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Plugin Help

The Eclipse RCP Platform provides the following:

The literature suggests the creation of separate documentation plug-ins. That is a plug-in that only consists of XML configuration files and HTML content for the help system.

In practice many plug-ins are package with there help files.




table of contents for the top level “book”


table of contents associated with a heading


maps context Ids to context-sensitive help

The above filenames are only a suggestion -
The help system actually makes use of extensions points allowing any file to be used.

plugin.xml is used to extend three kinds of extension points:

Online Help Files

The first configuration file used by Online help is one that is familiar to you - plugin.xml.

plugin.xml extension points:

      <toc file="toc.xml" primary="true"/>
      <toc file="tocconcepts.xml"/>

The next xml file is the above mentioned toc.xml file:

<toc label="XYZ User's Guide" topic="html/overview.html">
   <topic label="Concepts">
      <anchor id="concepts"/>

And the tocconcepts.xml file follows a similar format:

<toc label="Concepts" link_to="toc.xml#concepts">
    <topic label="Main Topic"  href="html/concepts/maintopic.html">
        <topic label="Sub Topic" href="html/concepts/subtopic.html" />
    <topic label="Main Topic 2">
        <topic label="Sub Topic 2" href="html/concepts/subtopic2.html" />

The configuration files refer to the following directory structure:


Help Category

Online help is traditional divided into four categories:

  • Getting Started - for tutorials
  • Concepts - to explain background information as needed
  • Tasks - really quick instructions on how to do stuff
  • Reference - screen snaps showing what everything is

Context Sensitive Help

Context sensitive help (or InfoPops) is available when the user presses the F1 key.

Context sensitive help can be associated with:

  • Control
  • IAction - when used to generate a MenuItem (not toolbar)
  • Menu
  • MenuItem

plugin.xml file extension point:

<extension point="org.eclipse.help.contexts">
       <contexts file="contexts.xml" plugin="an.example.plugin"/>

Sample context.xml file:

  <context id="add_action_context">
    <description>This command adds.</description>
    <topic label="Add" href="tasks/tasks-1.htm"/>
    <topic label="Concepts" href="html/concepts/maintopic.html"/>

To connect everything up on the UI side of things we need to know the help contexts ids.

public interface IHelpContextIds {
    public static final String PREFIX = XYZPlugin.ID + "."; //$NON-NLS-1$
        // Dialogs
        public static final String CONNECTION = PREFIX + "connection_context"; //$NON-NLS-1$

        // View
        public static final String SEARCH_VIEW = PREFIX + "search_view_context";
        // Viewers
        public static final String SEARCH_VIEWER = PREFIX + "search_viewer_context"; //$NON-NLS-1$
 // Actions
 public static final String SEARCH_ACTION = PREFIX + "search_action_context"; //$NON-NLS-1$

And finally the connection needs to be made to the control:

WorkbenchHelp.setHelp( newAction , HelpContextIds.NEW_REGISTRY_LOCATION_ACTION);

Dynamic Help

Figure out the contentProducer extension point in the hopes of generating context-sensitive help for DataStore parameter screens.

Sample Table of Contents Wizard

Eclipse provides a code generation template associated with the toc extension point.

  1. Start the Extension Point Selection Wizard


    1. Open the plugin.xml file, and switch to the extensions point tab
    2. Press the “Add” button
  2. Start the “Help Content” template


    1. Select “org.exlipse.help.toc”
    2. Select “Help Content” from the available templates
    3. Next
  3. Chose the categories required for you plug-in

    1. Note the Primary check box will result in a separate top level “book” in the help system

This is enough to get us going.


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