters of type Graphable | |
Path |
DijkstraShortestPathFinder.getPath(Graphable g)
Returns a path from g to the source. |
double |
DijkstraShortestPathFinder.getCost(Graphable g)
Returns the cost associated with a node calculated during the graph traversal. |
int |
DijkstraShortestPathFinder.visit(Graphable element,
GraphTraversal traversal)
Does nothing except signal the traversal to continue. |
Constructors in org.geotools.graph.path with parameters of type Graphable | |
DijkstraShortestPathFinder(Graph graph,
Graphable source,
DijkstraIterator.EdgeWeighter weighter)
Constructs a new path finder. |
Uses of Graphable in org.geotools.graph.structure |
Subinterfaces of Graphable in org.geotools.graph.structure | |
interface |
Represents an edge in a directed graph. |
interface |
Reperesents a component in a directed graph. |
interface |
Represents a node in a directed graph. |
interface |
Represents an edge in Graph. |
interface |
Represents a node in a graph. |
Methods in org.geotools.graph.structure with parameters of type Graphable | |
int |
GraphVisitor.visit(Graphable component)
Presents the visitor with the component to visit. |
Uses of Graphable in org.geotools.graph.structure.basic |
Classes in org.geotools.graph.structure.basic that implement Graphable | |
class |
Basic implementation of DirectedEdge. |
class |
Basic implementation of DirectedNode. |
class |
Basic implementation of Edge. |
class |
Basic implementation of Graphable. |
class |
Basic implementation of Node. |
Uses of Graphable in org.geotools.graph.structure.line |
Subinterfaces of Graphable in org.geotools.graph.structure.line | |
interface |
Represents a node in a line network. |
Classes in org.geotools.graph.structure.line that implement Graphable | |
class |
Basic implementation of a directed XYNode extended from BasicDirectedNode. |
class |
Basic implementation of XYNode extended from BasicNode. |
class |
Optimized implementation of XYNode extended from OptDirectedNode. |
class |
Optimized implementation of XYNode extended from OptNode. |
Uses of Graphable in org.geotools.graph.structure.opt |
Classes in org.geotools.graph.structure.opt that implement Graphable | |
class |
Optimized implementation of DirectedEdge. |
class |
Optimized implementation of DirectedNode. |
class |
Optimized implementation of Edge. |
class |
Root of class hierarchy for optimized implementation of graph components. |
class |
Optimized implementation of Node. |
Uses of Graphable in org.geotools.graph.traverse |
Methods in org.geotools.graph.traverse that return Graphable | |
Graphable |
GraphIterator.next(GraphTraversal traversal)
Returns the next graph component in the iteration. |
Methods in org.geotools.graph.traverse with parameters of type Graphable | |
int |
GraphWalker.visit(Graphable element,
GraphTraversal traversal)
Visits a graph component. |
boolean |
GraphTraversal.isVisited(Graphable g)
void |
GraphTraversal.setVisited(Graphable g,
boolean visited)
void |
GraphIterator.cont(Graphable current,
GraphTraversal traversal)
Signals to the iterator that iteration should continue from the current component in the traversal. |
void |
GraphIterator.killBranch(Graphable current,
GraphTraversal traversal)
Signals the iterator to kill the branch at the current component. |
Uses of Graphable in org.geotools.graph.traverse.basic |
Methods in org.geotools.graph.traverse.basic that return Graphable | |
Graphable |
Returns the source of the iteration. |
Methods in org.geotools.graph.traverse.basic with parameters of type Graphable | |
boolean |
StagedGraphTraversal.isVisited(Graphable g)
void |
StagedGraphTraversal.setVisited(Graphable g,
boolean visited)
int |
CountingWalker.visit(Graphable element,
GraphTraversal traversal)
Sets the count of the component and increments the counter. |
void |
BasicGraphTraversal.setVisited(Graphable g,
boolean visited)
boolean |
BasicGraphTraversal.isVisited(Graphable g)
int |
DummyGraphWalker.visit(Graphable element,
GraphTraversal traversal)
Returns the continue signal. |
int |
SimpleGraphWalker.visit(Graphable element,
