Uses of Interface

Packages that use AttributeType Defines the DataStoreAPI via which all data is imported or exported. DataStore implementation for the ArcSDE 8.x and 9.x spatial gateway.   

Uses of AttributeType in

Fields in declared as AttributeType
protected  AttributeType[] AbstractAttributeIO.metaData

Methods in that return AttributeType
 AttributeType JoiningAttributeWriter.getAttributeType(int i)
 AttributeType JoiningAttributeReader.getAttributeType(int i)
static AttributeType[] AbstractAttributeIO.copy(AttributeReader defs)
 AttributeType AbstractAttributeIO.getAttributeType(int position)
protected  AttributeType[] ReTypeFeatureReader.typeAttributes(FeatureType target, FeatureType origional)
          Supplies mapping from origional to target FeatureType.
 AttributeType AttributeWriter.getAttributeType(int i)
          Retrieve the AttributeType at the given index.
 AttributeType AttributeReader.getAttributeType(int index)
          Retrieve the AttributeType at the given index.

Methods in with parameters of type AttributeType
 void AbstractFeatureStore.modifyFeatures(AttributeType type, java.lang.Object value, Filter filter)
          Modifies features matching filter.
 void AbstractFeatureStore.modifyFeatures(AttributeType[] type, java.lang.Object[] value, Filter filter)
          Modifies features matching filter.
static boolean DataUtilities.isMatch(AttributeType a, AttributeType b)
          DOCUMENT ME!
static java.lang.Object DataUtilities.defaultValue(AttributeType attributeType)
          Provides a defautlValue for attributeType.
 void FeatureStore.modifyFeatures(AttributeType[] type, java.lang.Object[] value, Filter filter)
          Modifies the passed attribute types with the passed objects in all features that correspond to the passed OGS filter.
 void FeatureStore.modifyFeatures(AttributeType type, java.lang.Object value, Filter filter)
          Modifies the passed attribute types with the passed objects in all features that correspond to the passed OGS filter.

Constructors in with parameters of type AttributeType
AbstractAttributeIO(AttributeType[] metaData)

Uses of AttributeType in

Methods in with parameters of type AttributeType
static com.esri.sde.sdk.client.SeColumnDefinition ArcSDEAdapter.createSeColumnDefinition(AttributeType type)
          Creates the column definition as used by the ArcSDE Java API, for the given AttributeType.

Uses of AttributeType in

Methods in that return AttributeType
protected  AttributeType DB2DataStore.buildAttributeType(java.sql.ResultSet rs)
          Handles DB2-specific geometry types.

Methods in with parameters of type AttributeType
 void DB2SQLBuilder.sqlGeometryColumn(java.lang.StringBuffer sql, AttributeType geomAttribute)
          Generates the select column specification for a DB2 geometry column.
 java.lang.String DB2SQLBuilder.buildSQLBoundsQuery(java.lang.String typeName, AttributeType geomAttr, Filter filter)
          Builds the SQL query to get the bounds (min-max coordinate values) of a geometry column for a given filter.
protected  AttributeIO DB2DataStore.getGeometryAttributeIO(AttributeType type, QueryData queryData)
          Gets the handler to convert a geometry database value to a JTS geometry.

Uses of AttributeType in

Methods in that return AttributeType
protected  AttributeType GeoMediaDataStore.buildAttributeType(java.sql.ResultSet rs)
          Overrides the buildAttributeType method to check for GDO_GEOMETRY columns.

Methods in with parameters of type AttributeType
protected  AttributeIO GeoMediaDataStore.getGeometryAttributeIO(AttributeType type, QueryData queryData)

Uses of AttributeType in

Methods in that return AttributeType
protected  AttributeType LocationsXYDataStore.buildAttributeType(java.sql.ResultSet rs)
          Constructs an AttributeType from a row in a ResultSet.
protected  AttributeType JDBCDataStore.buildAttributeType(java.sql.ResultSet rs)
          Constructs an AttributeType from a row in a ResultSet.
protected  AttributeType BBOXDataStore.buildAttributeType(java.sql.ResultSet rs)
          Constructs an AttributeType from a row in a ResultSet.

