Uses of Interface

Packages that use SimpleType   
org.geotools.xml.filter The package name does not map the prefix name because we feel that this is a better representation.  
org.geotools.xml.handlers.xsi Overview This package contains information about xml schemas, and processes to create parse and interpret Schema.  
org.geotools.xml.schema Schema Interfaces Overview This package is intended to provide all the necessary interfaces to semantically represent an XML Schema.  

Uses of SimpleType in

Classes in that implement SimpleType
 class ogcSimpleType
protected static class ogcSimpleTypes.CapabilitiesSectionType
protected static class ogcSimpleTypes.ExceptionsType
protected static class ogcSimpleTypes.FormatType
protected static class ogcSimpleTypes.OWSType

Methods in that return SimpleType
 SimpleType[] OGCSchema.getSimpleTypes()
static SimpleType ogcSimpleTypes.CapabilitiesSectionType.getInstance()
static SimpleType ogcSimpleTypes.FormatType.getInstance()
static SimpleType ogcSimpleTypes.OWSType.getInstance()
static SimpleType ogcSimpleTypes.ExceptionsType.getInstance()
 SimpleType[] WMSSchema.getSimpleTypes()

Constructors in with parameters of type SimpleType
ogcSimpleType(java.lang.String name, int type, SimpleType[] parents, Facet[] facets)

Uses of SimpleType in org.geotools.xml.filter

Classes in org.geotools.xml.filter that implement SimpleType
static class FilterComplexTypes.SortOrderType
          also from the 1.0.20 version, and excluded from the Schema object

Methods in org.geotools.xml.filter that return SimpleType
 SimpleType[] FilterComplexTypes.SortOrderType.getParents()
          TODO summary sentence for getParents ...
 SimpleType[] FilterSchema.getSimpleTypes()

Uses of SimpleType in org.geotools.xml.gml

Methods in org.geotools.xml.gml that return SimpleType
 SimpleType[] GMLSchema.getSimpleTypes()

Uses of SimpleType in org.geotools.xml.handlers.xsi

Methods in org.geotools.xml.handlers.xsi that return SimpleType
protected  SimpleType SchemaHandler.lookUpSimpleType(java.lang.String qname)
           convinience method for package classes
protected  SimpleType SimpleTypeHandler.compress(SchemaHandler parent)
           compacts the data resolving references.

Uses of SimpleType in org.geotools.xml.schema

Methods in org.geotools.xml.schema that return SimpleType
 SimpleType[] SimpleType.getParents()
          A simple simpleType when either a List or Restriction ...
 SimpleType Attribute.getSimpleType()
           Provides a reference to the simpleType which defines the data type of this attribute.
 SimpleType[] Schema.getSimpleTypes()
           This method is intended to provide a list of public SimpleTypes defined by this Schema.

Uses of SimpleType in org.geotools.xml.schema.impl

Classes in org.geotools.xml.schema.impl that implement SimpleType
 class SimpleTypeGT
           DOCUMENT ME!

Methods in org.geotools.xml.schema.impl that return SimpleType
 SimpleType[] SimpleTypeGT.getParents()
 SimpleType AttributeGT.getSimpleType()

Constructors in org.geotools.xml.schema.impl with parameters of type SimpleType
SimpleTypeGT(java.lang.String id, java.lang.String name, namespace, int type, SimpleType[] parents, Facet[] constraints, int finaL)
          Creates a new SimpleTypeGT object.
AttributeGT(java.lang.String id, java.lang.String name, namespace, SimpleType type, int use, java.lang.String defaulT, java.lang.String fixed, boolean form)
          Creates a new AttributeGT object.

