Package net.refractions.udig.ui

Interface Summary
Constants Constants used to layout the uDig menu structure.
Controller Strategy object for
FeatureTypeEditorDialog.ValidateFeatureType Validates the feature type to determine whether it is acceptable and can be created.
GraphicConstants This class defines constants for looking up resources that are available only within the uDig project.
HelpContextIds Help context ids for the uDig application..
IBlockingSelection This is a selection that may block upon retrieving selection.
IDropHandlerListener Listener that is notified when a drop is completed.
IFeatureTableLoadingListener A listener that is notified when the FeatureTable begins loading features and stops loading features.
MenuBuilder Deprecated. Please use org.eclipse.ui.menus extension point
PostShutdownTask Encapsulates a task that needs to be run after the workbench has shutdown.
PreShutdownTask Encapsulates a task that needs to be run at shutdown but before the workbench has been shutdown.
UDIGDropTargetListener The interface for uDig drop target listeners.
WaitCondition Condition to wait for to become true;
WorkbenchConfiguration The WorkbenchConfiguration configures the Eclipse WorkbenchWindow.

Class Summary
AbstractStrategizedTransfer This class provides the framework for a transfer to have different behaviours depending on the strategy that is set.
AbstractTextStrategizedTransfer An abstract class for all the Types of text transfers supported by uDig.
AttributeValidator Validates that an input is a legal input
BasicTypeCellEditor A Cell editor
BooleanCellEditor Cell editor for Boolean choices
CRSChooser Creates a Control for choosing a Coordinate Reference System.
CRSDialogCellEditor A dialog cell editor that opens a CRSChooser dialog.
DecoratorOverlayIcon An DecoratorOverlayIcon consists of a main icon and several adornments.
DisplayErrorCellListener Writes a message to the Status Line if available and changes the BackgroundColor of the editor if possible.
Drawing Drawing utility package - make your own previews and glyphs!
ErrorManager Provides a consistent way to handle error notifications.
ExceptionDetailsDialog An error dialog that shows a detail view with the whole stacktrace.
FeatureCollectionSelection Adapt a feature collection as a Selection so it can be used with StructedViewers.
FeatureTableControl A TreeViewer control for viewing a table of SimpleFeature attributes.
FeatureTypeEditor A composite editor based on a JFace TreeViewer for creating and editing feature types.
FeatureTypeEditor.FeatureTypeContentProvider A Tree Content Provider that serves up attributeTypes from a SimpleFeatureType as a parent.
FeatureTypeEditor.FeatureTypeLabelProvider Label provider for labeling AttributeTypes.
FeatureTypeEditorDialog Opens a dialog that allows a SimpleFeatureType to be defined.
FIDComparator Sorts features according to their FIDS.
FidSelection A selection that uses a set of fids to indicate the selection in the collection of features.
IDropAction Defines the behaviour when a drag and drop event occurs.
ImageCache A weakly referenced cache of image descriptors to arrays of image instances (representing normal, gray and disabled images).
LegalAttributeTypes Maps between the Name of a type in the combo box cell editor and the class of the type.
OffThreadProgressMonitor An IProgressMonitor that guarantees that the
OverlayCache The OverlayCache is works specifically with DecoratorOverlayIcon allowing decorators while not wasting resources.
PlatformGIS A facade into udig to simplify operations relating to performing platform operations.
ProgressFeatureCollection This is a single use collection because the monitor is used by the iterators and since iterator doesn't take one then it can only be used once.
ProgressManager Provides a consistent way to show progress of blocking operations.
ProgressMonitorTaskNamer A SubprogressMonitor that also changes the current task name when begin Task is called.
SearchPart A ViewPart with support for a background "search" process.
SelectionComparator Promotes the Features selected by the filter to the top if SWT.UP.
ShutdownTaskList This class allows a plugin to add an IShutdownTask object that will be run when uDig shuts down.
StartupOperations Add additional operation menu contributions to the screen.
UDIGDisplaySafeLock This lock is reentrant and guarantees that a display thread will not block, it will continue to call Display#readAndDispatch().
UDIGDragDropUtilities Useful methods for adding drag and drop support to controls or viewers.
UDIGMenuBuilder Deprecated.  
WarningCellEditor A Cell editor that tells the user a message.
ZoomingDialog A dialog that, on opening, will zoom from the start location/size the location of the provided dialog.

Enum Summary
ViewerDropLocation Enumerates the number of places that a element can be dropped on an element in a viewer.