Methods in with parameters of type AttributeType
 void GeometrylessSQLBuilder.sqlColumns(java.lang.StringBuffer sql, FIDMapper mapper, AttributeType[] attributes)
          Produces the select information required.
protected  AttributeIO LocationsXYDataStore.getGeometryAttributeIO(AttributeType type, QueryData queryData)
 void LocationsXYSQLBuilder.sqlColumns(java.lang.StringBuffer sql, FIDMapper mapper, AttributeType[] attributes)
          Produces the select information required.
protected  AttributeIO JDBCDataStore.getGeometryAttributeIO(AttributeType type, QueryData queryData)
 void BBOXSQLBuilder.sqlColumns(java.lang.StringBuffer sql, FIDMapper mapper, AttributeType[] attributes)
          Produces the select information required.
protected  AttributeIO BBOXDataStore.getGeometryAttributeIO(AttributeType type, QueryData queryData)

Uses of AttributeType in

Methods in that return AttributeType
protected  AttributeType HsqlDataStore.buildAttributeType(java.sql.ResultSet rs)
          Constructs an AttributeType from a row in a ResultSet.

Methods in with parameters of type AttributeType
protected  AttributeIO HsqlDataStore.getGeometryAttributeIO(AttributeType type, QueryData queryData)
 void HsqlSQLBuilder.sqlColumns(java.lang.StringBuffer sql, FIDMapper mapper, AttributeType[] attributes)
          Produces the select information required.

Uses of AttributeType in

Methods in that return AttributeType
protected  AttributeType JDBC1DataStore.buildAttributeType(java.sql.ResultSet rs)
          Constructs an AttributeType from a row in a ResultSet.
protected  AttributeType[] JDBC1DataStore.getAttributeTypes(java.lang.String typeName, java.lang.String[] propertyNames)
          Gets the attribute types from from a given type.
 AttributeType QueryData.getAttributeType(int index)

Methods in with parameters of type AttributeType
 void JDBCFeatureStore.modifyFeatures(AttributeType type, java.lang.Object value, Filter filter)
          Modifies features matching filter.
 void JDBCFeatureStore.modifyFeatures(AttributeType[] type, java.lang.Object[] value, Filter filter)
          Modifies features matching filter.
protected  void JDBCFeatureStore.modifyFeatures(AttributeType[] type, java.lang.Object[] value, FeatureWriter writer)
protected abstract  java.lang.String JDBCPSFeatureWriter.getGeometryPlaceHolder(AttributeType type)
          Returns the placeholder for the geometry in the insert/update statement.
 java.lang.String DefaultSQLBuilder.buildSQLQuery(java.lang.String typeName, FIDMapper mapper, AttributeType[] attrTypes, Filter filter)
          Constructs the full SQL SELECT statement for the supplied Filter.
 void DefaultSQLBuilder.sqlColumns(java.lang.StringBuffer sql, FIDMapper mapper, AttributeType[] attributes)
          Appends the names of the columns to be selected.
 void DefaultSQLBuilder.sqlGeometryColumn(java.lang.StringBuffer sql, AttributeType geomAttribute)
          Generates the select column specification for a geometry column.
 java.lang.String SQLBuilder.buildSQLQuery(java.lang.String typeName, FIDMapper mapper, AttributeType[] attrTypes, Filter filter)
          Makes an SQL Select statement.
 void SQLBuilder.sqlColumns(java.lang.StringBuffer sql, FIDMapper mapper, AttributeType[] attributes)
          Produces the select information required.
protected  AttributeIO JDBC1DataStore.getAttributeIO(AttributeType type)
          Returns the basic AttributeIO that can read and write all of the simple data types
protected abstract  AttributeIO JDBC1DataStore.getGeometryAttributeIO(AttributeType type, QueryData queryData)
          Hook to create the geometry attribute IO for a vendor specific data source.

Uses of AttributeType in

Methods in that return AttributeType
protected  AttributeType MySQLDataStore.buildAttributeType(java.sql.ResultSet rs)
          Constructs an AttributeType from a row in a ResultSet.

Methods in with parameters of type AttributeType
 void MySQLSQLBuilder.sqlColumns(java.lang.StringBuffer sql, FIDMapper mapper, AttributeType[] attributes)
          Produces the select information required.
protected  AttributeIO MySQLDataStore.getGeometryAttributeIO(AttributeType type, QueryData queryData)

Uses of AttributeType in

Methods in that return AttributeType
protected  AttributeType OracleDataStore.buildAttributeType(java.sql.ResultSet rs)
          Overrides the buildAttributeType method to check for SDO_GEOMETRY columns.

