Uses of Class

Packages that use TreeException   

Uses of TreeException in

Methods in that throw TreeException
 int ShapeFileIndexer.index(boolean verbose, Lock lock)
          Index the shapefile denoted by setShapeFileName(String fileName) If when a thread starts, another thread is indexing the same file, this thread will wait that the first thread ends indexing; in this case zero is reurned as result of the indexing process.

Uses of TreeException in org.geotools.index

Methods in org.geotools.index that throw TreeException
 Data Data.addValue(java.lang.Object val)
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Uses of TreeException in org.geotools.index.rtree

Methods in org.geotools.index.rtree that throw TreeException
 com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Envelope RTree.getBounds()
          Gets this index bounding box
 com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Envelope RTree.getBounds(Filter filter)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 java.util.List query)
          Performs a search on this RTree
 java.util.List filter)
          Performs a search on this RTree
 void RTree.insert(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Envelope bounds, Data data)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 void RTree.delete(com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Envelope env)
          Deletes the entry with the specified Envelope as its bounds.
 void RTree.close()
          Closes this index and the associated PageStore
          Saves this Node; this method calls doSave()
abstract  Node Node.getParent()
          DOCUMENT ME!
protected abstract  void Node.doSave()
          Saves this Node; called from save()
abstract  void PageStore.setRoot(Node node)
          DOCUMENT ME!
abstract  Node PageStore.getNode(Entry parentEntry, Node parent)
          Returns the Node pointed by this entry and having this Node as parent
abstract  void PageStore.close()
          DOCUMENT ME!

Constructors in org.geotools.index.rtree that throw TreeException
RTree(PageStore store)
PageStore(DataDefinition def, int maxNodeEntries, int minNodeEntries, short splitAlg)
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Uses of TreeException in org.geotools.index.rtree.cachefs

Methods in org.geotools.index.rtree.cachefs that throw TreeException
 void FileSystemPageStore.setRoot(Node node)
 Node FileSystemPageStore.getNode(Entry parentEntry, Node parent)
 void FileSystemPageStore.close()
 void Parameters.setNodeCacheSize(int size)
 FileSystemNode Parameters.getFromCache(long offset)
          Gets a FileSystemNode from the cache, if the node is non there, a new node will be created and added to the cache.
 void Parameters.putToCache(FileSystemNode node)
          Soters a FileSystemNode in the cache.
 void Parameters.flushCache()
          Flushes all nodes and clears the cache
 Node FileSystemNode.getParent()
 void FileSystemNode.flush()
          Flushes this node to disk Node page structure: 1 * byte --> 1 = leaf, 2 = non leaf 1 * long --> parent offset entries len * 40 --> the entries each entry is as follow 4 * double --> the bounding box (x1, x2, y1, y2) 1 * long --> the pointer (-1 if leaf) Data pages are immediatly after leaf Node pages.
protected  void FileSystemNode.doSave()

Constructors in org.geotools.index.rtree.cachefs that throw TreeException
FileSystemPageStore( file)
          Loads an index from the specified File
FileSystemPageStore( file, DataDefinition def)
          Create and index with default values, if the file exists then a TreeException will be thrown.
FileSystemPageStore( file, DataDefinition def, int cacheSize)
          Create and index with default values, if the file exists then a TreeException will be thrown.
FileSystemPageStore( file, DataDefinition def, int maxNodeEntries, int minNodeEntries, short splitAlg)
          Create and index with the specified values, if the file exists then a TreeException will be thrown.
FileSystemPageStore( file, DataDefinition def, int maxNodeEntries, int minNodeEntries, short splitAlg, int cacheSize)
          Create and index with the specified values, if the file exists then a TreeException will be thrown.
FileSystemNode(Parameters params, long offset)
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Uses of TreeException in org.geotools.index.rtree.database

Methods in org.geotools.index.rtree.database that throw TreeException
protected  void DatabaseNode.doSave()
 Node DatabaseNode.getParent()
 void DatabasePageStore.setRoot(Node node)
 Node DatabasePageStore.getNode(Entry parentEntry, Node parent)
 void DatabasePageStore.close()

Constructors in org.geotools.index.rtree.database that throw TreeException
DatabaseNode(int maxNodeEntries, javax.sql.DataSource ds, Dialect dialect, java.lang.String tableName, java.lang.Integer pageId)
          Constructor that retrieves data from the db
DatabasePageStore(javax.sql.DataSource ds, Dialect dialect, java.lang.String rtreeName)
DatabasePageStore(javax.sql.DataSource ds, Dialect dialect, java.lang.String rtreeName, DataDefinition def)
DatabasePageStore(javax.sql.DataSource ds, Dialect dialect, java.lang.String rtreeName, DataDefinition def, int maxNodeEntries, int minNodeEntries, short splitAlg)

Uses of TreeException in org.geotools.index.rtree.fs

Methods in org.geotools.index.rtree.fs that throw TreeException
 void FileSystemPageStore.setRoot(Node node)
 Node FileSystemPageStore.getNode(Entry parentEntry, Node parent)
 void FileSystemPageStore.close()
 Node FileSystemNode.getParent()
protected  void FileSystemNode.doSave()

Constructors in org.geotools.index.rtree.fs that throw TreeException
FileSystemPageStore( file)
          Loads an index from the specified File, if the file doesn't exists or is 0 length, a new index will be created with default values for maxNodeEntries, minNodeEntries and splitAlgorithm
FileSystemPageStore( file, DataDefinition def)
          DOCUMENT ME!
FileSystemPageStore( file, DataDefinition def, int maxNodeEntries, int minNodeEntries, short splitAlg)
          Create and index with the specified values, if the file exists then an RTreeException will be thrown.
FileSystemNode(Parameters params, long offset)

Uses of TreeException in org.geotools.index.rtree.memory

Methods in org.geotools.index.rtree.memory that throw TreeException
 Node MemoryNode.getParent()
protected  void MemoryNode.doSave()
 void MemoryPageStore.setRoot(Node node)
 Node MemoryPageStore.getNode(Entry parentEntry, Node parent)
 void MemoryPageStore.close()

Constructors in org.geotools.index.rtree.memory that throw TreeException
MemoryPageStore(DataDefinition def)
MemoryPageStore(DataDefinition def, int max, int min, short split)

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