Welcome to the uDig 1.2.0 release.

This release is made in conjunction with GeoTools 2.6.5.


Download the package appropriate to your platform, unzip and run:

Windows and Linux packages includes a Java Runtime so you really can unzip and run without making any configuration changes to your Machine. On Mac OSX uDig is able to check for Java Advanced Imaging and install if needed.

To get started with uDig:

About uDig 1.2 Series

The uDig 1.2 series highlights a lot really great ideas the developer community has been working on. We have migrated to a modern version of the GeoTools library - bringing in five years of new developments in standard support, and a host of new raster and vector formats. An exciting addition is the use of the ImageIO-ext project allowing the use of raster formats supported by GDAL.

New and capabilities of uDig 1.2 include:

About uDig 1.2.0

Features and capabilities of this release:

Notes and documentation for developers:

Release Notes

Known problems: