Uses of Class

Packages that use GTDelta.Kind
org.geotools.event Allows for events on GeoTools nested data structures.  

Uses of GTDelta.Kind in org.geotools.event

Fields in org.geotools.event declared as GTDelta.Kind
static GTDelta.Kind GTDelta.Kind.NO_CHANGE
          Indicates no change.
static GTDelta.Kind GTDelta.Kind.ADDED
          The construct has been added (usually to a list) GTDelta defined values: getValue(): added value getOldValue(): null getPosition(): index in list, or NO_INDEX
static GTDelta.Kind GTDelta.Kind.REMOVED
          The construct has been removed (usually from a list) GTDelta defined values: getValue(): value being removed getOldValue(): null getPosition(): index in list, or NO_INDEX Since REMOVED deltas are sent before the delete is performed getValue is still valid.
static GTDelta.Kind GTDelta.Kind.CHANGED
          The construct has been changed.

Methods in org.geotools.event that return GTDelta.Kind
 GTDelta.Kind GTDeltaImpl.getKind()
 GTDelta.Kind GTDelta.getKind()
          Returns the kind of this delta.

Constructors in org.geotools.event with parameters of type GTDelta.Kind
GTDeltaImpl(GTNote notification, GTDelta.Kind kind, java.lang.Object value, java.lang.Object oldValue)
          Create a delta, with no children.
GTDeltaImpl(GTNote notification, GTDelta.Kind kind, java.lang.Object value, java.lang.Object oldValue, GTDelta delta)
          Create a delta with with a list element child delta.
GTDeltaImpl(GTNote notification, GTDelta.Kind kind, java.lang.Object value, java.lang.Object oldValue, java.util.List children)
          Create a delta, completely specifying all values.

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