Package org.geotools.metadata.iso.extent

Extent implementation.


Class Summary
BoundingPolygonImpl Boundary enclosing the dataset, expressed as the closed set of (x,y) coordinates of the polygon.
ExtentImpl Information about spatial, vertical, and temporal extent.
GeographicBoundingBoxImpl Geographic position of the dataset.
GeographicDescriptionImpl Description of the geographic area using identifiers.
GeographicExtentImpl Base class for geographic area of the dataset.
SpatialTemporalExtentImpl Boundary enclosing the dataset, expressed as the closed set of (x,y) coordinates of the polygon.
TemporalExtentImpl Boundary enclosing the dataset, expressed as the closed set of (x,y) coordinates of the polygon.
VerticalExtentImpl Vertical domain of dataset.

Package org.geotools.metadata.iso.extent Description

Extent implementation. An explanation for this package is provided in the OpenGIS® javadoc. The remaining discussion on this page is specific to the Geotools implementation.

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