Methods in with parameters of type AttributeType
protected  AttributeIO OracleDataStore.getGeometryAttributeIO(AttributeType type, QueryData queryData)

Uses of AttributeType in

Constructors in with parameters of type AttributeType
SDOAttributeIO(AttributeType attributeType, QueryData queryData)

Uses of AttributeType in

Methods in that return AttributeType
protected  AttributeType PostgisDataStore.buildAttributeType(java.sql.ResultSet metadataRs)
          Constructs an AttributeType from a row in a ResultSet.

Methods in with parameters of type AttributeType
 void PostgisFeatureStore.modifyFeatures(AttributeType[] type, java.lang.Object[] value, Filter filter)
          Modifies the passed attribute types with the passed objects in all features that correspond to the passed OGS filter.
 void PostgisFeatureStore.modifyFeatures(AttributeType type, java.lang.Object value, Filter filter)
          Modifies the passed attribute types with the passed objects in all features that correspond to the passed OGS filter.
protected  AttributeIO PostgisDataStore.getGeometryAttributeIO(AttributeType type, QueryData queryData)
 void PostgisSQLBuilder.sqlColumns(java.lang.StringBuffer sql, FIDMapper mapper, AttributeType[] attributes)
          Produces the select information required.

Uses of AttributeType in

Methods in that return AttributeType
 AttributeType PropertyAttributeReader.getAttributeType(int index)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 AttributeType PropertyAttributeWriter.getAttributeType(int index)

Uses of AttributeType in

Methods in that return AttributeType
protected  AttributeType[] ShapefileDataStore.readAttributes()
          Create the AttributeTypes contained within this DataStore.

Constructors in with parameters of type AttributeType
ShapefileDataStore.Reader(AttributeType[] atts, ShapefileReader shp, DbaseFileReader dbf)
          Create the shapefile reader

Uses of AttributeType in

Constructors in with parameters of type AttributeType
IndexedShapefileDataStore.Reader(AttributeType[] atts, ShapefileReader shp, IndexedDbaseFileReader dbf, java.util.Collection goodRecs)
          Create the shape reader

Uses of AttributeType in

Methods in that return AttributeType
 AttributeType TigerAttributeReader.getAttributeType(int index)

Uses of AttributeType in

Classes in that implement AttributeType
 class VPFColumn
          A column in a VPF File.

Methods in that return AttributeType
 AttributeType[] VPFFeatureClass.getAttributeTypes()
 AttributeType VPFFeatureClass.getAttributeType(java.lang.String xPath)
 AttributeType VPFFeatureClass.getAttributeType(int position)
 AttributeType VPFFeatureType.getAttributeType(int position)
 AttributeType VPFFeatureType.getAttributeType(java.lang.String xPath)
 AttributeType[] VPFFeatureType.getAttributeTypes()

Methods in with parameters of type AttributeType
 int VPFFeatureClass.find(AttributeType type)
 int VPFFeatureType.find(AttributeType type)

Uses of AttributeType in

Methods in that return AttributeType
 AttributeType VPFFile.getAttributeType(int position)
 AttributeType VPFFile.getAttributeType(java.lang.String xPath)
 AttributeType[] VPFFile.getAttributeTypes()

Methods in with parameters of type AttributeType
 int VPFFile.find(AttributeType type)

Uses of AttributeType in

Methods in with parameters of type AttributeType
 void WFSFeatureStore.modifyFeatures(AttributeType[] type, java.lang.Object[] value, Filter filter)
 void WFSFeatureStore.modifyFeatures(AttributeType type, java.lang.Object value, Filter filter)

Uses of AttributeType in org.geotools.feature

Subinterfaces of AttributeType in org.geotools.feature
 interface FeatureAttributeType
          A FeatureType aware Feature AttributeType.
 interface GeometryAttributeType
          A CoordianteSystem aware Geometry AttributeType.
 interface PrimativeAttributeType
          Adds the ability to have restrictions on a particular data primitive in a declarative manner.

Classes in org.geotools.feature that implement AttributeType
 class DefaultAttributeType
          Simple, immutable class to store attributes.
 class MultiAttributeType
          Class to handle more than one occurance of an attribute.

