Uses of Class

Packages that use Node

Uses of Node in org.geotools.index.quadtree

Fields in org.geotools.index.quadtree declared as Node
protected  Node Node.parent

Methods in org.geotools.index.quadtree that return Node
 Node QuadTree.getRoot()
 Node Node.getSubNode(int pos)
          Gets the Node at the requested position
 Node Node.getParent()
 Node Node.getSibling()
 Node Node.copy()

Methods in org.geotools.index.quadtree with parameters of type Node
 void QuadTree.setRoot(Node root)
 void Node.addSubNode(Node node)
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 boolean Node.removeSubNode(Node node)
          Removes a subnode
 void Node.setParent(Node parent)

Constructors in org.geotools.index.quadtree with parameters of type Node
LazySearchIterator(Node root, IndexFile indexfile, com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Envelope bounds)
Node(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Envelope bounds, int id, Node parent)

Uses of Node in org.geotools.index.quadtree.fs

Subclasses of Node in org.geotools.index.quadtree.fs
 class FileSystemNode
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Methods in org.geotools.index.quadtree.fs that return Node
 Node FileSystemNode.copy()
 Node FileSystemNode.getSubNode(int pos)

Methods in org.geotools.index.quadtree.fs with parameters of type Node
static FileSystemNode FileSystemNode.readNode(int id, Node parent, java.nio.channels.FileChannel channel, java.nio.ByteOrder order)
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Constructors in org.geotools.index.quadtree.fs with parameters of type Node
FileSystemNode(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Envelope bounds, int id, Node parent, java.nio.channels.FileChannel channel, java.nio.ByteOrder order, int startByte, int subNodesLength)
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