Uses of Interface

Packages that use GTComponent
org.geotools.event Allows for events on GeoTools nested data structures.  
org.geotools.styling Allows for symbolization of geospatial data.  

Uses of GTComponent in org.geotools.event

Subinterfaces of GTComponent in org.geotools.event
 interface GTRoot
          Indicates the "root" of a Geotools data structure with event notification.

Classes in org.geotools.event that implement GTComponent
 class AbstractGTComponent
          Provides basic StyleEvent notification, may be used in conjuction with StyleList during event handling.
 class AbstractGTRoot
          Provides basic StyleEvent notification, may be used in conjuction with StyleList during event handling.
 class GTConstant
          Indicates a constant immutable data object, may be shared (and will not issue change notifications).

Methods in org.geotools.event that return GTComponent
 GTComponent GTNoteImpl.getParent()
 GTComponent AbstractGTComponent.getParent()
 GTComponent GTRoot.getParent()
          Should not be called, will return a "NullObject" - NO_PARENT.
 GTComponent GTConstant.getParent()
 GTComponent GTNote.getParent()
          Used to locate our parent.
 GTComponent GTComponent.getParent()
          Deprecated. use getNote().getParent()

Methods in org.geotools.event with parameters of type GTComponent
 void GTNoteImpl.setParent(GTComponent newParent)
static java.lang.Object GTCloneUtil.clone(GTComponent component)
 void GTNote.setParent(GTComponent newParent)
          Used to set the parent, and associated placement information.

Constructors in org.geotools.event with parameters of type GTComponent
GTNoteImpl(GTComponent parent, java.lang.String notificationName, int notificationPosition)
GTList(GTComponent host, java.lang.String listName)
          Client code must construct with a GTComponent parent (in order to fire events).

Uses of GTComponent in org.geotools.styling

Subinterfaces of GTComponent in org.geotools.styling
 interface AnchorPoint
          An AnchorPoint identifies the location inside a textlabel to use as an "anchor" for positioning it relative to a point geometry.
 interface ChannelSelection
          The ChannelSelection element specifies the false-color channel selection for a multi-spectral raster source (such as a multi-band satellite-imagery source).
 interface ColorMap
          The ColorMap element defines either the colors of a palette-type raster source or the mapping of fixed-numeric pixel values to colors.
 interface ColorMapEntry
          A basic interface for objects which can hold color map entries.
 interface ContrastEnhancement
          The ContrastEnhancement object defines contrast enhancement for a channel of a false-color image or for a color image.
 interface Displacement
          A Displacement gives X and Y offset displacements to use for rendering a text label near a point.
 interface Extent
          An Extent gives feature/coverage/raster/matrix dimension extent.
 interface ExternalGraphic
          Holds a reference to an external graphics file with a URL to its location and its expected MIME type.
 interface FeatureTypeConstraint
          A FeatureTypeConstraint identifies a specific feature type and supplies fitlering.
 interface FeatureTypeStyle
          How to style a feature type.
 interface Fill
          The Fill object encapsulates the graphical-symbolization parameters for areas of geometries.
 interface Font
          A system-independent object for holding SLD font information.
 interface Graphic
          A Graphic is a "graphical symbol" with an inherent shape, color(s), and possibly size.
 interface Halo
          A Halo fills an extended area outside the glyphs of a rendered textlabel to make it easier to read over a background.
 interface ImageOutline
          ImageOutline specifies how individual source rasters in a multi-raster set (such as a set of satellite-image scenes) should be outlined to make the individual-image locations visible.
 interface LabelPlacement
          The "LabelPlacement" specifies where and how a text label should be rendered relative to a geometry.
 interface LayerFeatureConstraints
          LayerFeatureConstraints define what features and feature types are referenced in a layer.
 interface LinePlacement
          The "LinePlacement" specifies where and how a text label should be rendered relative to a line.
 interface LineSymbolizer
          A symbolizer describes how a feature should appear on a map.
 interface Mark
          A Mark element defines a "shape" which has coloring applied to it.
 interface NamedLayer
          A NamedLayer is used to refer to a layer that has a name in a WMS.
 interface NamedStyle
          A NamedStyle is used to refer to a style that has a name in a WMS.
 interface PointPlacement
          A PointPlacement specifies how a text label is positioned relative to a geometric point.
 interface PointSymbolizer
          A symbolizer describes how a feature should appear on a map.
 interface PolygonSymbolizer
          A symbolizer describes how a polygon feature should appear on a map.
 interface RasterSymbolizer
          The RasterSymbolizer describes how to render raster/matrix-coverage data (e.g., satellite photos, DEMs).
 interface Rule
          A rule is used to attach a condition to, and group, the individual symbolizers used for rendering.
 interface SelectedChannelType
          A class to hold Channel information for use in ChannelSelction objects.
 interface ShadedRelief
          The ShadedRelief element selects the application of relief shading (or ?hill shading?) to an image for a three-dimensional visual effect.
 interface Stroke
          The Stroke object encapsulates the graphical-symbolization parameters for linear geometries.
 interface Style
          Indicates how geographical content should be displayed (we call this a style for simplicity; in the spec it is called a UserStyle (user-defined style)).
 interface StyledLayer
          'StyledLayer' is not part of the SLD 1.0 spec.
 interface StyledLayerDescriptor
          Holds styling information (from a StyleLayerDescriptor document).
 interface Symbol
          This an empty interface for styling symbol objects to implement
 interface Symbolizer
          This is the parent interface of all Symbolizers.
 interface TextMark
          Note: this isn't in the SLD spec
 interface TextSymbolizer
          A symbolizer describes how a feature should appear on a map.
 interface TextSymbolizer2
          Contains label shield hack
 interface UserLayer
          A UserLayer allows a user-defined layer to be built from WFS and WCS data.