Methods in org.geotools.feature that return AttributeType
 AttributeType DefaultFeatureTypeFactory.get(int idx)
protected  AttributeType DefaultFeatureTypeFactory.remove(int idx)
protected  AttributeType DefaultFeatureTypeFactory.remove(AttributeType type)
protected  AttributeType DefaultFeatureTypeFactory.set(int idx, AttributeType type)
static AttributeType AttributeTypeFactory.newAttributeType(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Class clazz, boolean isNillable, int fieldLength, java.lang.Object defaultValue)
          Creates a new AttributeType with the given name, class and nillable values.
static AttributeType AttributeTypeFactory.newAttributeType(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Class clazz, boolean isNillable, int fieldLength, java.lang.Object defaultValue, java.lang.Object metaData)
          Creates a new AttributeType with the addition of MetaData.
static AttributeType AttributeTypeFactory.newAttributeType(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Class clazz, boolean isNillable, Filter restriction, java.lang.Object defaultValue, java.lang.Object metaData)
static AttributeType AttributeTypeFactory.newAttributeType(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Class clazz, boolean isNillable, int fieldLength)
          Creates a new AttributeType with the given name, class and nillable values.
static AttributeType AttributeTypeFactory.newAttributeType(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Class clazz, boolean isNillable)
          Creates a new AttributeType with the given name, class and nillable values.
static AttributeType AttributeTypeFactory.newAttributeType(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Class clazz)
          Convenience method to just specify name and class.
static AttributeType AttributeTypeFactory.newAttributeType(java.lang.String name, FeatureType type, boolean isNillable)
          Constucts a new AttributeType that accepts Features (specified by a FeatureType)
static AttributeType AttributeTypeFactory.newAttributeType(java.lang.String name, FeatureType type)
          Constucts a new AttributeType that accepts Feature (specified by a FeatureType).
protected abstract  AttributeType AttributeTypeFactory.createAttributeType(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Class clazz, boolean isNillable, int fieldLength, java.lang.Object defaultValue)
          Create an AttributeType with the given name, Class, nillability, fieldLength, and provided defaultValue.
protected abstract  AttributeType AttributeTypeFactory.createAttributeType(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Class clazz, boolean isNillable, Filter restriction, java.lang.Object defaultValue, java.lang.Object metadata)
          Create an AttributeType with the given name, Class, nillability, fieldLength, and provided defaultValue.
protected abstract  AttributeType AttributeTypeFactory.createAttributeType(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Class clazz, boolean isNillable, int fieldLength)
          Create an AttributeType with the given name, Class, nillability, and fieldLength, defering the defaultValue to the type of Attribute.
protected abstract  AttributeType AttributeTypeFactory.createAttributeType(java.lang.String name, FeatureType type, boolean isNillable)
          Create a Feature AttributeType which holds the a Feature instance which is of the given FeatureType or null if any arbitrary Feature can be held.
protected abstract  AttributeType AttributeTypeFactory.createAttributeType(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Class type, boolean isNillable, int fieldLength, java.lang.Object defaultValue, java.lang.Object metaData)
          Create a Feature AttributeType which holds the a Feature instance which is of the given FeatureType or null if any arbitrary Feature can be held.
protected  AttributeType DefaultAttributeTypeFactory.createAttributeType(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Class clazz, boolean isNillable, int fieldLength)
          Create an AttributeType with the given name, Class, nillability, and fieldLength meta-data.
protected  AttributeType DefaultAttributeTypeFactory.createAttributeType(java.lang.String name, FeatureType type, boolean isNillable)
          Creates the DefaultAttributeType.Feature
protected  AttributeType DefaultAttributeTypeFactory.createAttributeType(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Class clazz, boolean isNillable, int fieldLength, java.lang.Object defaultValue)
          Implementation of AttributeType creation.
protected  AttributeType DefaultAttributeTypeFactory.createAttributeType(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Class clazz, boolean isNillable, Filter filter, java.lang.Object defaultValue, java.lang.Object metadata)
          Implementation of AttributeType creation.
protected  AttributeType DefaultAttributeTypeFactory.createAttributeType(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Class clazz, boolean isNillable, int fieldLength, java.lang.Object defaultValue, java.lang.Object metaData)
static AttributeType Schema.attribute(FeatureType type, int index)
          Look up based on name in the provided position.
static AttributeType Schema.attribute(FeatureType type, java.lang.String name)
static AttributeType Schema.xpath(FeatureType type, java.lang.String xpath)
          Look up based on name in the provided position.
 AttributeType DefaultFeatureType.getAttributeType(java.lang.String xPath)
          Gets the attributeType at this xPath, if the specified attributeType does not exist then null is returned.
 AttributeType DefaultFeatureType.getAttributeType(int position)
          Gets the attributeType at the specified index.
 AttributeType[] DefaultFeatureType.getAttributeTypes()
protected abstract  AttributeType FeatureTypeBuilder.remove(AttributeType type)
          DOCUMENT ME!
protected abstract  AttributeType FeatureTypeBuilder.remove(int idx)
          DOCUMENT ME!
abstract  AttributeType FeatureTypeBuilder.get(int idx)
          DOCUMENT ME!
protected abstract  AttributeType FeatureTypeBuilder.set(int idx, AttributeType type)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 AttributeType FeatureType.getAttributeType(java.lang.String xPath)
          Gets the attributeType at this xPath, if the specified attributeType does not exist then null is returned.
 AttributeType FeatureType.getAttributeType(int position)
          Gets the schema attributeType at the specified index.
 AttributeType[] FeatureType.getAttributeTypes()
          AttributeTypes for this FeatureType, all attributes defined by this FeatureType and its super types define schema for feature instances.