Uses of SimpleType in org.geotools.xml.styling

Classes in org.geotools.xml.styling that implement SimpleType
protected static class sldSimpleTypes._Service

Methods in org.geotools.xml.styling that return SimpleType
 SimpleType[] sldSchema.getSimpleTypes()
static SimpleType sldSimpleTypes._Service.getInstance()

Uses of SimpleType in org.geotools.xml.wfs

Methods in org.geotools.xml.wfs that return SimpleType
 SimpleType[] WFSSchema.getSimpleTypes()

Uses of SimpleType in org.geotools.xml.xLink

Methods in org.geotools.xml.xLink that return SimpleType
 SimpleType[] XLinkSchema.getSimpleTypes()
 SimpleType XLinkSchema.Href.getSimpleType()
 SimpleType XLinkSchema.Role.getSimpleType()
 SimpleType XLinkSchema.Arcrole.getSimpleType()
 SimpleType XLinkSchema.Title.getSimpleType()
 SimpleType XLinkSchema.Show.getSimpleType()
 SimpleType XLinkSchema.Actuate.getSimpleType()
 SimpleType XLinkSchema.Label.getSimpleType()
 SimpleType XLinkSchema.From.getSimpleType()
 SimpleType XLinkSchema.To.getSimpleType()

Uses of SimpleType in org.geotools.xml.xsi

Classes in org.geotools.xml.xsi that implement SimpleType
static class XSISimpleTypes.AnyType
static class XSISimpleTypes.AnyURI
           XSI Schema instance of AnyURI
static class XSISimpleTypes.Base64Binary
           XSI Schema instance of Base64Binary
static class XSISimpleTypes.Boolean
           XSI Schema instance of Boolean
static class XSISimpleTypes.Byte
           XSI Schema instance of Byte
static class XSISimpleTypes.Date
           XSI Schema instance of Date
static class XSISimpleTypes.DateTime
           XSI Schema instance of DateTime
static class XSISimpleTypes.Decimal
           XSI Schema instance of Decimal
static class XSISimpleTypes.Double
           XSI Schema instance of Double
static class XSISimpleTypes.Duration
           XSI Schema instance of Duration
static class XSISimpleTypes.ENTITIES
           XSI Schema instance of ENTITIES
static class XSISimpleTypes.ENTITY
           XSI Schema instance of ENTITY
static class XSISimpleTypes.Float
           XSI Schema instance of Float
static class XSISimpleTypes.gDay
           XSI Schema instance of gDay
static class XSISimpleTypes.gMonth
           XSI Schema instance of gMonth
static class XSISimpleTypes.gMonthDay
           XSI Schema instance of gMonthDay
static class XSISimpleTypes.gYear
           XSI Schema instance of gYear
static class XSISimpleTypes.gYearMonth
           XSI Schema instance of gYearMonth
static class XSISimpleTypes.HexBinary
           XSI Schema instance of HexBinary
static class XSISimpleTypes.ID
           XSI Schema instance of ID
static class XSISimpleTypes.IDREF
           XSI Schema instance of IDREF
static class XSISimpleTypes.IDREFS
           XSI Schema instance of IDREFS
static class XSISimpleTypes.Int
           XSI Schema instance of Int
static class XSISimpleTypes.Integer
           XSI Schema Integer
static class XSISimpleTypes.Language
           XSI Schema instance of Language
static class XSISimpleTypes.Long
           XSI Schema instance of Long
static class XSISimpleTypes.Name
           XSI Schema instance of Name
static class XSISimpleTypes.NCName
           XSI Schema instance of NCNAME
static class XSISimpleTypes.NegativeInteger
           XSI Schema instance of NegativeInteger
static class XSISimpleTypes.NMTOKEN
           XSI Schema instance of NMTOKEN
static class XSISimpleTypes.NMTOKENS
           XSI Schema instance of NMTOKENS
static class XSISimpleTypes.NonNegativeInteger
           XSI Schema instance of NonNegativeInteger
static class XSISimpleTypes.NonPositiveInteger
           XSI Schema instance of NonPositiveInteger
static class XSISimpleTypes.NormalizedString
           XSI Schema instance of NormalizedString
static class XSISimpleTypes.NOTATION
           XSI Schema instance of NOTATION
static class XSISimpleTypes.PositiveInteger
           XSI Schema instance of PositiveInteger
static class XSISimpleTypes.QName
           XSI Schema instance of QName
static class XSISimpleTypes.Short
           XSI Schema instance of Short
static class XSISimpleTypes.String
           XSI Schema instance of String
static class XSISimpleTypes.Time
           XSI Schema instance of Time
static class XSISimpleTypes.Token
           XSI Schema instance of Token
static class XSISimpleTypes.UnsignedByte
           XSI Schema instance of UnsignedByte
static class XSISimpleTypes.UnsignedInt
           XSI Schema instance of UnsignedInt
static class XSISimpleTypes.UnsignedLong
           XSI Schema instance of UnsignedLong
static class XSISimpleTypes.UnsignedShort
           XSI Schema instance of UnsignedShort
protected static class XSISimpleTypes.XSISimpleType
           A generic implementation of a SimpleType for use by the xsi Schema.