Classes in org.geotools.styling that implement GTComponent
 class AnchorPointImpl
          DOCUMENT ME!
 class BasicLineStyle
          A style object is quite hard to set up, involving fills, strokes, symbolizers and rules.
 class BasicPolygonStyle
          A style object is quite hard to set up, involving fills, strokes, symbolizers and rules.
 class ChannelSelectionImpl
          DOCUMENT ME!
 class ColorMapEntryImpl
          Default color map entry implementation
 class ColorMapImpl
          A simple implementation of the color map interface.
 class ContrastEnhancementImpl
          The ContrastEnhancement object defines contrast enhancement for a channel of a false-color image or for a color image.
 class DisplacementImpl
          DOCUMENT ME!
 class ExtentImpl
 class ExternalGraphicImpl
          DOCUMENT ME!
 class FeatureTypeConstraintImpl
 class FeatureTypeStyleImpl
          DOCUMENT ME!
 class FillImpl
 class FontImpl
          Provides a Java representation of the Font element of an SLD.
 class GraphicImpl
          DOCUMENT ME!
 class HaloImpl
          DOCUMENT ME!
 class ImageOutlineImpl
 class LayerFeatureConstraintsImpl
 class LinePlacementImpl
          DOCUMENT ME!
 class LineSymbolizerImpl
          Provides a representation of a LineSymbolizer in an SLD Document.
 class MarkImpl
          DOCUMENT ME!
 class NamedLayerImpl
          DOCUMENT ME!
 class NamedStyleImpl
          A NamedStyle is used to refer to a style that has a name in a WMS.
 class PointPlacementImpl
          DOCUMENT ME!
 class PointSymbolizerImpl
          Provides a Java representation of the PointSymbolizer.
 class PolygonSymbolizerImpl
          Provides a representation of a PolygonSymbolizer in an SLD Document.
 class RasterSymbolizerImpl
          DOCUMENT ME!
 class RemoteOWSImpl
 class RuleImpl
          Provides the default implementation of Rule.
 class SelectedChannelTypeImpl
          DOCUMENT ME!
 class ShadedReliefImpl
          DOCUMENT ME!
 class StrokeImpl
          Provides a Java representation of the Stroke object in an SLD document.
 class StyledLayerDescriptorImpl
          Holds styling information (from a StyleLayerDescriptor document).
 class StyledLayerImpl
          DOCUMENT ME!
 class StyleImpl
          DOCUMENT ME!
 class TextMarkImpl
          DOCUMENT ME!
 class TextSymbolizerImpl
          Provides a Java representation of an SLD TextSymbolizer that defines how text symbols should be rendered.
 class UserLayerImpl
          DJB: on inlinefeature support: The inline features also lets you "sort of" make your WMS into a WFS-T.

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