Methods in org.geotools.feature with parameters of type AttributeType
static int AttributeTypes.getFieldLength(AttributeType attr, int defaultLength)
           Returns the field length defined via a restrinction for an attribute type This should be considered the maximum allowed length for the given attribute, which means: the max number of chars in a string the maximum precision for a float no meaning for Integer, Boolean, Date?
static int AttributeTypes.getFieldLength(AttributeType attr)
           Returns the field length defined via a restrinction for an attribute type
protected  void DefaultFeatureTypeFactory.add(AttributeType type)
protected  void DefaultFeatureTypeFactory.add(int idx, AttributeType type)
protected  AttributeType DefaultFeatureTypeFactory.remove(AttributeType type)
protected  AttributeType DefaultFeatureTypeFactory.set(int idx, AttributeType type)
 int DefaultFeatureType.find(AttributeType type)
          Find the position of a given AttributeType.
static FeatureType FeatureTypeFactory.newFeatureType(AttributeType[] types, java.lang.String name, ns, boolean isAbstract, FeatureType[] superTypes)
          Deprecated. The most specific way to create a new FeatureType.
static FeatureType FeatureTypeFactory.newFeatureType(AttributeType[] types, java.lang.String name, ns, boolean isAbstract, FeatureType[] superTypes, AttributeType defaultGeometry)
          Deprecated. The most specific way to create a new FeatureType.
static FeatureType FeatureTypeFactory.newFeatureType(AttributeType[] types, java.lang.String name, ns, boolean isAbstract, FeatureType[] superTypes, GeometryAttributeType defaultGeometry)
          Deprecated. The most specific way to create a new FeatureType.
static FeatureType FeatureTypeFactory.newFeatureType(AttributeType[] types, java.lang.String name, ns, boolean isAbstract)
          Deprecated. Create a new FeatureType with the given AttributeTypes.
static FeatureType FeatureTypeFactory.newFeatureType(AttributeType[] types, java.lang.String name, ns)
          Deprecated. Create a new FeatureType with the given AttributeTypes.
static FeatureType FeatureTypeFactory.newFeatureType(AttributeType[] types, java.lang.String name)
          Deprecated. Create a new FeatureType with the given AttributeTypes.
static int FeatureTypes.getFieldLength(AttributeType type)
          This is a 'suitable replacement for extracting the expected field length of an attribute absed on its "facets" (ie Filter describing type restrictions); This code is copied from the ShapefileDataStore where it was written (probably by dzwiers).
static FeatureType FeatureTypes.newFeatureType(AttributeType[] types, java.lang.String name, ns, boolean isAbstract, FeatureType[] superTypes)
          The most specific way to create a new FeatureType.
static FeatureType FeatureTypes.newFeatureType(AttributeType[] types, java.lang.String name, ns, boolean isAbstract, FeatureType[] superTypes, AttributeType defaultGeometry)
          The most specific way to create a new FeatureType.
static FeatureType FeatureTypes.newFeatureType(AttributeType[] types, java.lang.String name, ns, boolean isAbstract, FeatureType[] superTypes, GeometryAttributeType defaultGeometry)
          The most specific way to create a new FeatureType.
static FeatureType FeatureTypes.newFeatureType(AttributeType[] types, java.lang.String name, ns, boolean isAbstract)
          Create a new FeatureType with the given AttributeTypes.
static FeatureType FeatureTypes.newFeatureType(AttributeType[] types, java.lang.String name, ns)
          Create a new FeatureType with the given AttributeTypes.
static FeatureType FeatureTypes.newFeatureType(AttributeType[] types, java.lang.String name)
          Create a new FeatureType with the given AttributeTypes.
static boolean FeatureTypes.equals(AttributeType[] attributesA, AttributeType[] attributesB)
static boolean FeatureTypes.equals(AttributeType a, AttributeType b)
 void FeatureTypeBuilder.addTypes(AttributeType[] types)
          Add an array of AttributeTypes to this factory.
 void FeatureTypeBuilder.addType(AttributeType type)
          A the given AttributeType to this factory.
 void FeatureTypeBuilder.removeType(AttributeType type)
          Remove the given type from this factory.
 void FeatureTypeBuilder.addType(int idx, AttributeType type)
          Insert the given type at the index specified.
 void FeatureTypeBuilder.setType(int idx, AttributeType type)
          Set the AttributeType at the given index.
 boolean FeatureTypeBuilder.contains(AttributeType type)
          Check to see if this factory contains the given AttributeType.
protected  void FeatureTypeBuilder.check(AttributeType type)
          Checks to see if this factory already contains the type.
protected abstract  void FeatureTypeBuilder.add(AttributeType type)
          DOCUMENT ME!
protected abstract  AttributeType FeatureTypeBuilder.remove(AttributeType type)
          DOCUMENT ME!
protected abstract  void FeatureTypeBuilder.add(int idx, AttributeType type)
          DOCUMENT ME!
protected abstract  AttributeType FeatureTypeBuilder.set(int idx, AttributeType type)
          DOCUMENT ME!
 void FeatureCollectionIteration.Handler.handleAttribute(AttributeType type, java.lang.Object value)
          The handler is visiting an Attribute of a Feature.
 int FeatureType.find(AttributeType type)
          Find the position of a given AttributeType.