Methods in org.geotools.xml.xsi that return SimpleType
static SimpleType XSISimpleTypes.find(java.lang.String type)
           Searches for the requested SimpleType, if not found this method returns null;
static SimpleType XSISimpleTypes.find(java.lang.Class type)
          DOCUMENT ME!
static SimpleType XSISimpleTypes.XSISimpleType.getInstance()
           This method is intended to return an instance of the implemented type.
 SimpleType[] XSISimpleTypes.XSISimpleType.getParents()
static SimpleType XSISimpleTypes.Integer.getInstance()
static SimpleType XSISimpleTypes.Decimal.getInstance()
static SimpleType XSISimpleTypes.NegativeInteger.getInstance()
static SimpleType XSISimpleTypes.NonNegativeInteger.getInstance()
static SimpleType XSISimpleTypes.PositiveInteger.getInstance()
static SimpleType XSISimpleTypes.NonPositiveInteger.getInstance()
static SimpleType XSISimpleTypes.Long.getInstance()
static SimpleType XSISimpleTypes.Int.getInstance()
static SimpleType XSISimpleTypes.Short.getInstance()
static SimpleType XSISimpleTypes.Byte.getInstance()
static SimpleType XSISimpleTypes.UnsignedLong.getInstance()
static SimpleType XSISimpleTypes.UnsignedShort.getInstance()
static SimpleType XSISimpleTypes.UnsignedInt.getInstance()
static SimpleType XSISimpleTypes.UnsignedByte.getInstance()
static SimpleType XSISimpleTypes.Float.getInstance()
static SimpleType XSISimpleTypes.Double.getInstance()
static SimpleType XSISimpleTypes.Date.getInstance()
static SimpleType XSISimpleTypes.DateTime.getInstance()
static SimpleType XSISimpleTypes.Duration.getInstance()
static SimpleType XSISimpleTypes.gDay.getInstance()
static SimpleType XSISimpleTypes.gMonth.getInstance()
static SimpleType XSISimpleTypes.gMonthDay.getInstance()
static SimpleType XSISimpleTypes.gYear.getInstance()
static SimpleType XSISimpleTypes.gYearMonth.getInstance()
static SimpleType XSISimpleTypes.Time.getInstance()
static SimpleType XSISimpleTypes.ID.getInstance()
static SimpleType XSISimpleTypes.IDREF.getInstance()
static SimpleType XSISimpleTypes.IDREFS.getInstance()
static SimpleType XSISimpleTypes.ENTITY.getInstance()
static SimpleType XSISimpleTypes.ENTITIES.getInstance()
static SimpleType XSISimpleTypes.NMTOKEN.getInstance()
static SimpleType XSISimpleTypes.NMTOKENS.getInstance()
static SimpleType XSISimpleTypes.NOTATION.getInstance()
static SimpleType XSISimpleTypes.String.getInstance()
static SimpleType XSISimpleTypes.NormalizedString.getInstance()
static SimpleType XSISimpleTypes.Token.getInstance()
static SimpleType XSISimpleTypes.QName.getInstance()
static SimpleType XSISimpleTypes.Name.getInstance()
static SimpleType XSISimpleTypes.NCName.getInstance()
static SimpleType XSISimpleTypes.Boolean.getInstance()
static SimpleType XSISimpleTypes.AnyURI.getInstance()
static SimpleType XSISimpleTypes.Base64Binary.getInstance()
static SimpleType XSISimpleTypes.HexBinary.getInstance()
static SimpleType XSISimpleTypes.Language.getInstance()
static SimpleType XSISimpleTypes.AnyType.getInstance()

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