GraphTraversal traversal)
Defers to the underlying visitor. |
void |
SourceGraphIterator.setSource(Graphable source)
Sets the source for the iteration. |
Uses of Graphable in org.geotools.graph.traverse.standard |
Methods in org.geotools.graph.traverse.standard that return Graphable | |
Graphable |
NoBifurcationIterator.next(GraphTraversal traversal)
The next node in the iteration is the first node found adjacent to the current node that is non visited and of degree less than 2. |
Graphable |
DirectedBreadthFirstTopologicalIterator.next(GraphTraversal traversal)
Graphable |
DijkstraIterator.next(GraphTraversal traversal)
Returns the next node in the priority queue. |
Graphable |
DijkstraIterator.getParent(Graphable component)
Returns the last node in the known set to update the node. |
Graphable |
BreadthFirstTopologicalIterator.next(GraphTraversal traversal)
Returns the next node in the active node queue. |
Graphable |
BreadthFirstIterator.next(GraphTraversal traversal)
Returns the next node from the node queue that has not yet been visited. |
Methods in org.geotools.graph.traverse.standard with parameters of type Graphable | |
void |
NoBifurcationIterator.setSource(Graphable source)
Sets the source of the traversal. |
void |
NoBifurcationIterator.cont(Graphable current,
GraphTraversal traversal)
Searches for the next node to be returned in the iteration. |
void |
NoBifurcationIterator.killBranch(Graphable current,
GraphTraversal traversal)
Kills the current branch of the iteration by explicitly setting the next node to be returned to null. |
void |
DirectedDepthFirstIterator.cont(Graphable current,
GraphTraversal traversal)
protected java.util.Iterator |
DirectedDijkstraIterator.getRelated(Graphable current)
void |
DirectedBreadthFirstTopologicalIterator.cont(Graphable current,
GraphTraversal traversal)
void |
DirectedBreadthFirstTopologicalIterator.killBranch(Graphable current,
GraphTraversal traversal)
void |
DijkstraIterator.cont(Graphable current,
GraphTraversal traversal)
Looks for adjacent nodes to the current node which are in the adjacent node and updates costs. |
void |
DijkstraIterator.killBranch(Graphable current,
GraphTraversal traversal)
Kills the branch of the traversal by not updating the cost of any adjacent nodes. |
double |
DijkstraIterator.getCost(Graphable component)
Returns the internal cost of a node which has been calculated by the iterator. |
Graphable |
DijkstraIterator.getParent(Graphable component)
Returns the last node in the known set to update the node. |
protected java.util.Iterator |
DijkstraIterator.getRelated(Graphable current)
void |
BreadthFirstTopologicalIterator.cont(Graphable current,
GraphTraversal traversal)
Continues the iteration by incrementing the counters of any unvisited nodes related to the current node. |
void |
BreadthFirstTopologicalIterator.killBranch(Graphable current,
GraphTraversal traversal)
Kills the current branch of the traversal by not incremening the counters of any related nodes. |
void |
BreadthFirstIterator.setSource(Graphable source)
Sets the source of the traversal and places it in the node queue. |
void |
BreadthFirstIterator.cont(Graphable current,
GraphTraversal traversal)
Looks for nodes adjacent to the current node to place into the node queue. |
void |
BreadthFirstIterator.killBranch(Graphable current,
GraphTraversal traversal)
Kills the current branch by not looking for any adjacent nodes to place into the node queue. |
void |
DirectedBreadthFirstIterator.cont(Graphable current,
GraphTraversal traversal)
Uses of Graphable in org.geotools.graph.util.delaunay |
Classes in org.geotools.graph.util.delaunay that implement Graphable | |
class |
class |
Uses of Graphable in org.geotools.graph.util.graph |
Methods in org.geotools.graph.util.graph with parameters of type Graphable | |
int |
GraphPartitioner.visit(Graphable element,
GraphTraversal traversal)
Adds the element to the current partition. |
int |
CycleDetector.visit(Graphable element,
GraphTraversal traversal)
Increments the count of nodes visited. |