Constructors in org.geotools.feature with parameters of type AttributeType
MultiAttributeType(AttributeType validator)
          Constructor with validator.
MultiAttributeType(AttributeType validator, int maxOccur)
          Constructor with validator and maxOccurs
MultiAttributeType(AttributeType validator, int maxOccur, int minOccur)
          Constructor with validator, minOccurs and maxOccurs
DefaultAttributeType(AttributeType copy)
IllegalAttributeException(AttributeType expected, java.lang.Object invalid)
          Constructor that makes the message given the expected and invalid.
IllegalAttributeException(AttributeType expected, java.lang.Object invalid, java.lang.Throwable cause)
          Constructor that makes the message given the expected and invalid, along with the root cause.

Uses of AttributeType in org.geotools.feature.type

Classes in org.geotools.feature.type that implement AttributeType
 class ChoiceAttributeType
          This represents a Choice of AttributeTypes.
static class ChoiceAttributeType.Geometric
          A special class that is made so a Choice can serve as the Default Geometry in a FeatureType, by implementing GeometryAttributeType.
 class FeatureAttributeType
          Represents an ordered list of AttributeTypes.
 class GeometricAttributeType
          Provides ...TODO summary sentence TODO Description Example Use: GeometryAttributeType x = new GeometryAttributeType( ... ); TODO code example
 class ListAttributeType
          Represents an ordered list of AttributeTypes.
 class NestedAttributeType
          This level of inheritance is intended for documentation purposes ...
 class NumericAttributeType
          Class that represents a Numeric.
 class SetAttributeType
          Represents an un-ordered Set of AttributeTypes.
 class TemporalAttributeType
          A Default class that represents a Temporal attribute.
 class TextualAttributeType

