Package net.refractions.udig.ui.operations

Interface Summary
ILazyOpListener Notified when the results of the OpFilter is obtained by the LazyOpFilter
IOp Define user interface needs for a for an operation.
IOpFilterListener A listener that is notified when the value of the OpFilter may have changed.
OpFilter Represents the filter element in the operation extension point.
PropertyValue<T> Determines whether a property value is true or false given an object.

Class Summary
AbstractOpFilter Abstract implementation that can be extended by OpFilter implementers.
AbstractPropertyValue<T> Abstract class that can be used as a superclass for PropertyValue implementations.
AdaptsToFilter Default impl of OpFilter
And Represents the Not element in the operation extension point.
EnablementUtil Utility class for parsing enablement children
LazyOpFilter A non-blocking version of the LazyOpFilter.
Not Represents the Not element in the operation extension point.
OpAction Creates an Action that runs an operation in a background thread when triggered.
OpCategoryContributionItem Used to fold an operation category into a menu or tool action bar.
OperationDialog A dialog that
Or Represents the Or element in the operation extension point.
OtherAction Opens a dialog with all the Operations