Methods in org.geotools.feature.type that return AttributeType
 AttributeType ListAttributeType.getAttributeType(java.lang.String xPath)
          Gets the attributeType at this xPath, if the specified attributeType does not exist then null is returned.
 AttributeType ListAttributeType.getAttributeType(int position)
          Gets the attributeType at the specified index.
 AttributeType[] ListAttributeType.getAttributeTypes()
 AttributeType SetAttributeType.getAttributeType(java.lang.String xPath)
          Gets the attributeType at this xPath, if the specified attributeType does not exist then null is returned.
 AttributeType SetAttributeType.getAttributeType(int position)
          Gets the attributeType at the specified index.
 AttributeType[] SetAttributeType.getAttributeTypes()
protected  AttributeType[] ChoiceAttributeType.copyChildren(AttributeType[] attributes)
 AttributeType ChoiceAttributeType.getAttributeType(java.lang.String xPath)
          Gets the attributeType at this xPath, if the specified attributeType does not exist then null is returned.
 AttributeType ChoiceAttributeType.getAttributeType(int position)
          Gets the attributeType at the specified index.
 AttributeType[] ChoiceAttributeType.getAttributeTypes()
 AttributeType FeatureAttributeType.getAttributeType(java.lang.String xPath)
          Gets the attributeType at this xPath, if the specified attributeType does not exist then null is returned.
 AttributeType FeatureAttributeType.getAttributeType(int position)
          Gets the attributeType at the specified index.
 AttributeType[] FeatureAttributeType.getAttributeTypes()

Methods in org.geotools.feature.type with parameters of type AttributeType
 int ListAttributeType.find(AttributeType type)
          Find the position of a given AttributeType.
 int SetAttributeType.find(AttributeType type)
          Find the position of a given AttributeType.
protected  AttributeType[] ChoiceAttributeType.copyChildren(AttributeType[] attributes)
 boolean ChoiceAttributeType.calculateNillable(AttributeType[] children)
 int ChoiceAttributeType.find(AttributeType type)
          Find the position of a given AttributeType.
 int FeatureAttributeType.find(AttributeType type)
          Find the position of a given AttributeType.

Constructors in org.geotools.feature.type with parameters of type AttributeType
NestedAttributeType(java.lang.String name, boolean nillable, int min, int max, AttributeType[] children, Filter restriction)
NestedAttributeType(java.lang.String name, boolean nillable, AttributeType[] children)
ListAttributeType(java.lang.String name, boolean nillable, int min, int max, AttributeType[] children, Filter restriction)
ListAttributeType(java.lang.String name, boolean nillable, AttributeType[] children)
SetAttributeType(java.lang.String name, boolean nillable, int min, int max, AttributeType[] children, Filter restriction)
SetAttributeType(java.lang.String name, boolean nillable, AttributeType[] children)
ChoiceAttributeType(java.lang.String name, int min, int max, AttributeType[] children, Filter restriction)
ChoiceAttributeType(java.lang.String name, AttributeType[] children)

Uses of AttributeType in org.geotools.filter

Fields in org.geotools.filter declared as AttributeType
protected  AttributeType
          Holds all sub filters of this filter.

Methods in org.geotools.filter with parameters of type AttributeType
 AttributeExpression FilterFactoryImpl.createAttributeExpression(AttributeType at)
 AttributeExpression FilterFactory.createAttributeExpression(AttributeType at)
          Deprecated. use createAttributeExpression( at ), will be removed for GeoTools 2.3

Constructors in org.geotools.filter with parameters of type AttributeType
AttributeExpressionImpl2(AttributeType at)
          Constructor with the schema for this attribute.

Uses of AttributeType in org.geotools.gml.producer

Methods in org.geotools.gml.producer with parameters of type AttributeType
 void FeatureTransformer.FeatureTranslator.handleAttribute(AttributeType type, java.lang.Object value)
          handles sax for an attribute.
protected  void FeatureTypeTransformer.FeatureTypeTranslator.encode(AttributeType attribute)
          Encode an AttributeType.
protected  void FeatureTypeTransformer.FeatureTypeTranslator.encodeBoolean(AttributeType attribute)
          Encode an AttributeType whose value type is a Boolean.
protected  void FeatureTypeTransformer.FeatureTypeTranslator.encodeString(AttributeType attribute)
          Encode an AttributeType whose value type is a String.
protected  void FeatureTypeTransformer.FeatureTypeTranslator.encodeNumber(AttributeType attribute)
          Encode an AttributeType whose value type is a Number.
protected  void FeatureTypeTransformer.FeatureTypeTranslator.encodeDate(AttributeType attribute)
          Encode an AttributeType whose value type is a Date.
protected  void FeatureTypeTransformer.FeatureTypeTranslator.encodeGeometry(AttributeType attribute)
          Encode an AttributeType whose value type is a Geometry.
protected  org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl FeatureTypeTransformer.FeatureTypeTranslator.createStandardAttributes(AttributeType attribute)
          Creates standard xml attributes present on all xs:element elements.

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